Note with Stick.
Kairivu New Guinea
This carved stick is Kunja cane of New Guinea.
When the war ended my company was in Kairivu, the last outpost in the world to get official notification of the Peace. During the time of waiting for the word from Wewak, for something to do, Dagwood Williamson with the aid of a pen-knife and a nail file carved the names of the places we had been and the name of our Stretcher Bearer Unit - 2/7 Battalion.
Next to the Doctor at Regimental Aide Post [R.A. P.]. I was Sgt. in Charge of Stretcher Bearers and when Dagwood Williamson asked me to accept the cane for safe keeping I was pleased to do so.
Now most of the boys have gone, so now over to you to look after it, it is the only one in the -----WORLD.
Stan Hair Red Cliffs. March 1999
The carved stick is made from Kunja Cane of New Guinea. It was hand carved with the names and places the 2/7th Battalion Stretcher bearer unit.
Carved by Dagwood Williamson, with the aid of a Penknife and a nail file.
Highly decorated and has the names Aitape, Balif, Banyak, Maprik, Yamil, Kiarivu, Wewak, New Guinea, 1944-1945, 2/7th Btn, 6 Div,
As a list. Stretcher bearers, Lofty, Stan, Norm, Bob, Jacko, Dagwood, Aussie, Mick, Lyle, Sam, Reg, Ocker, Hulla, Luppy, Stewy, Smithy, Harvey, Graham, Don, Dave, Mac x, Farmer, Vince, Farnell, Lightning.