Showing 19 items
matching roddy
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Identity Card, Identity Card for A.J. (Blue) Roddy, (estimated); 1943
Part of collection of A.J. (Blue) Roddy VX 8007Postcard sized identity card for Alfred james Roddy. Ink print on card Writing in ink, one ink stampO.H.M.S./ Post Free/ Left hand side: Form C.R.3./ Civilian Regidtration (British Subjects). / Keep this Identity card in a cover./ It will fir into an ordinary envelope./ Carry it with you when away from home.// IDENTITY CARD./ Number./ 19118 A45883/ Notify any change of place of living on Form C.R.4/ (obtainable at Post Office)./ If not delivered within 14 days/ return to Divisional Returning/ Officer at royal, red, cliffs, a j, roddy, identity, park, civilian, registration, blue -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Telegram, Telegram from Minister for the Army to Mrs. Roddy, 5:MMMM, 1941 (estimated)
A hand written telegram from the Minister for the Army to Mrs. J. Roddy to inform her of the capture of VX8007 A.J. RoddyCOMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA POSTMASTER GENERAL's DEPARTMENT/ RECIEVED TELEGRAM/ Typed section of Telgram: FUNDS MAYBE QUICKLY, SAFELY AND/ECONOMICLY TRANSFERRED BY/ MONEY ORDER TELEGRAM/ PLEASE TURN OVER./ RECIEVED TELEGRAM./ The first line of this Telegram contains the following/ particulars in the order named/ Office of Origin, Words, Time Lodged, No/ (hand written)Melbourne, 36/1, 9a, 12 , 2./ Top right hand corner: T.G. 42 (not stamped)/Office Date Stamp/sent at...../Ch'nl No..../ By ....(all of which have no markings)/ Mid Document: Remarks. This message has been recieved subject to the/post and telegraph act/ and regulations./ The time received at this office is shown at the end of this message./The date stamp indicates the date both of lodgement and of reception/ inless otherwise shown after the particulars/ of the time lodged.// Beside this is: TO (hand written) Postal acknowledgement/ Personal/ Mrs. J. Roddy 20 Emily St/Merbein 6365.// Under this handwrittten in ink: Distre 1319 To inform you that/ VX8007 A J Roddy Previously/ reported missing is now reported/ Prisoner of War Interned Carinthia/ Minister for the Army/ 9.25 ww11, pow, a j, roddy, vx8007, 1941, carinthia -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Tin Container, State Express, Tobacco Tin, (estimated); 1940
This tin is Part of the collection for A.J. Roddy VX8007Small tin for carrying tobacco, belonging to A.J. Roddy. Inside Lid: Every tin of Genuine/State Express/ ready rubbed/ Emblem/ Ardith Fine Cut/has the name ARDITH/ printed on the paper lining./ Outside of tin has a list attached to it: Melbourne; Colombo /Elquatara,Palestine/ Egypt. North Africa / Greece. Yogoslavia / Austria. Italy / Emgland. Panama / Honolulu. New Zealand / Sydney. 1940-45.of, australia, ww11, war, middle, east, prisoner, roddy, vx8007, tobacco, europe, a j blue -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Discharge Paper WW1, Copy of WW1 Discharge Paper in cover, (estimated); 1921
This is a part of the A.J. Roddy Collection. The Family have glued a piece on the envelope which says, "Dad's Discharge Paper/ Royal Irish Rifles & Royal Flying Corps./ 7-1-1915 to Dec 1921. Copy a the Discharge paper of Pte2 James Roddy, Royal Irish Rifles & Royal Flying Corps RAF 7-1-1915 to Dec 1921 and CoverCover: Cover for Certificates/ and other Documents of a/ soldier on Demobilization or Transfer to the Reseve/ or Discharge.// Front of Paper: Top right: Form 2067/ Royal Air Force/ Serial No/ Character Certificate of No 133458/ Rank Pte2 Name Roddy James/ Royal Flying Corp (Regiment (crossed out))/ Born in the Parish of / near the Town of South in the / County of ......... on the / Date 11.7.1897/ Trade as stated by him on Enlistment Postman/ 2 parallel lines/ * Description on Leaving the Colours/ Heoght 5ft 6in. Identification Marks:-/ Complexion Fresh Scar above 1st Lumbar/ Eyes Grey. Vertibrae/ Hair Brown/ Signature of Soldier/ (was signed J. Roddy/ * To prevent impersonation/ In the event of any doubt arising as to the bona fidis of the/ bearer, the above description and signature should be carefully compared with present appearance and hand writing. (16:957) WT 3183C/1875 5m.17/18. P&P Ltd/ Photostat copy of Original Opening the paper inside: The character here given is based on continous records of the holder's conduct and / employment throughout his Military Career./ This is to Certify that No 133458 Rank Pte2 Name Roddy James/ has served with the colours in the Royal Irish Rifles & Royal Flying Corps for 3 83/365 years. 1915-18/ Serving in the Royal Flying Corps as a Batman, and during/ the whole of this period carrying out his duites in a/ satisfactory manner/ There is no record of him having incurred any service/ entries on his conduct sheet during this period./ for service in the R.A.F. see form 280/ Signature ..... Squadron Leader/ Date December 1921 Commanding R.A.F. Records Ruislip/ If further particulars as to his character and record of service are required within three years of above date, apply to/ where he is registered for Civil Employment,/ afterwards to the Officer in Charge of Records./ * This space is intended to be filled in by any organisation which has registered the man's name and is prepared to/ supply further information.// Back of paper: Particulars of Service/ Date of Enlistement 7.1.15/ Preceeded on Furlough pending Transfer to the Army/ Reserve, or Discharge on... passed medically fit for the Army Reserve on/ Due for Final Discharge on../ Cause of Transfer or Discharge - Transferred to R.A.F. 1-4-18. under the provisions of the/ Air Force (Constitution) Act Oct. 1917./ Campaigns, Medals and Decorations/ France from 15.6.15 to 3.12.16/ 1914-15 Star, British War & Victory/ Medals. /Education and other Certificates and dates/corps, ww1, collection, royal, a j, roddy, flying, irish, rifles, pte2, james, 1915 -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Paper Ticket, Leave Pass Ticket WW11, 7/9/1945 (exact)
This Leave Pass ticket is part of the A.J. Roddy Collection.A large paper ticket - Leave Pass belonging to A.J. Roddy, showing details of recipient and issuing officer.Across the top of the ticket are numbers 1-31 in boxes that could be punched or marked./ Printed on the ticket, Left hand side: AAF A96/Revised/April 1943. In the centre beside this is: Australian/ Military Forces. On the right side in big Print: LEAVE PASS B8578067 Below all of this: LEAVE OF ABSENCE (with permission to proceed to below)MENTIONED/ DESTINATION HAS BEEN GRANTED TO:-/ ARMY NO. RANK NAME FROM TO/ Hand written under above headings; VX8007 Pvt. Roddy AJ, 1600hrs (& Under this) 7/9/45. Under To: 0700hrs Under this; 8/9/45/ Destination Unit Stamp/ Stamp (Metro Area)/Signature & Rank (indecipherable) PLACE.....of, australian, military, ww11, forces, leave, pass, absence -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Cartoon, "Yer know, Blue, sometimes I sit back and wishes I was 'ome", 1940 (estimated)
A.J. "Blue" Roddy was one of the people who set up the museum as it is today. Unfortunately the men didn't understand the need for records.Cartoon of soldiers in the trenches up to their waists in water wishing they were"ome". It shows the soldiers fully equipped, helmets, webbing, rifles with fixed bayonets. "Blue" was the nick name of A.J. Roddy owner of the cartoon.signed Quincay// Cartoon quotation; "yer know Blue, sometimes I sits back and wishes I was 'ome'// (hand written) one of the boys left it under my pillow 1940ww11, a j, roddy, blue, egypt, ome, helman -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Menu, POW Dinner Menu 1944, 1944 (exact)
Forms part of the A.J. (Blue) Roddy VX8007 Collection2 sheets of card used to make a menu, hand sketched xartoon on front in grey lead and ink of soldier leaning on a shovel. Inside is two menus. One is the ideal menu the second is the real menu, (Very Humerous) all hand written in ink. Brought home from POW camp by A.J. (Blue) Roddy VX8007Front page: 3rd POW/ Anniversary/ 1944/ Bottom Left corner: Notsch 10811/GW Page 1: MENU/ Hors-d'oeuores/Soup./ Consomme Minestrone Tomato Bouillon/ Fish/ Whiting Dover Soles Oysters./ Emtree/ Roast beef and Yorkshire Pudding/ Roast Pork and White sauce./ Grilled chops and peas./ Dessert. Peach Melba Fruit Salad and Cream/ Carlton Puding, Apple pie and Cream/ Ice Cream/ Coffee.// Page 2: Menu/ Horses Manoeures/ Etwas./ Yeatecomme,Tinned Tomato Bully./ Tons of it./ Salmon Red. Salmon Pink. Sardines Varied./ Enter./ Roast Bully and "Bengers" Yorkshire Pudding./ Roast Meat Roll and Horse radish sauce/ Garlic sausage Grilled spick and Etwas./ Desserted./ Rice Custard, custard,/ Fruit salad and klim, Notsch duff./ Currant Pudding and custard./ Cold klim./ Coffee - if lucky tea./ Captivity Plonk./ K.G.H. Schnapps, Soft Drinks/ Beer cocktails.of, world, war, prisoner, roddy, a j blue, menu, war11, notsch, 1944, stalag, xv111a -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Wallet, Leather Wallet, (estimated); 1940's
Wallets like these were presented to the men leaving to join the Services or before leaving Australian shores, by Firms and individuals in the communityA leather wallet (possibly Emu hide), which was presented to A.J. Roddy, by Archie McNabb, for the Chamber of Commerce, Roxy Theatre, Red Cliffs 1940.Nonecollection, ww11, a j, roddy, wallet -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Razor, Service Shaving Razor WW11, (estimated); 1940 -1945
Razor is part of the A.J. Roddy CollectionAluminium & steel Service razor -No Blade. Handle finshed in knurlingA.S.& Co R45ww11, pow, a j, roddy -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Air Mail Envelope, Prisoner of War Air Mail Letter, 21/4/1943 (exact)
This is part of the A.J. Roddy Collection. The type written 'letter' inside cannot be deciphered as the envelope is stuck with adhesive.An Air mail letter/envelope written to A.J.Roddy while a prisoner of war in Stalag XV111 APrisoner of War post/ KRIEGSGEFANGENEN POST/ Service Des Prisoneiers De Guerre/(White writing on Blue Background) AIR MAIL/ PAR AVION/ (London Post Mark) Dater 21 April 1943// Top right hand corner: 21/2D (Pence) [Stamp Postage] with head of King George V (Blue)// RANK AND NAME (typed) Pte Roddy. A. J./Surname in Block letters British Prisoner of War/ Prisoner of War No (typed) 3557/(se note on flap)/ Camp name & No: (typed) STALAG XV111A G.W. 10511/ including subsidairy/ NUMBERING OR LETTERING/ if any EG WORKING CAMP/ COUNTRY (typed) GERMANYof, collection, war, prisoner, a j, roddy, xv111a, airmail, satalag, kriegsgefangenen, post, germany -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Leisure object - Two Miniature Celluloid Dolls
This item is from a collection donated by descendants of John Francis Turner of Wodonga. Mr. Turner was born on 6 June 1885. He completed all of his schooling at Scotts Boarding School in Albury, New South Wales. On leaving school, he was employed at Dalgety’s, Albury as an auctioneer. In 1924 John was promoted to Manager of the Wodonga Branch of Dalgety’s. On 15/03/1900 he married Beatrice Neal (born 7/12/1887 and died 7/2/1953) from Collingwood, Victoria. They had 4 daughters – Francis (Nancy), Heather, Jessie and Mary. In 1920, the family moved From Albury to Wodonga, purchasing their family home “Locherbie” at 169 High Street, Wodonga. "Locherbie" still stands in Wodonga in 2022. The collection contains items used by the Turner family during their life in Wodonga. Celluloid dolls were very popular in the late 19th to mid 20th century. They were lighter and less fragile than porcelain dolls and were therefore more durable. Celluloid is one of the first synthetic plastics ever created. It is made from wood products that include cellulose nitrate and camphor. First created in 1863, it was a popular material to make items as diverse as jewellery and dolls from the 1870s through the 1930s. Celluloid is flammable, deteriorates easily if exposed to moisture and can be prone to cracking and yellowing.This item comes from a collection used by a prominent citizen of Wodonga. It is also representative of a domestic item common in the 1930s.2 miniature celluloid dolls dressed in hand-made clothes. Doll in blue dress also has shoes painted on the celluloid.On back of doll: RODDY MADE IN ENGLAND"vintage dolls, leisure items, miniature dolls, children's toys -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Certificate, Certificate of Interrogation Questionniares, 14/5/1945 (exact)
There is some information hidden by the hand written information on a card in the middle of the certificate.A small card sized certificate belonging to A.J. Roddy with type written fields completed in ink by the interrogating officer. There is type written information outlining the requirements for the card holder. Card was produced by M19 and interrogation by Intelligence Officer 14 May 1945.Top of Card Type Written in Capitals: CERTIFICATE IN RESPECT OF COMPLETION OF MI9 INTERROGATION QUESTIONNAIRE./Left hand side: CERTIFIED THAT/ NUMBER (in ink) VX8007 RANK (ink) DVR./Name & Initials in BLOCKS (ink) RODDY AJ/Unit (ink) AMN Coy AASC 6 Australian Div/ has completed MI9/ Date (ink) 14 May (Typed) 45/ The Centre of the card is covered with a hand written note that states:- On arrival in England/ spent the first whole/ day in interrogation/ many Nazis were picked up by this method./ A.I.S. (I.S.9), ink Signature L.E. Friend Capt/C.M.F. Intelligence Officer./ Note. This Certifivate MUST be carefully retained by the individual with whom/ it refers and MUST be/ produced to the appropriate authorities on request,/ whether in the Middle East, North Africa or the United Kingdom.officer, certificate, interrogation, questionnaire, certified, intelligence -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
POW Camp Money, POW 5 Lira Camp Money, (estimated); 1942-1945
Part of a collection of POW items by VX8007 A.J. Roddy, Ammo Coy, A.A.S.C. 6 Division, POW in Greece CampaignLow Grade paper with printed information, for use in Italian POW Camp. Has N6544 on it. Prigionieri Di Guerra/ Buono fiduciano da L.5/ Valevole soltanto Nell' interno del cmpo di concentramento/ N. 6544 / Lire Cinqueww11, pow, italian, camp money, 5 lira, a j roddy -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
POW Camp Money, POW One Lira Camp Money WW11, (estimated); 1942-1945
Part of a collection of POW items by VX 8007 A.J. Roddy, AMMO Coy, A.A.S.C., 6 Division. POW in Greece CampaignLow Grade paper with printed information, camp commanders signature. For use in in Italian Prisoner of War Camp No 106Campo P.G. No106. PM 3100. No 2696. Buono per L. Una. Il Comandante. Vale solo presso lo spaccio del campocamp, ww11, pow, italian, money -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Ephemera - Emu Creek Bush Band Collection: Business card
"Tipplers All" was a band started in Chewton/Castlemaine that became known for their folk music. Initial members included, Ian Huxley, Gordon Cowan, Gillian Harris, Roddy Reid, and Helen McGeachin.A business card for Tipplers All Traditional Folk Music with contact details for Ian Huxley from the 1970s. Card is cream card with dark brown text and features an engraved illustration of colonial musical instruments. emu creek bush band, australian colonial dance, ian huxley, tipplers all -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Mr and Mrs Trucco and Mr and Mrs Davies
Former internees and families of Camp 13. 2 couples, Mr and Mrs Roddy Davies and Dr and Mrs Trucco, of Edinburgh Scotland, on left. Mr Trucco was Lieutenant Riccardo Trucco, Italian POW camp 13, who was the dentist at that camp. Colour photograph of 2 couples standing in front of the Museum wall with part of the Museum sign to the left of the photograph.roddy davies, dr trucco, lieutenant riccardo trucco, italian pow's, camp 13, riccardo trucco, lieutenant trucco, camp 13 dentist, ww2 internment camp dentist -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Hat Badge, Hat Badge Royal Irish Rifles WW1, (estimated); around 1900
The Royal Irish Rifles was a British Army Infantry Regiment. It dates back to the reign of King George 111. In 1793 the British Army raised 2 new Regiments to meet the commitmentd of the war with the French First Republic. In 1881 under the Childers Reforms these 2 regiments were amalgamated to form the Royal Irish Rifles,it saw service in the Second Boer War, Great War. In 1921 it was renamed the Royal Ulster Rifles. Quis Separabit = "Who shall seperate us" (Latin) In 1968 under reforms of the army, was amalgamated with The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers and the Royal Irish Fusiliers to form the Royal Irish Rangers. More information on this Regiment can be found on Wikipedia under Royal Ulster RiflesThis Royal Irish Rifles Hat badge appears to be a Pewter type alloy with brass clip. At top a Crown. Centre is harp shaped. Left side of harp has the figure of a siren her wings join to the right side of the harp which is a bar? adorned with raised decor. Bottom is a scroll with the lettering- Qius Separabit.Royal Crown Harp -Siren on left, wings joining to the right side with raised decor Scroll has - Quis Serarabithat, ww1, collection, royal, badge, a j, roddy, irish, rifles, pte2, james, ulster -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Book, Charles Kenneth Thompson, Old Bob's Birds, 1950
This is a delightful book that will appeal to children of all ages, and especially those of the tenderer years. Old Bob the sundowner is a character who will endear himself to young readers. So will his two small friends, Roddy and Susan, to whom he imparts all the vast lore of the bush he has gained during a lifetime of wandering.There is no dust cover. Front cover shows the series name, the title of the book, the author's name and the publisher's name.fictionThis is a delightful book that will appeal to children of all ages, and especially those of the tenderer years. Old Bob the sundowner is a character who will endear himself to young readers. So will his two small friends, Roddy and Susan, to whom he imparts all the vast lore of the bush he has gained during a lifetime of wandering.australia, nature, birds, c.k. thompson, fiction, old bob -
Merbein District Historical Society
Book, From Battlefield to Block (c 2003), 1914-1918
merbein west settlement, arthur shugg, john clayton, fraser ludbrook, william john kirwin, thomas murphy, george bowden, horace allen, anthony verryk-fleetwood, peter murphy, william hamilton, henry duffield, douglas mctaggart, george picton, robert lawson, williams forsyth, henry furze, robert norman, james thomas, edwin pegler, james buxton, christopher barry, sidney wells, clarence wescombe, arthur geer, charles woodham, bruce lillywhite, howard iredale, william sargentson, john pasini, friedrich bosenberg, william phayer, william smythe, william williams, walter freeman, james philpott, frederick carey, alexander mcarthur, leslie mayne, herbert heaysman, sydney soliague, william allen, alfred rawlings, john mckay, neil "boss" mcginty, john young, louis wilson, albert stewart, leopold pearce, joseph kinniburgh, joseph hopkins, christian fleck, herbert hunt, thomas mcdonald, walter sibley, harry ford, william smith, albert skinner, frederick kneebone, bert kinniburgh, hector down, james scott, william murphy, thomas pryor, archibald mcdougall, john hennessy, gustav johnson, adrian brown, rudolph fechner, john box, edward higgins, john wolstenhome, percival bailey, percy bull, edward o'connor, roddy larkin, malcolm mckenzie, edward lawler, george steege, tom cupper, charles johns, frederick langdon, george mcdonnell, alfred bridley, raoul gelly, arthur morrison, herbert sutherland, nelson wellington, james lane, roy jerom, frederick treen, william thompson, rupert hayes, james box, sidney flenley, leslie goodie, john sutton, thomas hanley, keith wood, herbert chambers, mortimer plane, john mcmahon, robin mcdonnell, thomas kennedy, harry bull, ernest smith, walter allen, lawrence mayne, james shillington, frederick goucher, frederick handasyde, rupert hammet, clive kneebone, thomas mckenzie, james hudson, walter galbraith, walter smythe, lindsay cameron, john rainbow, john alexander, henry flenley, guy palmer, walter bruce, birdwoodton