Book, The Poetical works of Thomas Hood, [n.d.]

Historical information

This book The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood was awarded to Margaret Jane McGowan as second prize for Latin and Class work. Margaret was one of the first enrolments to Clarendon Ladies' College at the age of 12. Margaret's father, Samuel, and mother, were personal friends of the Reverand Robert and Mrs. Kennedy. Margaret attended school in the same class as the Kennedy's eldest son Tom who was 11 at the time. Margaret's sister Edith was the 2nd enrolment to the college. Margaret resided at 15 Royal Terrace Webster Street, Ballarat. Her parents were employed as Carrier and forwarding agents. Margaret's married name became Steele. Archives also hold a second book prize awarded to Margaret (000126).


Socially significant due to connection with first prize-giving ceremony for Clarendon Ladies' College.

Physical description

Blue and gold decorative cloth cover, corners and edges rubbed, page edges gilt, gold lettering on front cover and spine; embossed border on back cover; two black and white plates; 414 p.

Inscriptions & markings

Book plate inside front cover: CLARENDON LADIES' COLLEGE/BALLARAT/Second PRIZE/ Latin and Class work/AWARDED TO/J McGowan/R KENNEDY PRINCIPAL/18TH December, 1879 Hand-written inscription on flyleaf: This book was a Prize/at the first Prize-giving/of the College/The College having been/ established/in 1878.

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