Historical information

This large compass is well made. It is now pitted and scratched, indication much use.

Compasses were used to measure and mark out the head of the barrel by coopers. Very large compasses were used by block, spar and pump makers to help shave off angles left by axes and other tools on mast sides. Also they were used by blacksmiths in their work draftsmen, carpenters, engineers and navigators.


This compass is an example of a drawing instrument that could have been used in the 19th and early 20th century by coopers and blacksmiths as well as navigators and ship smiths.

Physical description

Compass; large metal compass, 90-degree angle, two pointed arms hinged at the top. Inscription on the top of one arm.

Inscriptions & markings

Stamped into the metal " J J E " ( or J J F )