Historical information

This barometer was part the hydrology and forestry groups working within the SEC Vic Hydro Scheme from the initial appraisal review long before any construction began in the 1940's. The river flows and rainfall patterns had to be established before any construction of holding dams or tunneling could commence.


This barometer is very relevant to the Kiewa Valley history because it presents the high degree of professional and technical information required at the time before implementing the "Scheme" upon the virgin alpine region and its effects upon the "natural" flows of the rivers within the Kiewa Valley. Time since the start of the project has verified the use of instruments such as this barometer and the information gained from its use that the success of any large impact upon a sensitive environment requires a thorough and systematic study before implementation. Weather records were kept of temperature, wet-bulb temperature, wind direction, speed and barometric pressures. To record barometric pressure a meter was devised with a clockwork mechanism which took one week to do a revolution. A chart was fitted to a drum and had an ink pen shaped like a little shovel. The shovel was filled with ink and was checked daily. To calibrate the barometer it was sent to the Melbourne General Post Office to be compared against the one there (at sea level). After calibration it was sent back to the Bogong Camp.

Inscriptions & markings

On plaque on top side."NEGRETTI & ZAMBRA" underneath this and in smaller print "TRADE MARK" below this "LONDON" On the bottom and in small print "HOBART DUFFPty Ltd COLLINS HOUSE MELBOURNE C1"