Historical information

Wendy STAVRIANOS (1941- )
Born Melbourne, Victoria

Since 1967 Wendy Stavrianos has held regular solo exhibitions in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. She initially trained at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and was awarded a Diploma of Fine Art in 1961, followed by a Master of Art (Fine Art) from Monash University in 1997.

The art of Wendy Stavrianos has an intensity which permeates the surface into the imagery that expresses her deeply felt inner progress, while acknowledging and calling upon the figurative associations of her outward journey. Vision Through Darwin' was completed during the artist's term as lecturer at Darwin Community College (1973-1975), and is the result of experiencing and surviving Cyclone Tracey om December 1975.

This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 2000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.