Photograph - Photograph - black and white, Ballarat Junior Technical School Staff, c1913, c1913

Historical information

In February 1913 the Ballarat Junior Technical School opened its doors to its 86 pupils. The old bluestone building in the grounds of the Dana Street Primary School became their temporary for eight years. In its early years the school offered only a two-year course. The first year was of a general nature giving a thorough grounding in Mathematics and Instrumental Drawing, and introducing students to the various branches of trade work. The second-year students studied for the Junior Technical Certificate and specialized in a course of their choice - either a trade (Woodwork or Fitting and Turning) or a course leading to higher studies at the School of Mines.
The photograph shows the Albert Steane, the first Headmaster, with other members of Staff outside the Dana Street Primary School where the Junior Technical School first began.

Physical description

Black and white photograph of eight men in front of Dana Street Primary School. They are the original members staff of the Ballarat Junior Technical School.

Standing left to right: Frank N. King, Harold G. Wakeling, Sam Mayo, H.Victor Maddison

Sitting left to right: H.W. Malin, Albert W. Steane (Headmaster), William J. Paterson, Rex L. Cutter

.1) is framed with oak mount and calligraphy

Inscriptions & markings

Junior Technical School
Old Building

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