Letter - Correspondence, Inwards correspondence to the Ballarat School of Mines, 1908, 1908

Historical information

The Ballarat School of Mines was established in 1870 and was the first site of technical education in Australasia.

Physical description

Correspondence to the Ballarat School of Mines for the month of August 1908.

Includes correspondence from:
*Jumbunna Coal Mine, South Gippsland
* Ballarat Fine Art Public Gallery Association

Letter 289
Ballarat Dine Art Public Gallery Association Ballarat
21 August 1908
F.J. Martell Esq
Director The Ballarat School of Mines
The reply to request contained in your letter dated 11 June for transfer to the President Council of the Ballrat School of Mines of Debenture Stock referred to therein, I am instructed to inform you that the Council of the Ballarat Fine Art Public Gallery Associaiton finds, after exhaustive inquiry, that although it has been the practice, for convenience sake, to classify the Association assets under seperate headings, the Debenture Stock in question has always been justlu regarded as all assets of the Association with which it did not parch when consenting , in late 1893, to accept the Deparmental Regulations for Technical Art Schools. The Council is, therefore, of opnion that it would be acting wrongfully to make the desired transfer.
I have the honor to be,
Your obedient Servant, J.A. Powell

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