Historical information

The engraving possibly relates to William Piercy Austin No 618. Enlisted 17.8.14 in 5th Batt Machine Gun Sect age 22 years 3 months. Embarked for Egypt 21.10.14 then for Gallipoli and the landing. promoted to L/Cpl 9.5.15, hospital 1.9.15 with Dysentry and then Debility. Transfer to 57th Batt 24.5.16, embark for France 21.6.16, detached to 5th Div MG School, hospital 5.7.16 with Scabies, return to duty 21.7.16, posted on strength of 15th MG Coy 4.11.16, Promoted to Sgt 4.1.17, detached to 58th Batt, promoted to Lieut 29.1.17 and transfers to 60th Batt, hospital 19.2.17 with Trench Feet, while in England recovering hospital with Abcess, rejoin unit in the field, 8.8.17, transfer to 5th MG Batt 30.5.18, discharged from the AIF 21.6.19.

Physical description

.1) Compass, Magnetic Prismatic. Serial No 97299
.2) Povat, leather, belt mounted

Inscriptions & markings

.1) Engraved “15th MGC AIF Lt W. P. AUSTIN”