Historical information

00354.1 Letter dated 8th April 1943 from Holmbush Committee to Captain Bert Frank and Mrs Frank confirming their appointment as Housemaster and Matron of Holmbush at a salary of £6 per week plus board and quarters. A copy of the Duties and rules of Conduct were enclosed but are not found here.
00354.2 Letter dated 10 April 1943 from Mr B Frank accepting the positions.
Holmbush was the first hostel for children that Legacy started and operated from April 1943. It was later renamed Blamey House after another hostel called Blamey House was closed.
Melbourne Legacy ran three residences: Blamey House (purchased 1947) , Stanhope (purchased 1945) and Harelands (purchased 1950), to take care of children whose fathers were servicemen, and who may have been left orphans, or whose mother may have been unable to care for them herself. Harelands accommodated boys and girls under the age of 14, Blamey House looked after boys over 14, and Stanhope looked after girls over 14. The children were cared for until they were old enough to become independent.


A record of written correspondence in 1943 and a record of the first manager and matron of Holmbush.

Physical description

00354.1 Beige quarto copy paper, black type, two hole punched.
00354.2 White quarto lined note paper, black ink handwriting, two hole punched.