Historical information

This album containing 50 photographs depicts a year at the Mission in 1928:

Wedding of the Dora Walker with Harry Simpson on 14 February.
Picnic at Riversdale Hawthorn, 1 January 1928
Ships in Port Melbourne in November: HMAS Australia, HMAS Brisbane, and destroyers Anzac, Success, Swordsman
Wharfs, Victoria Dock, Stevedores
Picnic in Finhaven, Kew, the Buchan's Property for Cup Day (6 November)
Views of Port Melbourne from 1888 building
Monday 29 October: return of Archbishop of Melbourne (Dr. Harrington Lees), who had spent a 10-month holiday in England with his wife. Arrival on the RMS Maloja

Two photographs are missing.


Pre Great Depression, 1928 was a difficult year in Melbourne and also for the Mission. Ships were rare on the wharfs meaning seamen were also rare in the missions. However they started the fundraising for the extension of the 1888 Port Melbourne building which was becoming too small.

At the end of the year, Reverend Weller announced he was appointed assistant in London. He and his wife Alexina left in January 1929 after five years. They sailed on the Osterley on the 22 January 1929.