Historical information

A pelvimeter is used in obstetrics for measurement of the female pelvis, with the aim of attempting to determine whether there will be any potential issues with a vaginal birth.
This pelvimeter is similar in style to Martin's pelvimeter (see Aesculapius).


This instrument was included with other obstetric instruments, mostly destructive instruments, given to RANZCOG from Box Hill Hospital labour ward in February- March 1998. The maternity service at Box Hill Hospital combined with St Geroge's Hospital in Kew to be known as Birralee Maternity Service. These instruments were collected by Julie Collette, Unit Manager, St George's Kew and given to RANZCOG Museum Curator, Susan Barnett.

Physical description

Pelvimeter, manufactured by Ramsay. Metal device with calibrator graduated to 18 inches/ 45 cms. Inscribed " Ramsay" upper arm.

Inscriptions & markings


