Historical information

Victor Bonney (1872- 1953) was a gifted and innovative surgeon. One of Bonney’s most notable achievements was his development of a successful procedure for myomectomy. After his wife developed fibroids and had her uterus removed early in their marriage, Bonney took a great interest in the practice of conservatism in surgery. Prior to Bonney, myomectomy “had fallen into disuse because of excessive blood loss during the operating and the infections that commonly followed” (Chamberlain, 'The master of myomectomy') , but Bonney saw an opportunity to revolutionise this practice. In his words:
“I set myself to make myomectomy so feasible, successful and safe as to render it a fair alternative to hysterectomy in every case… Excepting only in a very few instances… I have succeeded, and now enter the operating theatre free of the trammels which at one time too often compelled my hand against my heart.” (Bonney, 'The fruits of conversatism')
Bonney’s crucial innovation was the development of a new surgical clamp, an instrument which is now referred to as Bonney’s myomectomy clamp. The clamp was ingeniously designed to cut off blood supply to the uterus by compressing the uterine arteries, immediately reducing the excessive blood loss which had previously been associated with the procedure.

Although technological advances mean that these are now seldom used, Bonney’s success with this procedure was such that his clamps were regularly used for myomectomy procedures for decades after his death.


This instrument was included with other obstetric instruments, mostly destructive instruments, given to RANZCOG from Box Hill Hospital labour ward in February- March 1998. The maternity service at Box Hill Hospital combined with St George's Hospital in Kew to be known as Birralee Maternity Service. These instruments were collected by Julie Collette, Unit Manager, St George's Kew and given to RANZCOG Museum Curator, Susan Barnett.

Physical description

Stainless steel clamp. Scissor type instrument with two sets of finger grips and a locking ratchet mechanism. The blades close to form two apertures which can be selectively decreased in size.

Inscriptions & markings

"DOWN BROS LONDON STAINLESS" upper surface of RH handle; "B.H.H.L. WARD" inner surface of LH handle.