Photograph, Footbridge across Back Creek, 1980, 1980

Historical information

South Surrey Park was developed on land which had been the property of the Kleinert family. Their land extended from Union Road to Essex Road. They ran horses, ducks and fowls and Emily Kleinert grew flowers.
Alan Holt research: Lot 6 was sold to Martin Klienert by Karl Richter in 1860 together with a portion of another adjacent lot. From 1860-1885 Martin worked it as a market garden leasing some land for grazing when it was not required for gardening. He died in 1898. In a formal document, William declared he was the son of Martin "who purchased land in 1860, died in 1898 and the land has been continually occupied by father and family since. It has been cultivated as a market garden; when not being used for gardening it was let for cultivation and grazing." William died in 1939 and the property passed to his sons Martin and Ernest.
The family sold the land to the Camberwell Council in the 1950s.
The original footbridge was opened by Sir Winston Dugan in 1936.

Physical description

Black and white photo of a wooden footbridge with large trees and shrubs obscuring its surrounds.

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