Australian Nursing Federation Victorian Branch 'Jeff Kennett' protest badge, [1993?]

Historical information

Badge campaigning against the Victorian Liberal government's widespread privatisation of the public health service (and other public services) in the 1990s, which resulted in job cuts and site closures throughout the state. The Australian Nursing Federation, the union representing nurses in Victoria, was a strong opponent of these cuts and closures, that resulted in pressure applied on an already overstretched and poorly resourced group of workers.

"In a context of high unemployment and an ideological commitment to small government, there were widespread job losses and people affixed stickers to their cars saying 'I've been Jeffed', i.e. made redundant. The cuts were not confined to government employees and many staff of private enterprises also lost their jobs. This was the era of the 'consulting poor' as professional staff struggled to make a living as independent consultants, rather than employees. They were well paid for short term contracts, but continuity of work was hard to find." (Sally Wilde, 'The History of Prahran 1990-1994', 2000)

Physical description

Circular blue, red and white plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back.

Badge printed with 'I've been 'Jeffed' and I'm paying the Penalty!' and 'ANF [Australian Nursing Federation] VIC. [Victorian] BRANCH'. 'Jeffed' refers to the then Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett (1992-1999).


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