Photograph student at Tarnagulla School, circa 1910, Students at Tarnagulla School, circa 1910, circa 1910

Historical information

Murray Comrie Collection.

Physical description

Monochrome photograph of students at Tarnagulla State School, assemble for a group photo. Undated but probably around 1910.

Copy of an original photograph, copy probably made in the 1980s-1990s.

Same photograph is published on Tarnagulla History page at:

with the following names given:

Back row: Vera Aspinal, Beatrice Taylor, Evelyn Davies, Kate Lynch, Ettie Whimpey, Lelie Allen, Janie Cox.

Fourth row: Myrtle Sheldon, Grace Hayes, Fanny Page, ____ Wilson, Norma Aspinal, Esther Laidlaw, Olive Radnell, Jessie May.

Third row (widest): Maude Foers (?), Maria Jago, Daisy Cox, Lena Fitzgerald, Florrie Ousley, Olly Williamson, _______Hennessy, Gertie Jenkins, Addie Radnell, ______ _______ , _____Wilson, Katie Lyndon, _____Pallot, Lila Smith, Bessie Clark.

Second row: Kate Green, Maggie Dyer, Myrtle Dyer, Elsie Williams, Grace Langon, Sophia Hayes, Violet Dyer, Amy Smith, ______ ______, Polly Franklin, May Barton, Winnie Runting, May Duggan.

First/front row: _______ Wilson, Gwen Williams, Elsie Hatt, Doris Hatt, Florrie Cousins, ________ Wilson, Prudy Clark, Eva Poole, Renie Radnell.

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