Album - Black and white prints and negatives, James Leslie Provan, Photograph Collection, 1940-1950

Physical description

Collection of 39 black and white photographs. Some photographs with handwritten annotations in what looks like the handwriting of J.L. Provan. Mostly at Burnley, some at Moorabbin. (1) "Opium Poppy 1942 Burnley. Publicity Branch Department of Agriculture." Negative in envelope marked, "Prints 1 of No. 398 Department of Agriculture 'McP.' " (2) Grape vine and cabbages. (3) Rows of seedlings in the Orchard. (4) Orange tree? unpruned. (5) Flowers. (6) "Double and single rows of French Beans." (7) "Sage & marjoram." (8) Hydrangeas. (9)Sprinkler on newly planted cabbages. (10a)"Lettuce Iceberg 1/1/43." Seeds on soil surface. (10b) "Lettuce Iceberg 1/1/43." Seedlings emerging. (11)? planted in terracotta pipes. (12) Rows of seedlings in the Orchard. (13) "A student sowing Parsnip seed in a drill row. School of Horticulture Burnley Gardens." (14) Student distributing fertilizer? (15) Similar. (16) Similar. (17a) Flowers. (17b) Flowers. (18)"Beetroot Crimson Globe." (19) A seed drill. (20)Canna. (21a) Vegetable rows. (21b) ? (22) Student hoeing. (23) Student hoeing. (24) Similar. (26) "Cabbage Burbees Allhead 2/2/43," seedlings. (27) Water, manure, etc. (28) "Celery beds Ray Marriott Moorabbin April 2nd 1943." (29-37) Also at Moorabbin probably: (29) Vegetables. (30) Onions. (31) Vegetables. (32) Planting seedlings. (33) Vegetables. (34) Celery, carrots, turnips on display. (35) Carrots growing and just pulled up. (36) Peas. (37) Ploughing with horse. (38) Student spraying vegetables at Burnley. (39) House?

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