Historical information

The address on letter/envelope is very hard to decipher, it is possibly 314 Newtonville Ave Newton USA which does come up in search. The letter also mentions “Vernon”, refer Cat No 4501.2

Physical description

.1) .2) .3) Letter 3 pages, blue paper plain, all hand written in blue ink.
.4) Envelope blue colour, one end white stick on label “Opened by censor”, date stamp centre, stamp “give to Red Cross War Fund, green 5 cent postage stamp, addressed to in blue ink, rear has senders details in blue ink.

Inscriptions & markings

.1) Refer in Context, letter addressed to “My Dear Mrs Guiney, signed from “Lorraine G. Phipps”.
.4) Envelope addressed to “Mrs Greta Guiney, 126 Sternberg Street Bendigo Victoria Australia”
