Historical information

Photos of what appears to be a picnic in the bush with Holmbush children and legatees, possibly in the 1940s. The matron is the lady in the hat and is believed to be Dorothy Farmer, names of the children and legatees are not known. One photo shows a tripod of branches that had been erected to hold a pot over the campfire. Also some of the cars that took them on the outing.
From a photo album which contains photos of Holmbush and some of the excursions and events that happened there, appears to have been put together in the 1940s. Including trips to the zoo and picnics.
Holmbush at 1267 Burke road, was one of the properties that Legacy used for Junior Legatees. It was purchased 1942. In 1957 Holmbush was renamed Blamey House until it was sold in 1977.


A compilation of photos of the matron and junior legatees from the Legacy residences on an outing with legatees.

Physical description

Black and white photo x 2 of Matron, children and Legatees on a bush picnic pasted to the page of an album.