Physical description

A4 size wire-bound book compiled by Bryce Raworth

Inscriptions & markings

INTRODUCTION: This heritage impact assessment (HIS) was prepared at the request of the City of Maroondah, the owner of the subject property at 1 Bedford Street (sic), Ringwood. It relates to a proposal to demolish the existing shop on the site and construct a multi-storey car park incorporating a commercial tenancy at the lower levels. It reviews the significance of the existing building on the site and the contribution it makes to the surrounding streetscapes, then comments on the heritage impacts of the proposed demolition in the context of the significance of the place and broader considerations. This office has previously provided an Historical Overview of the subject site (June 2020) and this assessment draws upon that previous research and analysis. The report has been prepared by Guy Murphy and Bryce Raworth.

CONCLUSION: The proposed demolition of the former Blood Brothers Store at 1 Bedford Street (sic), Ringwood and the construction of a multi-storey car park on the enlarged site will result in the loss of some significance to the Heritage Overlay. The degree of loss is moderated by the partial intactness of the store, its modest character and the loss of its original setting, as well the proposal to implement a heritage interpretation strategy for the site. When considered in the context of the broader range of urban planning considerations and broader net community benefit, the proposed development is supported with respect to heritage impacts.