Print - Religious Portrait, Herbert Beecroft, artist, The Lord turned and looked upon Peter … and Peter remembered, 1947

Historical information

This print of Christ is slightly smaller than the original 1927 oil painting by Herbert Beecroft, which is titled “Christ” and measures, in centimetres, 60 high by 50 wide. The original is displayed at John Wesley’s House & The Museum of Methodism in Islington, England.

The title of the print is taken from the Holy Bible, from the New Testament book of Luke, chapter 22 verse 61, which is a famous Christian account of Jesus being betrayed by Peter, which leads to Jesus’ crucifixion; “And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.”.

The print was published in 1942 by the National Sunday School Union in England, now known as the National Christian Education Council. The NSSU was established in Britain in 1803 to promote Sunday Schools in Britain and overseas. The organisation produced many publications including training manuals and materials for Sunday School teachers.

Herbert Beecroft 1864-1951, also known as Lawrence Herbert Beecroft, was an early 20th-century artist. He and his wife emigrated from England to Sydney, Australia, in 1905. He worked as a painter, illustrator, miniaturist ‘lightning cartoonist’, and lecturer. From 1927 Beecroft painted a series of portraits of Jesus Christ, prints of which made many worldwide sales. He entered a miniature portrait in the 1921 inaugural Archibald Prize competition. It was one of forty-one entries but the title was unknown. It is highly probable that it was JF Archibald, the person who endowed the prize, first awarded in 1921.


This print of Christ, originally painted by Herbert Beecroft, represents the social movement in the early 20th century to educate all children in good morals and Christianity.

Physical description

A religious portrait of the artist’s impression of Jesus. The print is in a gilt timber frame behind glass. The frame has eyelets and wire for hanging. The backing paper lifts to reveal a handwritten pencil inscription.

The portrait shows a male figure from the waist up facing the viewer but turned slightly to his right. He has long wavy blond hair, a moustache and a beard. He wears a blue-grey robe over a collarless white shirt. The background is red-brown. It is the artist’s impression of Jesus.

The whole frame-mat has script text above and below the print, giving its title, and details of the publisher and producer.

This print was produced from an original 1927 oil painting by Herbert Beecroft. It was published in 1942 by The National Sunday School Union in London and produced by Frost & Reed Ltd. England.

Inscriptions & markings

Handwritten script on the mat;
“Published in 1942 by the National Sunday School Union, 4 Black Friars Lane, London, EC4. Produced by Frost & Reed Ltd., Bristol & London. Printed in England. Copyright.” and,
“The Lord turned and looked upon Peter … and Peter remembered”
Signature on bottom left “Herbert Beecroft”
In pencil on backboard under back paper “H 89 / 12”.
Pen on white tape “155”


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