Historical information

In this report pages 1 - 2 covers all aspects of the Sub Branch, Membership, ANZAC Day, Hospital visiting, 27th District Board, Unit Social Clubs, Building Fund, Welfare relief by the President and Secretary.
Page 3 covers the General Account and Club Building fund re income expenditure.
Page 4 covers Relief Patriotic Fund, Building & Improvements Fund, Carnival Account re income expenditure.

Physical description

Report and Balance sheet for the year ending 31st December 1946, yellowed paper 4 pages folding, all type in black covering all aspects of the Sub Branch activities. At the top is "Returned Soldiers, Sailors & Airmen's Imperial League of Australia Bendigo Sub Branch" followed by "Report and Balance Sheet" in large lettering. Under that is a list of Office Bearers and Committee members.

Inscriptions & markings

Main points:
"To be presented at the Annual Meeting to be held at the Memorial Hall 30th January 1947 at 8.00pm".
"President Col G.V. Lansell C.M.G, V.D, M.L.C"
