Historical information

Both reports re Appeals being "ANZAC Tokens and Poppy Appeal" both topped the $2,000.00 mark which was a first, something they were striving for to reach that mark. Welfare details a number of areas they dealt with.
The Appeals & Welfare Officer was Ernest Alfred Jackman. He served on Committee of the Bendigo Sub Branch in 1961 - 62 and 1973. He was on the Welfare Sub committee for 15years and Welfare Officer 1975 - 78. He was the Appeals Officer from 1960 - 1994. He was made a Life member in 1986.

Physical description

Both documents paper all print in text, single sided both have two sections, top is Appeals and bottom Welfare relating to the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch for the years 1975 & 1977.

Inscriptions & markings

"Ern Jackman - Welfare - Appeals Officer"
