Historical information

Each plaque has 4 names on being the winning team for that year. The plaques start 1971 and the last 1981.
The Bendigo RSL Sub Branch conducted a Diggers Day Bowls as far back as 1953.

Physical description

Trophy, brown wood rectangular base shape with 3 pillars on top of metallic construction, all are round shape, 2 have a depiction of a bird on top with outstretched wings, the centre shorter one has a depiction of a man playing bowls. The base has a central plaque with a wreath around engraved in the middle. On the left of the base are 10 x small plaques engraved with names on, 1 x small plaque on the right of the base.

Inscriptions & markings

On centre plaque, "Presented by R.H. Trethewey MLA - Perpetual Trophy - Diggers Day Tournament".
Example plaque, "1977 - H. Tobin - W. Smith - P. Weymouth - J. Cruse"