Document - Contract of sale, Contract of sale for 33 Kingston Road, Surrey Hills

Historical information

No 33 Kingston Road is a red brick attic-style house which was built c1920. Edward Edwards (1880-1963) was a blacksmith and the first owner. The house was named 'Berwyn' (Ref: 1931 electoral roll).
Edward's wife was Mary Kennedy Stewart (1873-1931). They had 7 children, all born before the family came to Surrey Hills:
1. Hazel Margaret Kennedy Edwards (1896-1966) - dressmaker in 1931 electoral roll
2. Edward Alexander Edwards (1898-1988)
3. Mary Gwendolyn Edwards(1899-1942)
4. Gladys Annie Edwards (1902-1988) - hairdresser in 1931 electoral roll
5. Clarence Edwards (1906-1988) - plumber in 1931 electoral roll
6. Alan Stewart Edwards (1909 - 1996)
7. Geoffrey Ellis Edwards (1910-1985).
The property passed to Edward Henderson Redpath after Edward Edward's death. He was a mechanic. (Ref: 1963 electoral roll). He was born in Shilbottle England on 3 December 1904 and married Gladys Annie Edwards in 1932 (#8417). He served in the Australian Airforce during WW2.
Thus, the property was owned by the same family for over 40 years.
Edward Henderson Redpath sold the property to David Murray Flynn and Heather Rosemary Flynn of 18 Kingston Road, Surrey Hills in 1965.
Associated records:
1. Letter from George Henderson P/L to T Redpath, 1965
2. Letter re estate of E H Redpath, 1969.

Physical description

A standard folded real estate contract of sale for 33 Kingston Road, Surrey Hills, dated 14 August 1965

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