Historical information

.1) The first Bendigo Womens RSL Auxiliary minutes R.S.S.I.L.A. All entries are in black pen dating from 22.4.1936 - 8.12.1941.
At the rear are 5 pages of hand written names of Ladies associated with the Auxiliary.
.2) This is a mixture of General Meetings minutes, Annual and Presidents reports. Four of the reports drawn up and taped into the book. This covers the years Nov 1996 - Feb 2002.
.3) This is a mixture of receipts, expenditure, Annual reports, Annual financial statements. Typed banking details and reciepts have been added pages. This covers the years 1972 - 1978.
.4) This covers receipts from 1974 - 1983. Annual financial statements have been pasted in.
.5) This book covers General & Annual Meetings, yearly financial statements. Numbers of items are added loose leaf and pasted in. Covers the years 1984 - 1996.
.6) This book is just a listing of Ladies who attended their annual birthday get together from 1979 - 98.
As can be seen by the year dates there are records missing.
Refer Cat No 8107 for their Executive Honours Board.

Physical description

.1) Minute Book hard cover blue/red colours.
.2) Collins Acc - Minute book hard cover red.
.3) Invicta 14 MC Account Book hard cover blue.
.4) Collins Analysis Book hard cover green.
.5) Collins Minute book hard cover red.
.6) Visitors Book hard cover red.
