Historical information

The photographs relate to a Bendigo RSL Sub Branch Annual Dinner. It is not quite clear what year(s) but 1998 or later. Bruce Ruxton President Victorian RSL was Guest speaker over many years.Alan Holmes was Senior Vice President in 1995, President 1997 - 2001
.1) Photo L - R, Phil Chapman OC 15 Transport Sqd, unknown, Bruce Ruxton, unknown, Alan Holmes.
.2) Photo L - R, unknown, Alan Holmes, vacant seat, Maurice Sharkey Bendigo City Council, Hugh Connelly Kangaroo Flat RSL.
.3) Photo L - R, Bruce Ruxton standing, Alan Holmes, Bert Pollard Eaglehawk RSL, unknown, Maurice Sharkey Bendigo City Council.

Physical description

Three colour photographs re the head table at a Bendigo RSL Annual Dinner.
.1) Shows 5 men seated at the head table.
.2) Shows 4 men seated at the head table, one chair vacant.
.3) Shows one man standing and 4 seated at the head table.
