Historical information

This is a set of two photographs of surveyors and support staff in the field undertaking tasks in Victoria 1956 – 1958. The surveyors were employed in the establishment of mapping and geodetic control. In this era surveyors used theodolites to observe horizontal and vertical angles and chains to measure base line distances between survey stations.

Physical description

This is a set of 23 photographs of surveyors and support staff in the field undertaking duties in Victoria 1956 – 1958. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi.
.1) - Photo, colour, 1956. Surveyors enjoying a tea break. L to R: Tom Gilbert (cook), Barry Broad, Tony Slattery, John Van De Graff. Taken at Boonoonar, a locality south of Mildura.
.2) - Photo, colour, 1958. Surveyors taking a break from driving. L to R: Leo Bub, Bob Thompson. Taken at Puckapunyal.

Inscriptions & markings

.1P to .2P annotated on back – personnel names, the year and the location.