Historical information

The late Mr. Walter Withers was one of the little band of landscapists that Included Streeton Condor, who pioneered the "plein-airiste" movement In Victoria thirty years ago. Mr. Withers had been trained in Paris, but practically all his artistic life was spent in Australia, and examples from his easel are to be found in all the leading Australian galleries. He belonged to a brilliant little coterie of men whose works have since been eagerly sought for at ever-rising prices. And now collectors have an opportunity of acquiring examples of his art for a thoroughly characteristic collection of his work, both in oils and in water-color, will be open to-day In the fine art gallery at Anthony Horderns', in George Street. The collection includes 28 paintings in oil by the late Mr. Walter Withers, and 32 of his water-color drawings, while smaller collections by his daughter, Miss Margery Withers, and by his son, Mr. Meynell Withers, are also added. Among the landscapes in oils by the deceased artist may be seen examples of many moods, and also many phases of his artistic development. At different times he was a realist, a romanticist, an idealist. In his fine picture "The Easter Moon" the emotional appeal to the homing instinct is direct and compelling. This delightful work, low in tone and charming in its feeling of repose, suggests the sentiment of Gray's "Elegy." Entirely different in range, intention, and feeling, are two brilliantly-painted pictures entitled "The Young Gardener," and "The Dividing Fence," Mr. Withers here displays an unusual gift for placing effective notes in an admirably harmonised color scheme. "Sunlight in the Forest" is a pastoral poem in color. Most of these pictures were painted in the Eltham or Warrandyte country, while the "marines" are impressions at Phillip Island or on the shores of the bay. The artist was well equipped with technical knowledge and experience. His pictures are full of air and sunlight, and his realisation of cloud-forms is most convincing. The watercolor drawings which he did in the full maturity of his powers have, a softness, richness, and depth of color quite unusual. His son, Meynell Withers, shows a collection of landscapes of striking merit, recalllng his father's handling of color and selective taste In composition. Miss Margory Withers shows a charming group of watercolor portraits, and also some meritorious landscapes. The pictures have been hung with fine artistic discrimination in the grouping of the subjects, and so skilfully that in each group an essential harmony of tone has been preserved. The exhibition will be open to the public from to-day.

AUSTRALIAN LANDSCAPE ART. (1918, November 18). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 4. Retrieved August 22, 2023, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article239575164

Physical description

Digital file created from scan of original document on loan from private collection

Inscriptions & markings

Journal inscribed:
"Mrs Withers
463 Collins St. West