Literary work, Alice Milner's memories of CWA Ringwood Branch in 1995

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Kindly scanned from Ringwood Branch archival collection

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Transcript (kindly completed by Ken Briscoe using ChatGPT)

February 13, 1946 in the Ringwood Town Hall, the Mayoress, Mrs. H.E. Parker, called the meeting and Ringwood Branch Country Women's Association was formed, and would be in the Yarra Valley Group.
Speaker for the day was Mrs. Wray, Group President, Yarra Valley Group.
Office bearers elected were:
• Mrs. Greenshields (President)
• Mrs. Shields (Secretary)
• Mrs. Roberts (Treasurer)
At the inaugural meeting, 93 ladies joined, and the first general meeting of the Ringwood Branch was held March 7, 1946, and by the end of August the membership grew to 160. In 1946 the joining fee was 4/- and you never attended a meeting unless you wore hat and gloves.
The first year, meetings were held in the main Town Hall, then they were transferred to the small hall, which had a creche next door, at the baby health centre, where mothers could leave their little ones, while mum enjoyed the meetings, demonstrations or entertainment.
The Branch had a very good Choir, conducted by Mrs. Dorrie Davidson, also a very talented theatrical group. Each birthday they put on excellent stage shows, some beautiful costumes being hired from well-known Melbourne theatrical company. The 1956 Olympic stage show had some well-trained, but out of form, athletes.
Highlight of the year was the Annual Ball and two Debutante Balls.
New branches were formed in the district, Everard, East Ringwood, Heathmont, South Warrandyte. There was also, Ringwood Younger set, a night branch (later years was renamed Marana). It was then that our membership dropped. As more and more branches were started in the district, Ringwood was then allocated to the newly formed Maroondah Highway Group.
Craft classes and demonstrations were of a high standard, with some interesting things being made such as millinery, dressmaking, pottery, etc.
In 1960 when Ringwood was made a City, a C.W.A. float was entered in the procession, this was a mammoth task, as hundreds of flowers were made and wired to the float, which was in green and gold C.W.A. colours.
The time came when the Town Hall was to be demolished, and we moved to the Church of England Hall, Civic Place, but after a short time, this hall was also demolished. Meetings were then held at Ringwood Library until the library was no longer available. Our last move was to our present meeting room at Lionswood.
Today you dress as you wish and membership is $12.00.
The Ringwood Branch in 1995 has 2 life members and 21 members.
Alice Milner March 15, 1995
As a matter of interest, of those 160 members who joined in the first year, only one active member is left with the Branch

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