Historical information

Story of fleeing Berlin during Kristallnacht November 1938. Written by a Dunera boy who chose to return in 1942. The ship he was traveling in was torpedoed by a German submarine before he could reach England.

Physical description

Book A5 in size, soft cover, black, red and grey cover. Title is slightly diagonally across front cover in white capital letters. Illustration of a man looking back at a train in the background in grey red and black. Red spine with title in white and name of author grey both in capital letters. Back of the book is a dark purple/red colour with small train illustration at bottom in red and grey. There is a white barcode partially covering the illustration of the train. There is a red banner quarter way down the cover, taking up a quarter of the cover with white writing outlining the story line. There are 4 review from News papers two either side of the red banner the review is in red the name of the reviewer and newspaper in white