Historical information
Pg. 33 Crawford and Connelly's mail coaches station to change horses and provide 'free bag' mail service x3 weekly to Kiewa, Tangambalanga, Bungoona (Huon). All photos are published in the Kiewa Valley Book "A History of the Kiewa Valley' by Esther Temple and David Lloyd
Historical photos of the Kiewa Valley
Physical description
Black and white photos, varying sizes, published in KVHS history book. In order of appearance:
1. Generic photo of 'Aboriginal Man' Page 9
2. Crawford and Connelly, Royal Mail Coach. pg. 29
3. Early postcard of Kiewa - trees, road, homes pg 76
4. George Le Fevre and School Bus pg 77
5. Kergunyah Creamery pg 80
6. Gundowring Homestead: Built by Charles Barber, pgs 82,83
7. Bogong Hotel 1925 pg 103,104
8. The Junction September 1940 pg 119
9. Mt Beauty pg 119