Physical description
Book detailing the Victorian Municipal Directory waterworks and irrigation trust record with Gazetteer 1891. The book is 575 pages long however this is multiple pre pages of the numbered pages featuring advertising of various enterprises and a prelude section numbered in roman numerals. The book has a dark brown binding, cream front and back with dark green and brown text. Front cover is divided into 3 sections the top portion is an ad for Tangyes Limited Pumping Plant, the middle is the books title and the bottom is an Tangyes Limited Steam engines.
Inscriptions & markings
Spine: Municipal Directory 189. Additional text on spine is unreadible.
Cover Top; TANGYES LIMITED - Makers of all kinds of PUMPING PLANT - of the very best description (LARGE or SMALL) and for HIGH OR LOW LIFTS.
Cover middle: The Victorian Municipal Directory waterworks and irrigation trust record with Gazetteer 1891 Twenty-sixth year of publication, registered under (missing texts)
Arnall & Jackson, Printers & Station (text missing) Street, Melbourne.
Bottom: TANGYES LIMITED - Makers of all kinds of STEAM ENGINES on most approved designs, Contractors for PUMPING ENGINBES - CHAFFEY BROS. - MILDURA (Text missing)
A reference text of Victorian waterworks and irrigation trusts in Victoria Australia 1891.