Legal record, City of Ballaarat, City of Ballaarat - by-law - motor omnibuses, 7/2024

Historical information

Set of two legal documents or by-laws relating to the operation of motor omnibuses in the Ballarat district. Sets out the legal context, routes, schedule detailing stands or stops, number of omnibuses and times of operations.
1 - Regulation No. 44, dated 2/7/1924 - 32 pages - centre stapled - has a number of pencil marks.
2 - By-Law 115, dated 24/9/1930, 20 pages - centre stapled, sets out the details or forms for the vehicles to be used and their rules of operation. Printed by Ballarat Litho, 56 Lydiard St Ballarat.


Yields information about the operation of buses licenced by the City of Ballaarat.

Physical description

Set of two printed by-laws of the City of Ballaarat.

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