Tramways/East Melbourne is one of the last traditional RSL Sub-branches in the city region.
Our collection
Military Library and Memorabilia (1970)
Mixture of books, Audio Visuals, medals and memorabilia, from Boer War to Afghanistan
Tramways/East Melbourne is one of the last traditional RSL Sub-branches in the city region.
Mixture of books, Audio Visuals, medals and memorabilia, from Boer War to Afghanistan
1 Bottle O-158, LSA, Lube Oil Semi-Fluid, Mil-L-46000A Am 1, 9150-889-3522, LEHIGH CHEM . NUODEX DIV, TENNECO CHEM INC, DSA600-68-C-0225, PD-722, 4 OUNCES, SHAKE WELL. Marking on bottle base PLAX (each letter in a circle), 5. The roll of 4x2 is marked in section with red linesd. the segments are called 4x2 for ease of description but actually measure 4x13/4 inches or 45mm x 100mm.
! pull through kit for cleaning barrel and firing mechanism of l1 a1 & l22 a2 australian vietnam issue single shot and automatic versions.
Used for clearing way when traversing thick scrub or jungle, long grass. Cutting down saplings, bamboo
Plastic Handle with safety rope, Steel blade,Scabbard with clasp
australian machette as used in wwii, korea, malaysia, vietnam
Olive Drab sealed tin with key to open stuck on top. To open the key slot is slid onto to a tab on the top left side. The key is then twisted around in a clockwise direction until the top is able to be peeled back, to access the contents (unknown)
tinned emergency ration
Historic article
Printed copy of an article from the
Print Title Print Other Identifiers No identifiers Media No Attached Media Description Physical Description Framed print from
australian kokoda campaign in wwll
Good . Some rust and scratches but otherwise serviceable.
Badly damaged adhesive label on right side of blade 60 mm from handle, Hand engraved number on same side of blade immediately below the hilt V16488022
Maroon and black front & back covers with a cut out on front cover to show the original Victoria Cross medal of Martin O'Meara on inside page. 459 colour pages bring together each unique story of Australia's 100 VC recipients and of their families and communities they come from.
The third page is signed To combined East Melbourne/Tramways RSL Thank you and signed by the Author - Michael C.Madden 22/4/2018. The bottom of this page is signed by Glenn Read, who purchased the book at Box Hill RSL on 22/4/18 for $79.99. Glenn then donated the book to Combined East Melbourne/Tramways RSL on 22/05/2018. P.4 is the forward by Doug Baird Father of Corporal Cameron Baird VC MG. Cameron was the 100th VC presented to an Australian Serviceman, for service in Afghanistan 2013 awarded posthumously. The back cover has a summary of the book contents and includes an acknowledgment of the contributions of Keith Payne VC AM KSJ in producing the book. Bottom of back cover is the Logo of Big Sky Publishing, TPI Association Badge who put the book together, A Bar code of ISBN 978-1-925520-98-9.
Tim Woods is a Vietnam veteran. Here, he recalls the anti-war sentiment and hostile public reception of troupes in the early 1970s despite Australia’s conscription policy – the National Service Scheme – which was eventually abolished in December 1972.
This digital oral history interview was conducted at Anzac House for Tramways/East Melbourne RSL Sub Branch on September 20, 2017 as part of the Veterans Heritage Project.
Tim Woods Vietnam Experiences
veietnam era, anti war sentiments, national service scheme, hostile public.conscription policy
US Army Rogers M-1950 Stove Portable Gasoline Burner Vietnam Era Removable Hand pump set into base to pressurise fuel Maroon plastic flame control valve handle, that swings left to right through 180 degrees. Purpose built service spanner secured between burner support legs. Operating Instruction have worn off. Significant damage to Safety warning label. Still fully operational
1 Gold adhesive label with Operating Instructions 1 Red adhesive label with Safety Warning under instructions
The artist is currently a member of the Tramways / East Melbourne RSL, and has donated these prints himself.
Framed print of the image created by 'Andrew Archibald'. Print is signed by the artist and editioned as 11/ 100. Image shows a young child receiving medical attention in Afghanistan
Plate states 'Donated by Craig Horne'
andrew archibald, afghanistan, medcap, children, medical treatment, doctors, artworks, war
Framed reproduction of the print held at the Australian War Memorial of the same name.
stretcher bearers, owen stanley, papua new guinea
Depicting the Kokoda Track used by the Japanese to invade New Guinea.
Framed print from 'The Australian' giving information around the Kokoda Trail.
the australian, kokoda
Gold Framed replica certificate detailing the terms and conditions of Japanese Surrender in 1945
japan, ww2, surrender, certificate, world war two, wwii, second world war
Framed images showing the surrender of the Japanese Army to General Sir Thomas Blamey, 1945. This a reprinted memorial 'board'
ww2, japan, surrender, thomas blamey, 1945
A gift from the Turkish Consulate for the 100th Anniversary of Gallipoli.
A framed gravure print by Erol Yildirim, edition is numbered as 48/100, and dated as 2015. The subject matter is concerned with Turkish military campaigns.
On the revers of the print is a label with the following information. 'Biography of the Artist / Colonel Erol YILDIRIM (Ret'd) Born in 1959 in Bolu / Turkey, he completed his secondary education in Izmir, and began his military education at the Army War College in 1977. His career in arts started by attending the art club of the military college. He has organised 9 private exhibitions and taken part in 52 group exhibitions. He has won the following 8 awards. - 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Artmajeur Silver Awards - 2014 The XV Ex lib's Biennial as 'Selected exlibris' Miata Museum Ostrow Wielkopolski - POLAND - 2014 The 3rd Guangzhou International Exlibirs and Mini Print Biennial as 'selected exlibris guangzhou china'
erol yildirim, turkey, print, artworks, war, turkish soldiers
Framed certificate awarded to Ernest James Bray of the Middlesex Regiment, in memory of combat in June 1940.
dunkerque, dunkirk, ernest james bray, middlesex regiment, ww2, combat certificate
The Panel consists of 34 assorted replica medals and pins that relate to the Australian Army Training Team in Vietnam (AATTV), from July 1962 - December 1972. The AATTV team was awarded various medal for meritous conduct throughout this period. Alongside the replica medals and badges are three information panels that detail the deeds of this group.
The dedication panel reads 'Dedicated to the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV), July 1962 - December 1972.
aattv, australian army training team vietnam, vietnam, 1962, 1972
A framed celebratory image detailing the campaigns and battle honours of the Australian Infantry Corps, with the most recent being South Vietnam
Information sheet in the fame states 'Presented to MAJ GEN JC HUGHES, AO, DSO, MC, on the occasion of Maryang San Dinner.
battle campaigns, maryang dinner
Framed image of the 9th Squadron Iroquois Helicopters flying over the 35th Squadron Caribou Jet at Vung Tau Airstrip.
Information sheet on images states '9SQN IROQUOIS flying over 35SQN CARIBOU flight line VUNG TAU AIRFIELD 1970.
iroquois, helicopter, caribou, jet, 9 squadron, 35 squadron, vung tau, 1970, vietnam, iroquis
Image taken of the Vung Tau Workshop, originally used by 1st Division, then later used by 5 Coy.
Sheet inserted into frame states '1 Div S&T Workshop VUNG TAU, later became 5 Coy Workshop.
supply and transport, vung tau, vietnam, 1 division, 5 coy
Mounted photographic image of the Mirage III Fighter Jet from 1973
Plaque on images states 'MIRAGE III RAAF WILLIAMTOWN 1973, Presented by SQN LDR ADRIAN NEATH
mirage iii, dassault mirage iii
John James Davis (J.J. Davis) was Australia's most decorated NCO in the Vietnam conflict. This plaque commemorates the deeds he performed and medals received.
Framed ceremonial medal board for JJ Davis. The piece includes a service photograph of JJ Davis in uniform, a fabric patch with the Australian Coat of Arms, five metal pins and 13 replica medals as listed below. The information plaque states '5411313 WO1 J.J. DAVIS, SB St J, MM, JP - RAAMC - 30 JAN 1963 - 30 JAN 1986. The five metal pins are: 1. Returned Services League Australia 2. Returned Active Service 3. RAAMC 4. Royal Australian Army Medical Corps 5. Knife surrounded by laurel leaves. Replica medals included are: 1. Military Medal 2. Australian Active Service Medal 1945-75, Vietnam 3. Vietnam Medal 4. Defence Force Medal with 1st Clasp 5. National Medal 6. Australian Defence Medal 7. St John 12 Year Long Service Medal with five year clasp 8. Silver Star (Unites States of America) 9. Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star (South Vietnam) 10. The Armed Forces Honour Medal (2nd Class) (South Vietnam) 11. Civil Action Medal (2nd Class) (South Vietnam) 12. Vietnamese Campaign Medal 13. ACT Emergency Service Medal (2003 Bushfires)
john jams davis, john james davis, j j davis, vietnam, nco, photographs, portraits, badges, medals
The belt was owned and used by Pte Sean Farrow, and is created in regimental colours. Was worn over the dark green woollen jersey.
Ceremonial Belt mounted on wooden plaque. Belt buckle is made of brass and is inscribed with "The Royal Australian Regiment" in the centre. The physical belt is coloured red and blue and made of a woven material.
The brass plaque mounted on the wooden background reads 'Presented by 3206686 Pte Sean Farrow D COY 6RAR - 1990/91'
belt, ceremonial belt, royal australian regiment, 6rar
Plaque was given to commemorate service unit. This plaque was given to RSL member Glenn Reid (Service Number: 3103874, with a rank of Craftsman (cfn)
Plaque commemorating Det 1 Division Supplies and Transport Workshop.
vietnam war, vietnam, transport
Was given to commemorate the homecoming of the Vietnam War Vets, as there was no formal welcome home at the actual end of the Vietnam War. This group of veterans were the first group to be not given a formal welcome parade at the end of their service. This parade occurred 25 years after the Vietnam War, and signified the changed attitudes around the services performed by these men.
This plaque commemorates the welcome home parade for all Vietnam Veterans 25 years after the war finished. It was intended to show the appreciation and good will of the Australian people in stark contrast to the bad feelings demonstrated to Servicemen an d women on their initial returns.
Plaque commemorating the Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Parade in Sydney 1987. Image shows a map of Australia, with the Australian Flag visible. Text reads ' Vietnam Veterans Parade Sydney 1987. Australian Vietnam Forces.'
vietnam, vietnam war, sydney, australian vietnam forces, vietnam veterans parade sydney 1987