"This basket was made using our traditional Gunditjmara stitch and would of had possum or kangaroo skin strips to place around their hips or over their shoulders". Gunditjmara Elder

This basket is from the Coleraine area which was the land of the Konoonwootong Gunditj people. There were several massacres known to have occurred on this country. There were survivors whose descendants are still living on Gunditjmara country.

For more information see Dr Ian Clark's book Scars in the Landscape: A register of massacre sites in western Victoria 1803-1859, AIATSIS, Canberra, 1995, pp. 145-155.

For a map of the massacres that took place in Victoria follow this link. http://www.cv.vic.gov.au/stories/indigenous-stories-about-war-and-invasion/4994/massacre-map/