Ann Jones was an enterprising woman, setting up the Glenrowan Inn to service travellers. The Inn was built in 1878, running for only two years before the siege.

The Inn became the principal site of the Kelly Gang’s Last Stand, where the hostages were kept over the long wait for the Police Special Train to arrive. By the time the siege was over, with Ned Kelly captured and the rest of the gang dead, the Inn had been destroyed by fire, lit by police to flush out gang members.

Dan Kelly and Steve Hart’s charred bodies were returned to family members by the evening of the siege, on Monday 28th June, 1880. The body of Joe Byrne, who was killed earlier in the siege by a police bullet, was retrieved unburnt from the Inn. Ann Jones’ son John and hostage, Martin Cherry, also perished in the shootout. The following is a reconstruction of events by Linton Briggs and the Glenrowan Improvers.