Gravel Contractors’ Encampment
The Gravel Contractors' Encampment is the site where the first hostages were taken.
See story for image details
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The Gravel Contractors' Encampment is the site where the first hostages were taken.
Photograph - Gravel encampment, Rural City of Wangaratta
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Image courtesy of the Rural City of Wangaratta
Thinking they were railway platelayers – whose skills and tools would be important to the Kelly Gang’s plans to derail the Police Special Train – they were taken at about 2am on Sunday 27th June.
The four contractors were taken after Ned Kelly and Steve Hart failed in their first attempt to sabotage the railway line. One of the men, Alfonso Piazzi from Benalla, outraged at the intrusion on his tent, put up a fight, but was subdued by a warning shot by Ned.
Text: adapted from Linton Briggs/ Glenrowan Improvers
The site of the contractors' encampment is along the gravel, immediately in front of the grass section.
Photograph - Historic site of encampment, John Bray (photographer), 'Jones's Hotel just beginning to burn', 29 June 1880 , State Library Victoria
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Image courtesy of the State Library Victoria
This image take on the day of the seige, from the State Library Victoria, is a photograph of the gravel contractors' camp, taken from the opposite direction.
In the background we can see Ann Jones' Inn just beginning to burn.