The Railway Line
This section of the railway line was chosen as the point at which the Kelly Gang would attempt to derail the Police Special Train, by removing sections of the rail line.
See story for image details
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This section of the railway line was chosen as the point at which the Kelly Gang would attempt to derail the Police Special Train, by removing sections of the rail line.
Photograph - Railway line sweeper, Rural City of Wangaratta
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Image courtesy of the Rural City of Wangaratta
Running along side the railway here on the outside of the curve, is a fairly deep gully, into which it was intended the pilot engine and the closely following Police Special and its occupants would tumble.
By the time the locomotives reached Glenrowan, there were 27 people and a number of horses on board – a small police contingent, the Queensland black trackers, civilians including Melbourne based journalists, photographers, an artist, two ladies hitching a ride to Wangaratta, and the railway personnel, engine drivers, firemen and guard.
Photograph - Railway line, Rural City of Wangaratta
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Image courtesy of the Rural City of Wangaratta
Here we can see a long view of the bend facing north.
Photograph - Gully beside railway line, Rural City of Wangaratta
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Image courtesy of the Rural City of Wangaratta
This image shows the gully on the side of the section of the railway line where the rails were lifted.
The plan was for the train to derail and plunge into this gully.