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Photograph - Monochrome, 'Barak at Coranderrk', State Library Victoria
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William Barak photographed at Coranderrk Station, Healesville.
Print - Illustration, 'Hop Picking by Australian Aborigines', 1872, Koorie Heritage Trust
Featured in 'The Illustrated Australian News’. The reuse of this image requires cultural approval.
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© Copyright of Koorie Heritage Trust (Gnokan Danna Murra Kor-ki)
Featured in 'The Illustrated Australian News’. The reuse of this image requires cultural approval.
Coranderrk was a successful hop farm in the early 1870s.
This print was published in The Illustrated Australian News in May 1872.
Photograph - Monochrome, 'A group of men at Coranderrk Station, Healesville' , State Library Victoria
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A group of men are photographed at Coranderrk Station, Healesville, where William Barak lived from the age of 19 until his death in 1903 at the age of 80.
Weapon - Wooden bullroarer from Coranderrk, c. 1890-1900, Koorie Heritage Trust
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© Digital reproduction copyright of Koorie Heritage Trust (Gnokan Danna Murra Kor-ki)
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This early bullroarer has ‘Many Happy Returns Of The Day From Coranderrk’ burnt on both sides.
This particular bullroarer has obviously been made as a tourist souvenir for sale in the town of Coranderrk, an Aboriginal reserve established between 1863 and 1924.