Showing 84 items
matching commissioners' reports
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Document - Framed Poster, Borough of Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia, after 30/06/1875
This document, also referred to as a word picture or Tablet, is framed in glass and timber with gilt trim, is handwritten with colour highlights. The penned letters rest on ruled guide lines, decorated where the lines intersect. The writing gives a description of the state of Borough of Warrnambool around 1875; its location, the area it covers, its population, Harbour and facilities, public buildings and institutions, imports and exports, financial worth, number of houses, connection with other areas of the Colony. A possible reason and origin for the document is found in an article ‘Link with US Exhibition’ from the Warrnambool Standard of December 19, 1981, written by local historian Bruce Morris. The writer mentions that the Warrnambool Borough Council met on 15th June 1875 and recorded a letter from G.C. Levey , secretary to the Melbourne group of commissioners representing the Colony, and Victoria in particular, for the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition of 1876. The letter asks Council to provide “statistics as to the population, social condition and commercial and industrial state of the district in and around Warrnambool.” A sub committee was formed for the project. The Mayor, Cr. Thomas King, wrote and signed a Report, presented to the council on July 14, 1875, in which “The Committee … begs to recommend that a Tablet be prepared setting for the particulars respecting the following matters relating to the Borough”. The matters included area, population, annual income, churches, schools, other public buildings, societies and companies, general description of houses erected, and returns of exports and imports for 1874. The minutes note that the Report was adopted. The article above also notes the opinion of Warrnambool printers who have examined the document; it is almost certainly to be an old lithograph, which means there could be several copies. It is possible that there may be a copy in Melbourne and another in Philadelphia. It is interesting to note that (1) the quoted location co-ordinates are for an “Unnamed Road, Packsaddle NSW 2880, Australia”, and that the DMS co-ordinates for Warrnambool’s Council Offices differ, being South, (2) the date for “Exports and Imports for the Year Ending 30th June 1875” is different to the period mentioned by Cr. King in the sub committee’s Report of recommendation “returns of exports and imports for 1874”. The information required to have the figures for the end of June 1875 would need to have been compiled very quickly for the Tablet to be ready for the opening of the Philadelphia Exhibition on 10 May 1876. The document/certificate shows the following – - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “Victoria Australia, Borough of Warrnambool. Latitude, 30.24.50 South, Longitude 142.32 East The Principal Port in the Western District of the Colony and the Centre of its Choicest Agricultural Lands. Established a Municipality in 1855, and Created a Borough 1863. Population in 1875 4,500. Warrnambool is the nearest Port to Melbourne on the Western Seaboard, being about 160 miles distant. Coaches run to and from the Metropolis daily, in connexion [connection] with the Railway of Geelong and Steamers belonging to Local Companies sail between Melbourne, Warrnambool, Belfast [renamed Port Fairy], and Portland several times weekly. The Harbour is known as Lady Bay, and is partially protected by a reef of rocks stretching from the mouth of the Hopkins River. The formation of a Breakwater has been decided upon by the Government, to extend 600 yards, at an estimated cost of £100,000. There are two substantial Jetties, one of 800 and the other of 600 feet in length. The former is connected with the Town by means of a Tramroad, along which Goods, inwards & outwards, are conveyed, & the latter has been constructed solely for the purpose of facilitating the transit of material for the formation of the Breakwater. In addition to the trade of the Borough and District, the principal Townships up country receive their supplies from Melbourne and ship their exports through Warrnambool. Potatoes form the staple produce of the district, and the richness of the soil can be estimated by the fact that the Government Statistics for 1875 give as the average yield a return of Seven Tons to the acre. Several thousand acres between Warrnambool and Tower Hill are now being laid down in Potatoes by Tenants who have leased the lands at rates up to £5 per acre for the season 1875-6. Wool, Tallow, hides &c are also largely exported, while the shipments of all descriptions of Farm Produce are annually increasing. Area of Borough, 3362 Acres. Net Annual Value £27,000. Annual Revenue £5,500. Number of Houses in Borough 800. Public Buildings and Institutions Churches. Church of England, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Wesleyan, Congregational and Baptist. Schools. Three State Schools, average attendance nearly 1000. New Building in course of erection. Several private establishments. Banks. Bank of Australasia, Bank of Victoria, National Bank, Colonial Bank and Savings Bank. Public Buildings. Court house, Custom house, Post & Telegraph Offices, Survey & Land Offices, Shire £, Town Hall, Mechanics Institute, Volunteer Orderly Room, Odd Fellows Hall, Hospital & Benevolent Asylum, Temperance Hall &c. Companies & Societies. Steam Navigation Co, Woolen Mill Co, Gas Co, Racing Club, Amateur Turf Club, Agricultural Society, Farmers’ Club, Cricket Club, Anglers’ Society, Building Society, Freemasons Odd Fellows, Foresters, Druids, Hibernians. Protestant Alliance, Rechabites, Sons of Temperance, &c, Fire Brigade &c. --- Exports and Imports for the Year Ending 30th June 1875 –-- --Exports Total Tonnage 27,800 (Calculated at the Current Warrnambool Market Prices) Potatoes Wool Wheat Barley Hides Skins Fowls Butter Cheese Eggs Tallow Leather Ale Pigs Sheep Sundries --Imports 13,000 Tons Of the Estimated Value of £520,000 Total Tonnage of Exports and Imports 40m900 Tons, Value £806,627 Passenger Travels, to ad from Warrnambool during year, 10,000 persons Revenue from all sources paid through Warrnambool Sub Treasury From 1860 to June 1875 £1, 292, 300 Thomas King [signed] Mayor Henry T Read [signed] Town Clerk” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The document is of historical, social, economic and local significance in that it summarises activities, business, community, trade, travel and government at a point in time in Warrnambool’s history – 30th June 1875.Document, also referred to as a ‘word picture’ or ‘tablet’. Document is framed in glass and timber with gilt trim, handwritten with colour highlights. The penned letters rest on ruled guide lines, decorated where the lines intersect. Document outlines the establishment of Warrnambool as a Municipality in 1855 and Borough in 1863, with a population of 4,500 in 1875. It states geographic location, public buildings and institutions, harbor facilities and imports and exports for the year ending 30th June 1875. Two signatures "Thomas King" Mayor and "Henry T Read" Town Clerk. It shows the Coat of Arms of the Borough of Warrnambool.Signatures - "Thomas King" Mayor and "Henry T Read" Town Clerk. Warrnambool Coat of Arms; “British Coat of Arms, above sailing vessel and sheaf of wheat in sun, motto “By these we flourish” and around circumference “Borough of Warrnambool 1855”flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, borough of warrnambool, municipality of warrnambool, document borough of warrnambool 1875, word picture of warrnambool 1875, tablet of borough of warrnambool 1875, statistics borough of warrnambool 1875, lithograph borough of warrnambool 1875, coat of arms warrnambool, warrnambool city motto – in these we flourish, establishment of warrnambool, warrnambool history, thomas king mayor of warrnambool, henry t read town clerk of warrnambool, warrnambool breakwater, warrnambool jetty, warrnambool imports and exports 1875, warrnambool agriculture 1875, warrnambool business 1875, warrnambool population 1875, centennial exhibition philadelphia 1876, framed certificate -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Annual Report, H Thacker, The Geelong Harbor Trust Commissioners' Third Report for the year ending 31st December 1908, 1909
... Commissioners Red soft covered foolscap report of 101 pages. Includes ...In 1908 the Geelong Harbor Trust commissioners were George Frederick Holden, Edward Harewood Lascelles and James Hill. The officers were Walter S. Crowle (Secretary), A.C. McKenzie (Engineer), Captain G.A. Molland (Harbor Master), E.R. Hitch, (Assistant Harbor Master, Portarlington.)Red soft covered foolscap report of 101 pages. Includes two photographic reproductions of teh New Cargo Shed on Yarra Pier, and Twin S.S. "G.F. Holden" (formerly the 'Pelican' (built in 1898 by Fleming & Ferguson, Paisley, England, for the Western Australian Government).Seal of the Geelong Harbour Trust Commissionersgeelong, harbour trust, commissioners, report, finance, properties, dredging, portarlington, barwon heads, ocean grove, shipping, engineer's report, assets, liabilities, harbor trust, geelong harbor trust, grain shipping berthage, corio quay, cool stores, dock accomodation, floating plant, hopetoun channel, moorabool pier shed, sparrovale irrigation farm, thomas gibson-carmichael, yarra pier cargo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... 6 page bound booklet: The City of Greater Bendigo, report...: The City of Greater Bendigo, report to the Commissioners, draft ...6 page bound booklet: The City of Greater Bendigo, report to the Commissioners, draft management structures, Peter Seamer, 1 August 1994.bendigo, council, city of greater bendigo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Documents re the 1995 'Creative Village' Project. - a. letter of approach from AB to Mr P Ross-Edwards, Chief-Commissioner CoGB re project 23/1/1995; b. letter from John Little, Administrator, Victorian Arts Council, to AB granting application for $5190 for project; c. AB single-sheet notice (date 5/9/1995) re the presentation of the Report by the Creative Village Team on 21/9/1995. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Front cover is a photo of The Shamrock Hotel. 52 paged booklet - ''Report to Residents - City of Greater Bendigo, October 1995''. Table of Contents; Commissioners; Chief Executive Officer; Council meetings; Office location and hours; ''One Telephone Number''; Committees; Ward boundaries; Elections; Customer services; Rural services; Economic development; Bendigo Tourism Board; Bendigo Trust; Events Bendigo; Capital works 1995/96; Major projects; Discovery; Bendigo Regional Arts Centre; local laws; Fire prevention; Aged and disability services; Children and family services; Environmental health; Recreation and leisure; Parks and gardens; Planning and building; Waste management; Library services; Bendigo Leisureland; Rates; Budget for 1995/96; Index. Contains some photographs and map of proposed 7 internal Wards for the City of Greater Bendigo.Richard Cambridge Printers Bendigo.bendigo, council, report, maxine crouch, maurie sharkey, perer ross-edwards, peter seamer, hadley sides, richard morriss, bernard smith, annie galvin child care centre, bendigo regional art centre, rosalind park, budget 1995/96. bendigo health care services. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Report of the Chief Inspector of Explosives to the Honorable the Commissioner for Trade and Customs, on the Working of the Explosives Act During the Year 1895. Foolscap report stapled twice along spine containing 12 pages of narrative and tables.Publisher Robt S Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.Chief Inspector of Explosivesbook, explosives, explosives regulation, useage, storage, carriage and accidents victoria -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Report of the Chief Inspector of Explosives to the Honorable the Commissioner for Trade and Customs, on the Working of the Explosives Act During the Year 1894. Foolscap report stapled twince along spine containing 22 pages of narrative and tables.Publisher Robt S Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.Chief Inspector of Explosivesbook, explosives, explosives regulation, storage, useage, carriage and accidents victoria -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Report of the Inspector of Explosives to the Honorable the Commissioner for Trade and Customs, on the Working of the Explosives Act During the Year 1893. Foolscap report with two staples along spine containing 15 pages of narrative and tables. Publisher: Robt S Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.Inspector of Explosivesbook, explosives, explosives regulation, carriage, storage, handling and accidents victoria -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Reports of the Inspectors of Explosives to the Honorable the Commissioner for Trade and Customs, on the Working of the Explosives Act During The Year 1891. Foolscap sized paper report stapled twice along spine containing 28 printed pages of narrative and tables. Printed by Robt S Brain Government Printer Melbourne.Inspectors of Explosivesbook, explosives, explosives handling, regulations, storage, carriage and accidents victoria -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Reports of the Inspectors of Explosives to the Honorable the Commissioner for Trade and Customs For Trade and Customs, on the Working of the Explosives Act During the Year 1890. Foolscap sized paper report stapled in two places at the spine containing 35 printed black and white pages with narrative and tables. Publisher Robt S Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.Inspectors of Explosivesbook, explosives, explosives handling, regulations, storage, carriage and accidents victoria -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Letter dated 24th February 45 to the Commissioner of Taxes, Probate Duties Branch, 436 Londsdale St. Melbourne. Estate Annie Elizabeth Jones dec'd Estate No. 167774 - VF 42946 reporting that the amount of 243 pounds has been paid into the estate by a Mrs S. E. McMahon has been paid into the estate. The letter is signed GAJperson, individual, g.alice jones -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book, Benjamin Hoare, "The Melbourne Harbor Trust Commissioners Jubilee report 1877-1927", 1927
... Commissioners Jubilee report 1877-1927" Book Benjamin Hoare Peacock Bros ...The "Jubilee History of the Melbourne Harbor Trust" was compiled from the original records of the Trust and from the Victorian "Hansard". Incudes 485 pages of text, images and harbor trust - port of melbourne authority, piers and wharves, transport - shipping, benjamin hoare -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Letter from CEPA Bendigo & South Bendigo Branch disputing recent report, noting the isssues currently faced by the egg producers in the area on the viability of the industry. Cream A4 paper, three pagesCEPA Bendigo & South Bendigo -
Clunes Museum
scouts, cohen shield -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article - Photocopy, Horticultural Society of Victoria, 1860
Photocopy of Newspaper Article, Thursday 2 August, 1860 p 7 Report of the monthly meeting of the HSV Municipal Council of Richmond and commissioner of Public Works had granted funds for fencing the gardens and plans for a special meeting as soon as the Department of Lands had granted them land in the Surrey Paddock.Newspaper article from The Argusthe argus, surrey paddock, burnley gardens, horticultural society of victoria, hsv -
Geelong Naval and Maritime Museum
Common Seal, Geelong Harbor Trust Commissioner's Seal, c.1909
The Geelong Harbour Trust (GHT) was formed in 1905. This seal was used by the Trust Commissioner from 1909-1981 for impressing official documents. It's use was strictly controlled and dictated by the Regulations as contained in the Geelong Harbor Trust Annual Report from 1909. "The common seal of the Commissioner shall be kept under lock and key. Two locks shall be kept by the Chairman of Commissioners and the other of which the Secretary shall have a key. A duplicate key of each lock shall be lodged at such Bank as the Commissioner may direct. The common seal shall be used only by order of the Commissioners" (Regulations, Geelong Harbor Trust, Annual Report 1909). Captain George A. Molland was appointed Harbor Master of the Port (1900-1905) and then Harbor Master of the GHT from 1900-1936 when he retired, aged 88 years. He was replaced by Captain H. Saunders (1936-1950) followed by Captain D.G. Hancox.The seal is significant for its connections to physical changes made to the Geelong waterfront by the Harbor Trust from 1905. The Official Seal was a highly regarded formal object that was used for nearly 80 years by the Trust. The object is significant for its historic connections to the Harbor Masters and Commissioners who used it as part of official communication from the Trust.A seal used for impressing official stationary from the Geelong Harbor Trust. Object is made of cast iron, brass and steel with a large winding handle, screwed to a wooden board and painted black. Gold decorative paint is on the main body and a small portion of the winding handle."F.J. King/ Maker Melbourne"geelong harbor trust, commissioners seal, official seal, geelong maritime museum, captain h. saunders, captain d.g. hancox, captain george molland -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Aboriginal Land Commissioner, Aboriginal Land Commissioner Report. Aboriginal Land Rights ( Northern Territory ) Act 1976 : Annual report, 1976
... Aboriginal Land Commissioner Report. Aboriginal Land Rights... Aboriginal Land Commissioner Report. Aboriginal Land Rights ...aboriginal land rights ( northern territory ) act 1976 -- aboriginal land commissioner -
National Wool Museum
Book, Report on progressive land settlement in Queensland by the land settlement advisory commission
"Report on progressive land settlement in Queensland by the land settlement advisory commission " W L Payne, Commissioner, 1959. Deals at length with the leasing of Queensland government land and its suitability for raising sheep.pastoral industry - settlement sheep stations - establisment, land settlement advisory commission, pastoral industry - settlement, sheep stations - establisment -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Bolger, Audrey, Aboriginal Women and Violence : a report for the Criminology Research Council and the Northern Territory Commissioner of Police, 1991
Study of violence against Aboriginal women in selected towns, town camps, communities and outstations in Northern Territory; examines incidence, causes of violence, particularly role of alcohol, methods of dealing with violent situations, and responses of police , courts, health and welfare workers, Aboriginal legal services, womens refuges and alcohol agencies; sees positive aspects in Aboriginal womens use of refuges, new domestic violence laws and campaigns against alcohol; confusion over role of violence in traditional, 104 p. : tables. ; 25 cm.Study of violence against Aboriginal women in selected towns, town camps, communities and outstations in Northern Territory; examines incidence, causes of violence, particularly role of alcohol, methods of dealing with violent situations, and responses of police , courts, health and welfare workers, Aboriginal legal services, womens refuges and alcohol agencies; sees positive aspects in Aboriginal womens use of refuges, new domestic violence laws and campaigns against alcohol; confusion over role of violence in traditional societies.abused women -- northern territory. | wife abuse -- northern territory. | family violence -- northern territory. | women, aboriginal australian -- northern territory. | aboriginal australians -- northern territory -- social conditions. | aboriginal australians -- northern territory -- wife abuse. -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Two cities to go into the blender, 1994
After a year's speculation the Local Government Board has recommended in its interim report that the two municipalities be merged to form the new City of Koornung.After a year's speculation the Local Government Board has recommended in its interim report that the two municipalities be merged to form the new City of Koornung. Most of the amalgamation will be undertaken by Commissioners (to be appointed by the State Government) Nunawading City Manager, Warwick Dilley, believes to develop a corporate plan.After a year's speculation the Local Government Board has recommended in its interim report that the two municipalities be merged to form the new City of Koornung.local government, victoria. local government board, city of nunawading, city of box hill, dilley, warwick, port, ian, amalgamations -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document - Report, Section 31 Land Act 1869, 01/06/1872
Land application by Frank Ainger, referred to District Surveyor. Report by Mounted Constable Douglas with description of proposed use of land. Map of area. The area is on the corner of Whitehorse Road and Doncaster East Road.ainger, frank, douglas (mounted constable), assistant commissioner of lands and survey, whitehorse road, mitcham, doncaster east road, land settlement -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Document - Photocopy, Police numbers in Victoria 1858-9, 1858-9
Photocopied paper with printed columns and numbers1858 VICTORIA Police Department, General report of the Acting Chief Commissioner Upon the State of the Police Department VPP 1858-59 Vol 2police, police numbers, statistics, victorian parliamentary papers -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, Herald Sun, "Bring back trams bid", 25/01/1996 12:00:00 AM
Item in the Melbourne Herald Sun newspaper, 25/1/1996 that the State Government had pledged excess W class trams to a planned Ballarat Tramway. Reports on the public meeting on the previous Tuesday, comments on proposals. Notes comments by Vern Robson, Chief Commissioner City of Ballarat, Public Transport Minister Alan Brown. Written by Claire Heaney. Has the newspaper details and date taped alongside item.trams, tramways, feasibility study, w-class trams, ballarat city tramway, ballarat revival -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Report, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), "Commission Acts and Regulations", May. 1958
Twenty two page document, outlining the Acts and Regulations of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria with an introduction, dated 28 may 1958. Gives background to the Electricity Commissioners Bill of 1918, SEC ACTS, General Powers and responsibilities, SEC ACT of 1929, which allowed for operation of Tramways, and associated provisions and powers, Yallourn Township, Tramways By-Law No. 1, Orders in Council for local councils to supply power and wiring rules etc. Printed by a duplicating process onto paper with rounded corners. Pages held in top left hand corner by a brass split binder. Pages have "sticky tape" repairs on edges.On top of the first sheet in ink "Received from o/m in December 1958"trams, tramways, sec, acts of parliament, power supply, tramways -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Book, Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees Association (ATMOEA), "The Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees Association", "Agreement - Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong", 1955
Demonstrates aspects of the Tramway Union (ATMOEA) management the provided a copy of the Award in a printed form for the use of employees - applicable for Geelong, Ballarat and Bendigo.Sixteen page book within pink light card covers, titled "The Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees Association" & "Agreement - Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong", dated Geelong 1955. Gives details of Tramways - SEC award 1955, covering duration of the award contract of employment, rates of pay, margins, additional rates, hours, shift work, overtime, holiday work, call forward and call back, spread of hours, Saturday and Sunday work, special night allowance, penalty rates, time allowances, attending, reporting, meals, acting out of grade, surpluses and shortages, annual leave, sick leave, free travel, uniforms, training, reports, union notices, punishments. Signed by E.W. Tonkin as Conciliation Commissioner. Full scan of document added as a pdf file 5/6/2019.trams, tramways, atmoea, unions, rules, geelong, ballarat, bendigo, awards -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Grenville Deputation for Railway Service", 6/03/1953 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 6/3/1953, titled "Grenville Deputation for Railway Service" reporting on the a deputation from the Country Women's Association, deputation to the Shire of Grenville supporting the restoration of the rail services on the Skipton line following the destruction by fire of the Newtown Trestle Bridge. Notes Council meeting with the VR Commissioners and departmental heads. Contained originally within Reg Item 5623 at the front of this note book. For items see btm5623 loose items list.pdf.skipton, railways, cwa -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Container - Basket, fisherman's
In July 1862, Victoria’s out-going Inspector of Fisheries and Oyster Beds, James Putwain, wrote a report of his observations of the colony’s commercial fisheries to deputy premier Charles Duffy. Irish-born Duffy was the Commissioner for Public Works, President of the Board of Land and Works, and Commissioner for Crown Lands and Survey, later to become Premier of Victoria. Reckoned to be of public interest, Putwain’s report was published in the Lands Circular of the day. Apart from its general historical interest in describing the fishes, fishing gear and boats of the time, this report remarks on the vulnerability of commercial fishermen to market wholesalers. It also comments on the particular role of Chinese, both as fishermen and as a discrete section of the fish-buying community at the time. FISHERIES OF VICTORIACane woven fisherman's basket for storage of catchfishing in port phillip and hobson's bay -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Boroondara Bulletin, 1994
City of BoroondaraReference, Research, InformationProvenance OrderSubject file containing various copies of the City of Boroondara’s ‘Boroondara Bulletin’ including Volumes 1/1, 1/4 (1994), 2/2 (1995), 4 (1997) and Nov 2010. The file also includes some other, later Ward updates. The Bulletin was first issued by the City Commissioners following the forced amalgamation of the suburbs of Kew, Camberwell, Hawthorn etc. into the new City in 1994. The early Bulletins were like local newspapers and reported on community activities as well as Council policy. Additional copies of the Boroondara Bulletin are stored in the Society’s of boroondara - boroondara bulletin, city of boroondara - publicationscity of boroondara - boroondara bulletin, city of boroondara - publications -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Certificate, McCarron Bird & Co, The Centennial Choir, Centennial International Exhibition, 1888
... A Report of the Commissioners, presented to Parliament... A Report of the Commissioners, presented to Parliament in 1891 ...A Report of the Commissioners, presented to Parliament in 1891, noted that: ‘The great Musical Festival, which was inaugurated and maintained during the time the Exhibition was open, was such as had never before been attempted. In that comparatively short period, no less than 263 orchestral, grand choral, and other concerts were given by the Centennial Orchestra and Choir, numbering nearly 800 performers, under the conductorship of Mr. F. H. Cowen. At these concerts the works of the great masters were performed in a manner hitherto unknown in these colonies, and your Commissioners are encouraged to hope that the stimulus given through their agency to the study of Music will prove strong and lasting. They also desire to return their thanks to the ladies and gentlemen composing the Centennial Choir, who devoted much time to the rehearsal and performance of the great choral works given during the Festival, and whose valuable services were rendered gratuitously.'An illuminated certificate inscribed to Miss L. Wilson in ‘recognition of valuable services rendered as a member of the Centennial Choir during the currency of the Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne 1888’. The illuminated certificate lists a number of works performed by the choir, at left, and also pictorial roundels of the exterior of the Exhibition Building and of its grand organ. Attached to the card on which the certificate is also attached is a separate Memorandum from the Music Business Manager to Miss Wilson. No other correspondence is extant to explain the reason for her request.Inscription: To Miss L. Wilson / In recognition of valuable services / rendered as a Member of / The Centennial Choir / during the currency of the / Centennial International/ Exhibition, Melbourne 1888. Separate Memorandum: CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION MEMORANDUM FROM EXHIBITION BUILDINGS FITZROY 8/10/1888 E. MILLER (MUSIC BUSINESS MANAGER) TO Miss Wilson Dear Madam In answer to your note I have the honor to inform you that you may remove your dress at any time, though you may need to show your choir pass & may have to submit to parcel being looked at - as the Customs officers are obliged to keep a very careful watch on any outgoing parcels. Yours obediently E. Millercentennial choir - 1888, centennial exhibition - melbourne (vic) - 1888, certificates -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Badge - Identification Badge, Mrs HG Ferguson, Mayoress, City of Kew 1959-60, 1959
Hugh George Ferguson was born in June 1900 in Williamstown. After his family moved to Kew, they lived in Fernhurst Grove while his future wife’s family lived in Fellows Street. He married in 1940 and subsequently joined the Second AIF. In 1945, he was reported to be the ACF (Australian Comforts Fund) Commissioner in Borneo [Kalimantan]. After the Second World War, he worked as a Billeting Affairs Organiser for the Dutch Government, resettling migrants in Australia. He also worked in advertising as an account manager, and as campaign director for Arthur Rylah in Victorian politics. He directed the first major trade fairs at the Royal Exhibition Buildings after the Second World War, including ‘Australia Makes It Exhibition’ in 1947, the ‘Australian Industrial Fair’ in 1949 and 1950, the ‘Modern Home Exhibition’ in 1949, and ‘Made in Australia’ in 1952. The funds raised during the latter were earmarked for a ‘bankrupt’ Queen Victoria Hospital. He built a home in Brougham Street and represented North Ward on Kew Council from 1952 to 1968. He was elected Mayor in 1959. Hugh Ferguson died in 1975, aged 75. He was buried on 2 September in Grave 201, Special (Non- Denominational) Compartment A, Boroondara General Cemetery.A gold plated bar brooch with suspended medallion having a blue enamelled ring surrounding the City of Kew crest in reliefFront: City of Kew, above the city of Kew crest with Council below Rear: Mrs H. G. Ferguson, Mayoress, 1959-60city of kew, mayoresses - kew (vic), mrs hg ferguson