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matching hamilton road
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document, Leaflet Federal elections labor 2013, 2013
This is an election leaflet for Michael Barling who was a candidate in the Federal House of Representatives seat of Wannon in 2013. This electorate is in the south west of Victoria and is the second largest in the State. It includes Portland, Hamilton, Warrnambool, Ararat and Halls Gap. Michael Barling, a teacher, was an unsuccessful candidate, winning 39.9% of the primary vote. Dan Tehan won the seat and is the present Wannon representative. This leaflet is of minor interest as an example of the advertising leaflets produced by a candidate for a Federal Government electorate.This is an A4 page paper leaflet folded in three and printed on both sides with printed material, colour photographs and the Labor Party logo. Front part: ‘Michael Barling, Labor For Wannon, Australian Labor’.wannon electorate, federal house of representatives, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Album Parterre, 1947
This book tells the story of the Rev. William Hamilton (1807-1879), a pioneer Presbyterian Minister in the Western District. He studied at Glasgow University, became a Presbyterian Minister and came to Australia in 1837. He spent some time in the Goulburn area in N.S.W and then moved to Kilnoorat in Victoria in 1846, building a manse and a church at Darlington and later two churches at Mortlake. He retired from active ministry in 1873. This book is significant in that it was written by a Presbyterian Minister in 1946 and gives details of the life and work of a local pioneer Presbyterian minister, the Rev. William Hamilton. It is a rare book.This is a small paper back book of eight pages with a mottled green cover with a blank back and a black and white photograph of Rev. William Hamilton on the front. The pages include printed material and three more black and white photographs. The pages have been stapled but the rusty staples have been removed. Front cover: ‘The Pioneer of Presbyterianism in the Western District, Rev. William Hamilton, by Rev. H. Clark, M.C, M.A., Terang, 1947’presbyterianism in the western district rev., william hamilton -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, The Pioneer of Presbyterianism in Western Victoria, 1947
This booklet was written by the Rev. H Clark of Terang in 1947 and gives the details of the life and work of the Rev. William Hamilton who came to Kilnoorat in 1847 and was the pioneer Presbyterian minister in the Western District.This is an important little biography of a a pioneering Presbyterian minister in the Western District.This a soft covered booklet of eight pages. It has a grey cover with black print and a photograph of a bearded gentleman reading a book. This book has been stapled but the staples are removed.The Pioneer of Presbyterianism in the Western District. Rev. William Hamilton.presbyterianism history -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet - Victorian Country telephone exchange 1923, 1923
This is a 1923 booklet containing information on the Telephone Exchanges and the lists of subscribers in the areas of Geelong, Camperdown, Casterton, Hamilton, Mortlake, Portland and Warrnambool. Telephones were in use in Victoria as early as the 1870s with the first Telephone Exchange facility established in Melbourne in 1880. In 1890 the first Telephone Exchange in Warrnambool was established with 35 subscribers. In 1912 the first automatic Telephone Exchange for public use was established in Geelong. This was the second established in the British Empire. This booklet is of considerable importance as it lists all the telephone subscribers in the Warrnambool area in 1923. It is a great research tool as it gives not only the addresses of the subscribers but also in many instances their occupations and business names and in the areas around Warrnambool the names of the properties at that time. This is a soft-cover booklet of 104 pages. It has a dark grey cover with printed information on both sides. It was published in 1923. The pages are stapled together and contain lists of Telephone Exchanges, information on the distances from one Exchange to another in the area and the rates of charges for telephone trunk lines. It also has a list of subscribers in the Camperdown, Geelong, Hamilton and Warrnambool areas. The front cover has a small piece missing at the right hand side edge. There are some rubbing and dirt marks on the cover.Front Cover: ‘Victoria Country Telephone Exchanges, List of Subscribers And Other Information’warrnambool telephone exchange, 1923 telephone book, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Hodder and Staughton, The New Testament, 1934
The new testament is the second part of the Bible and records the teachings of Christ through the four gospels as well as the Acts of the Apostles and letters of St Paul as well as book of Revelations. It is commonly used as a book of inspiration and study within all Christian Churches. This particular copy was presented to James Cook in 1940 by the Hamilton Church of Christ Sunday School. The Cook family was also connected with the Warrnambool Church of Christ.This item has only a tenuous connection to Warrnambool and its history but is retained because of its connection to the Cook family.Dark grey cloth covered card cover with symbol of lamp in circle on front cover. Title in red on spine of book.388 pagesPresented to James Cook from the Church of Christ Sunday School Hamilton February 1940warrnambool, church of christ sunday school, james cook, -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Uniform - Child's school dress, 1954
This child's dress was the" uniform" of Caramut State School No.1728 made especially made by the parents in 1954 and worn by the children to line the route taken by Queen Elizabeth on the Royal visit to Hamilton, Victoria. Children from other schools in the district also attended.This dress is of historical interest as a Western district memento of the Royal visit in 1954.This is a blue cotton dress with white collar and cuffs and white buttons, press studs and two pockets with white edging. It has short sleeves and a slightly gathered skirt and loops at the back to hold a belt or sash. It is home made royal visit 1954, caramut state school -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Administrative record - Store Keeper's Ledger, John Stewart Store keeper, 1890-1905
This ledger is a record of the sales of John Stewart from 1890 to 1905 in the districts of Warrnambool, Garvoc, Hamilton and Horsham. John Stewart was a printer and store keeper in Warrnambool from 1890 to 1895. He was also connected to several hotels in the district- the Pieter Both Hotel in Warrnambool in Raglan Parade, ( his wife was the Licensee in 1897), the Yallock Inn in Garvoc ( his wife was the licensee 1899), and hotels in Hamilton and Horsham.The Ledger is of some interest as it contains the names of many local people at the end of the 19th Century. It is a handy research tool. This ledger has 542 pages. It has a hard cover with a dark green cloth cover with leather binding on the spine and corners of the cover. There is a red label on the spine with gold printing and patterning. The inside of the cover has a mottled pattern. There is an alphabetical index at the front. The pages have red ruled lines and hand written entries in ink. John Stewart the original Owner of this book was beside being Printer & Storekeeper in Warrnambool 1890-1895 was Licensee of Peter (sic) Both Hotel -Warrnambool 1895 Garvoc Hotel Garvoc 1899 Caledonian Hotel Hamilton 1902 Criterion Hotel Horsham 1904 Farmers Union Hotel Horsham 1905 Presented to The City of Warrnambool April 1969 by his Son Roy A Stewart Written by J. Stewart's Grandson Bryce A Carter 13th April 1969john stewart printer and store keeper, pieter both hotel, garvoc hotel -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Poster - Print and Lithograph of Western Victorian towns and businesses, McCarron Bird & Co, Birds Eye Views in Western Victoria, c. 1900
This poster has been produced as a saleable item by the firm of McCarron Bird & Co of Melbourne about 1900. This firm was founded in 1872 and is best known for its publication of the two-volume work, 'Victoria and its Metropolis' (1888). The poster was intended to be hung on a wall for decorative and advertising purposes. It contains four attractive lithographs of the towns, Warrnambool, Port Fairy, Portland and Hamilton and a great number of advertisements and illustrations, some from Melbourne and the rest from the Westen District towns mentioned above. One Warrnambool advertisement is for the general merchant business of William Caffin in Kepler Street and two others are advertisements for the coastal ships, Flinders, Dawn and Casino which came into the port of Warrnambool. This poster has local historical significance as it has a descriptive drawing of the town of Warrnambool about 1900 and shows the buildings that were existing at that time.This is a cream-coloured sheet of paper with a coloured centre piece showing the title of the poster, four coloured lithographs of Western Victorian towns and advertisements printed and illustrated in black and white. The edges of the poster are frayed and the paper is torn at the centre left edge.warrnambool 1900, western victorian towns 1900, william caffin general merchant warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Map, Department of Lands and Survey (Lithographers), Caramut township, 1938
This map of the township of Caramut was produced in 1938 but shows the original land owners of each town allotment and of the surrounding area. The size of all the allotments and the date of the original purchase are also shown. Caramut is a Victorian Western District town on Mustons Creek on the Hamilton Highway 48 kilometres from Warrnambool. This map was used by Rolf Crawley when he was the engineer for the Shire of Warrnambool from 1935 to 1968. The annotations on the map have probably been made by Rolf Crawley as they refer to the records and letter books of his father, John William Crawley, Junior (Shire of Warrnambool Engineer 1895 to 1935). Both Rolf Crawley and his father, John had private businesses as architects, surveyors and engineers and the map could have been used in connection with both their official Shire duties and their private businesses. The last owner of the map was the surveyor, Michael Hand who took over the business of Rolf Crawley in the late 1960s. This map is of great interest firstly because it has all the historical details of the land first purchased in the town of Caramut and area and secondly because it came from the office of Rolf Crawley, the engineer for the Shire of Warrnambool from 1935 to 1968. This is a buff-coloured paper map with a cloth backing. The map details are in black and white print. There are some handwritten red and black annotations on the map. “Town of Caramut Parish of Caramut County of Villiers’town of caramut, john william crawley junior, warrnambool, rolf crawley, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Bottle, R V Reeves Warrnambool, Mid 20th century
These bottles came from the Warrnambool aerated waters factory of Ralph Reeves. This factory in Koroit Street, Warrnambool was established in the 1860s as the Union Cordial Factory by John Davis and then bought by John Fletcher in 1885. Fletcher’s business continued until 1930 when it was bought by Ralph Reeves. Coming to Warrnambool about 1900 Ralph Reeves managed a Banyan Street cordial factory which had been established by John Rowley. Ralph Reeves bought a business in 1916 at Hamilton and sold it in 1929 to concentrate on the Warrnambool business. Reeves was joined by his son Reg in Warrnambool and Reg operated the business from 1946 to 1972. The trade name of Reeves was still used after Reg Reeves died and continued on for some years.These bottles are of significance as they come from the Warrnambool aerated waters factory of Ralph Reeves. Reeves and his son Reg operated this business for 40 years. Cordial manufacturing was an important industry in Warrnambool for over 100 years. These are five glass bottles with a rounded body, a round base and a smaller rounded neck. The tops are made of moulded glass and the stoppers are made of cork with a brown top. The name of the maker of the aerated waters is impressed into the glass on the side of the bottles.‘This bottle always remains the property of R.V. Reeves Warrnambool’ reeves bottles, reeves cordials, ralph reeves, warrnambool history -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Bottle, Imitation Cordial Pineaple Reeves W'bool, 1970s
This bottle came from the Warrnambool aerated waters factory of Reg Reeves. This factory in Koroit Street, Warrnambool was established in the 1860s as the Union Cordial Factory by John Davis and then bought by John Fletcher in 1885. Fletcher’s business continued until 1930 when it was bought by Ralph Reeves. Coming to Warrnambool about 1900, Ralph Reeves managed a Banyan Street cordial factory which had been established by John Rowley. Ralph Reeves bought a cordial business at Hamilton in 1916 and sold it in 1929 to concentrate on his Warrnambool cordial factory. Reeves was joined by his son Reg in Warrnambool and Reg operated the business from 1946 to 1972. The trade name of Reeves was still used after Reg Reeves died and continued on for some years. This bottle is of interest as an example of the soft drinks made at the Warrnambool aerated waters factory of Reg Reeves. Reg and his father Ralph operated a cordial business in Warrnambool for 40 years. Cordial manufacturing was an important industry in Warrnambool for over 100 years.This is a glass bottle with a long rounded body, a round base and a short rounded neck. The top of the bottle has a moulded glass open top and there is a cork stopper with a brown top to enable the bottle to be opened by turning. The stopper has the name of the manufacturer of the soft drink on it and there is a multi-coloured label pasted on to the side of the bottle. The name of the soft drinks manufacturer is also impressed into the glass on the side of the bottle. There are two small chips near the base of the bottle. Stopper: R.V.Reeves R.V.R. Bottle: Reeves Imitation Cordial Pineapple Artificially coloured &flavoured This food contains not more than 2 grains of sulphur dioxide to the pint R.J. Reeves Warrnambool ralph reeves, warrnambool, reg reeves, warrnambool, cordial manufacturers in warrnambool, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Container - Bottle, Reeves Stopper bottle, 1950s
This bottle comes from the Warrnambool aerated water factory of Reg Reeves. This factory, in Koroit Street, Warrnambool, was established in the 1860s as the Union Cordial Factory by John Davis and then bought by John Fletcher in 1885. Fletcher’s business continued until 1930 when it was bought by Ralph Reeves. Coming to Warrnambool about 1900, Ralph Reeves managed a Banyan Street, Warrnambool cordial factory which had been established by John Rowley. Ralph Reeves bought a business in 1916 at Hamilton and sold it in 1929 to concentrate on the Warrnambool business. Reeves was joined by his son Reg in Warrnambool and Reg operated the business from 1946 to 1972. The trade name of Reeves was still used after Reg Reeves died and continued on for some years. This bottle is of interest as an example of a lemonade bottle form Reeves Cordial Factory in Warrnambool. The Reeves family operated this business in Warrnambool for 40 years. Cordial manufacturing was an important industry in Warrnambool for over 100 years. This is a clear glass lemonade bottle with a round base, a rounded body and a smaller circular neck with a screw top stopper made of composite material. A metal handle is attached to the neck section and it has a coil of metal on the handle for easier handling. The stopper has the name of the manufacturer of the soft drink. ‘R.V.Reeves R.V.R.’ (twice)reeves cordial factory, warrnambool, cordial manufacturing in warrnambool, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Bottle, Reeves, Mid 20th century
These bottles came from the Warrnambool aerated waters factory of Ralph Reeves. This factory in Koroit Street, Warrnambool was established in the 1860s as the Union Cordial Factory by John Davis and then bought by John Fletcher in 1885. Fletcher’s business continued until 1930 when it was bought by Ralph Reeves. Coming to Warrnambool about 1900 Ralph Reeves managed a Banyan Street cordial factory which had been established by John Rowley. Ralph Reeves bought a business in 1916 at Hamilton and sold it in 1929 to concentrate on the Warrnambool business. Reeves was joined by his son Reg in Warrnambool and Reg operated the business from 1946 to 1972. The trade name of Reeves was still used after Reg Reeves died and continued on for some years.These bottles are of significance as they come from the Warrnambool aerated waters factory of Ralph Reeves. Reeves and his son operated this business for 40 years. Cordial manufacturing was an important industry in Warrnambool for over 100 years. These are five glass bottles with a rounded body, a round base and a smaller rounded neck. The tops are made of moulded glass and the stoppers are made of cork with a brown top. The name of the maker of the aerated waters is impressed into the glass on the side of the bottles.‘This bottle always remains the property of R.V. Reeves Warrnambool’ralph reeves, warrnambool, cordial manufacturers in warrnambool, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Letter and Envelope, Letter: from - - Johnson to Gladys Holmes, Dec 27 1917, pre Dec 1917
Writer not confirmed, - - Johnson Letter received by Gladys Holmes in Feb 1918 from abroad. One item of fourteen of original documents- letters, postcards and photographs received from local servicemen during WW 1.001805.1 - 001805.1R: Envelope- light blue/aqua writing paper with gray lead pencil handwriting and red 1d stamp with black ink postmark.. Reserve- 27th Dec 1917/Received 21st Feb 1918 001805.2 - 001805.2R: Letter, one sheet written on both sides.001805.1: Red censor stamp with overwritten signature (- Johnson), addressed to Miss Gladys Holmes/Byaduk/Hamilton/Victoria/Australia and hand drawn flourish 001805.1R: 27th Dec 1917/Received 21st Feb 1918. three censored phrases, blacked out script. 001805.2 - 2R: Thurs Dec 27/Dear Gladys.......'You must see it to realize what it is like'signed with 3 initials - - Jgladys holmes, byaduk, mona, johnson, ww1, letter, envelope, gladys holmes, byaduk, johnson, ww1, letter, envelope -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Maps (2), 1 Kapong .2 Hawkesdale, 1 1913 .2 1942
These two maps of the Kapong/ Hawkesdale area in Victoria show the original lands that belonged to the pioneer settler, Charles Hamilton MacKnight and the handwritten annotations that show the subsequent owners of these lands. Charles Hamilton Macknight (1819-1873) came to Australia from Scotland in 1841 and in 1842, with partners, James Irvine and William Campbell, established the property of Dunmore in Broadwater (24 kilometres from Hawkesdale). He was a prominent breeder of sheep, cattle and horses. Sections of his lands were acquired by the Baulch family and these maps were acquired from a member of the Baulch family, with Stanley Baulch being the possible annotator of the Kapong map. These maps are of interest as they show the properties that belonged to the pioneer settler, Charles Hamilton MacKnight and the subsequent division of these lands, some of these passing into the hands of the Baulch family. As the Kapong map also shows other original landowners, it will be a useful tool for researchers..1 This is a map of Kapong in the County of Villiers. It is on a rectangular-shaped piece of linen-backed paper with black printing and some handwritten annotations in red ink. It is crumpled at the edges. .2 This is a rectangular-shaped piece of paper showing a map of the Hawkesdale area. The printed material is in grid form in black, green and red. At the left bottom edge it has a mauve stamp. kapong, victoria, hawkesdale, victoria, dunmore estate, victoria, charles hamilton macknight, baulch family, western victoria, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Map and Article, Dunmore, 1 1954 .2 1970
Both these items deal with the property of Dunmore, in the Macarthur/Hawkesdale/ Woolsthorpe area of Western Victoria. The first item is a sheet of paper with a map and details of the sale of portion of Dunmore in 1954. This is an original document. The second item is a history written by Stan Baulch of the property Dunmore from its establishment up to 1970. Dunmore was first established by Charles Hamilton MacKnight and two partners in 1842 and it was purchased by Samuel Baulch in 1893. After Samuel Baulch’s death the property was bequeathed to his three sons. One son, Stanley Baulch (1897-1980) took over the eastern portion which he named Rose Park. Stan Baulch was a member of the Warrnambool and District Historical Society and wrote several articles on aspects of his life and work, including this valuable article on the history of Dunmore. These items are of significance as they concern the estate of Dunmore in Western Victoria, an early and important property which is still farming land today under various owners. .1 This is a sheet of paper containing a map of the Dunmore property on one side and details of the sale of portion of Dunmore on the other side. The map has been annotated in handwritten black ink. The page has been folded twice. .2 This is an article typed on 12 foolscap pages. The typing is somewhat faint in places. ‘Dunmore’ Estate Dunmore baulch family, western district, victoria, dunmore estate, macarthur/hawkesdale, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Telephone Directory 1969, 37 Browns Road
This telephone directory of 1969 has entries from the Camperdown, Casterton, Colac, Edenhope, Hamilton, Portland and Warrnambool districts. The directory came from the Nullawarre Post Office at the time when Charles Williams was the Post Master (mid 20th century) and delivered two runs of mail a day. His wife, Vida was the Post Mistress. Nullawarre is a small agricultural settlement 25 kilometres south east of Warrnambool and today has a general store, Post Office and school. This telephone directory, which has local provenance (Nullawarre Post Office), will be of great use to researchers as it contains the names and addresses of private individuals and businesses in the Western District of Victoria in 1969. It is also of interest as many of the entries give the names of the country properties at that time and the entries are listed separately under the names of the various towns. This is a soft-cover booklet of 392 pages. The front cover is multi-coloured and has a photograph of a parrot and the back cover has an advertisement in blue and white. There are 200 white pages and 192 pink pages of telephone numbers in Western Victoria in 1969. The printing throughout is black and the pages are very faded. communications, warrnambool, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Documents, Letters to Sliding Gunter, 1902
Sliding Gunter was the nom de Plume of Thomas Hamilton Tracey Osborne. Thomas Hamilton Tracey Osborne was born at Belfast 4/9/1851, the son of Thomas Hamilton Trail Osborne and his second wife Eliza nee Treacey. The young Thomas spent many hours among seamen and ships at Port Fairy. He moved to Warrnambool and commenced work as secretary to the Western Steam Navigation Company becoming manager in 1883. After the company failed he joined with Mark Saltau and they traded as Saltau and Osborne. His writings as Sliding Gunter appeared in The Warrnambool Standard and the Belfast Gazette. He was knowlegable and maintained an interest in shipping and the sea. He died in 11th December 1902 and his body was taken on board the Julia Percy and was buried at sea out from the Breakwater. He was well liked in the district and people lined the Cannon Hill area and the foreshore to farewell him. As an avid writer he corresponded with many people and this letter is one such letter The writer J J Crawford from Koroit tells the story of some of his family and their travels to Australia and early years in South Australia. The contents of letters such as these show he drew information from various sources.These letters as they relate to one of Warrnambool's earliest writers hold historic and social significance.002192.1 Plain white paper letter handwritten in black ink on back and front of letter 002192.2 Plain white paper letter handwritten in black ink on front and section on the back written sideways. Both letters are in the same hand.002192.1 dated 27 Feb 1902, Koroit. Signed J J Crawford 002192.2 Dated 1 March 1902, Koroit.sliding gunter -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document, Letter to Mr J H Osborne 1901, 1901
... Street (south of Merri St) Warrnambool great-ocean-road Thomas ...Thomas Hamilton Tracey Osborne was born at Belfast 4/9/1851, the son of Thomas Hamilton Trail Osborne and his second wife Eliza nee Treacey. The young Thomas spent many hours among seamen and ships at Port Fairy. He moved to Warrnambool and commenced work as secretary to the Western Steam Navigation Company becoming manager in 1883. After the company failed he joined with Mark Saltau and they traded as Saltau and Osborne. His other main interest was writing some of which he did under the nom de plume of Sliding Gunter. These articles appeared in The Warrnambool Standard and the Belfast Gazette. He was knowlegable and maintained an interest in shipping and the sea. He died in 11th December 1902 and his body was taken on board the Julia Percy and was buried at sea out from the Breakwater. He was well liked in the district and people lined the Cannon Hill area and the foreshore to farewell him. As an avid writer he corresponded with many people and this letter is one such letter. It relates to recollections of the wreck of the Maria in 1840 out of Adelaide and the loss of life which followed. Unfortunately the letter is incomplete.This letter is of interest as it is addressed to one of Warrnambool's interesting people at the turn of the 20th century. Thomas Hamilton Tracey Osborne has left a legacy of much written work which records aspects of Warrnambool's history as well as his interest in ships and seafaring. This letter shows he drew his information from various sources.One lined page of a letter written in black pen. A wide margin on the left side of the page . The back is blank.The letter is addressed to Mr T H Osborne. Date November 30th 1901.thomas hamilton tracey osborne, western steam navigation company, saltau and osborne, 1901 letter, wreck of the maria 1840 -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Medallion, Stokes Melbourne, Commemorative Queen Elizabeth 11 1954 Visit, C 1954
This was the first visit of Queen Elizabeth to Australia following her coronation in 1953. Queen Elizabeth is the only British monarch to have visited Australia. She visited Hamilton on 26th February. School children from Warrnambool were transported to Hamilton showgrounds to stand in lines to view the Queen and the Duke standing in a land rover. All school children received a commemorative medal.These medals are retained as a memento of the Queen's visit in 1954.Three identical gold coloured metal medals. Each medal is attached by a ring to a bar with decorative surrounds. The bar has text. The obverse of the medal features profiles of Queen Elizabeth 11 and the Duke of Edinburgh. The reverse has a crown and text. There is a pin clip on the reverse of the bar. Bar Obverse PRESENTED TO THE CHILDREN BY THE GOVERNMENT OF VICTORIA Bar Reverse STOKES MELB Medal Obverse QUEEN ELIZABETH 11 : DUKE OF EDINBURGH Medal Reverse E11R ROYAL VISIT 1954 VICTORIA queen elizabeth 11. duke of edinburgh, royal visit -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Map - Fire Maps, Region 5 Fire Control Map, 1963
Two fire maps of south west Victoria.1 This is a rectangular piece of linen folded several times to form a packet with the front part covered with a brown card. The cover has a blue and white label. The map has a white base with red and green markings and red and black printing .2 As .1 abovenon-fictionTwo fire maps of south west Victoriafire maps, warrnambool history -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Mitchell, Jenni
Jenni Mitchell, daughter of Grace and Arthur Mitchell, is a painter. Contents Newspaper article: "Back to the drawing board", Diamond Valley News, 19 May 1981. Jenni Mitchell's early life. Newspaper article: "Jenni captures the cast and rugged desert", Diamond Valley News, 13 March 1984. Jenni Mitchell's exhibition of Wimmera paintings, 16-25 March 1984. Exhibition list: Jenni Mitchell studio exhibition, ?1984 ?1986. Newspaper article: "Jenni mingles with greats of art world", Diamond Valle News, 29 July 1986. Jenni Mitchell exhibitor in Melbourne Spoleto Festival exhibition, Ross House Gallery, Kew. Newspaper article: "Poet, painter a formidable duo", Diamond Valley News, 28 October 1986. A poem from Cornelis Vieeskens's book and story of connection to Grace Mitchell's art works. Newspaper article: "Eltham artist to stage her 20th solo exhibition", Diamond Valley News, 31 May 1995. Jenni Mitchell's "Survey Exhibition 1975-1995", at Dempsters Fine Art Gallery, Canterbury, opened by poet Judith Rodriguez on 2 June 1995 . Election flier: Jenni Mitchell, candidate for Eltham Council, 1989. Newspaper article: "Aiming to keep history alive", Diamond Valley News, 22 August 1989. Newly elected Eltham Councillor Jenni Mitchell's objectives. Newspaper article: "Poetry in paint", Diamond Valley News, 23 November 1992. Jenni Mitchell's exhibition of Australian contemporary writers at the National Poetry Festival at Montsalvat, December 1992. Newspaper article: "Eltham artist to stage her 20th solo exhibition", Diamond Valley News, 31 May 1995. Jenni Mitchell's exhibition, "Survey Exhibition 1995-1985" at Dempsters Fine Art Gallery, Canterbury, opened 2 June 1995. Newspaper article :Keen to get focus on art again", Diamond Valley News, 6 November 1996. Jenni Mitchell exhibiting in Nillumbik Festival's Artists Open Studios program 1996. Newspaper article: "Rocky mountain high", ?1997. Jenni Mitchell's exhibition of Flinders Ranges work in Mains Restaurant, Eltham ?1997. Newspaper article: "Inspired works", ?1999. Jenni Mitchell's exhibition of works from artist-in-residence at Bundanon and Riversdale, Adam Galleries, Melbourne until 8 September ?1999. Newspaper article: "Gone bush, in search of the still place", The Age, 2 May 2000. Jenni Mitchell's exhibition Portraits of Extraordinary People, Queens Hall, Parliament House until 12 May 2000. Booklet: "Sharing a History, an essay by JHenni Mitchell", produced in association with exhibition Captured at the Eltham Library Community Gallery, 22 February to 3 March 2002 Flier: "Artists Open Studio 2001-2002. Exhibition of artists participating in the Nillumbik Artists Open Studio Program at Eltham Wiregrass Gallery, 21 February to 7 March 2002. Newspaper article: "Not just white in sight", Diamond Valley Leader 3 September 2003. Jenni Mitchell's exhibition "To the Ice, Images from the Antarctic at Montsalvat until 7 October 2003. Newspaper article: "Works are poetry on canvas", Diamond Valley News, 2003. Jenni Mitchell's exhibition 'Desert, Ice and Poetry, at Montsalvat until 12 December 2003. Newspaper article: "In love with a world of ice", Herald Sun, 25 October 2003. Jenni Mitchell's exhibition 'Desert, Ice and Poetry, at Montsalvat until 12 December 2003. Newspaper article: "Display honours artist, wife", Diamond Valley Leader 28 July 2004. Jenni Mitchell had been student of Alan Martin, retrospective exhibition of Martin's work at Eltham Community Centre 31 July to 1 August 2004. Newspaper article: "Portrait due get to the heart of the matter", Diamond Valley Leader, 13 April 2005. Jenni Mitchell painted double portrait of Colin Royse and Allstair Royse for Archibald Prize. Newspaper article: "Brothers impress artist", Diamond Valley Voice 13 April 2005. Jenni Mitchell painted double portrait of Colin Royse and Allstair Royse for Archibald Prize. Newspaper article: "Poles apart but online", Diamond Valley Leader 2005. Jenni Mitchell's journey to the North Pole will have a website set up by Hugh Stubley and Stephen Pearce, Tribity Digital Solutions. Newspaper article: "Going to extremes for ideas", Diamond Valley Leader, 1 June 2005. Jenni Mitchell's exhibition "Images of the Antarctic" at Dickerson Gallery 7 June to 3 July 2005. Newspaper article: "Works are poetry on canvas", Diamond Valley News, ~2005. Jenni Mitchell's exhibition "Desert, Ice and Poetry" at Montsalvat until 12 December 2005. Newspaper article: "Places for painting", Diamond Valley Leader, 2 November 2005. Jenni Mitchell organising plein air painting workshops around Eltham for students. Newspaper article: "Spirit of past inspires artist", Diamond Valley Leader, 1 November 2006. Jenni Mitchell and Mervyn Hannan have opened a studio at Montsalvat, appealing for more volunteers. Newspaper article: "Art in Action", Heidelberg and Valley Weekly, 31 October 2006. Jenni Mitchell and Mervyn Hannan's Working Studio Gallery at Montsalvat. Newspaper article: "Honey lures art taste to sport", Diamond Valley Leader 11 July 2007. Jenni Mitchell's portrait of Gary Honey entered for Basil Sellers Art Prize., on show at Gateway Galleries Eltham as part of her Extra-Ordinary People series. Newspaper article: "Celebrate history and her story", Diamond Valley Leader, 20 February 2008. Jenni Mitchell and Grace Mitchell already nominated for a Nillumbik Women's Network publication. Newspaper article: "Aura of northern lights draws Eltham artist", Diamond Valley Leader, 13 January 2010. NewspaperJenni Mitchel will travel o a Norwegian cruise ship for six weeks. Newspaper article: "Brush with fame", Banyule and Nillumbik Weekly, 28 September 2010. Jenni Mitchell's house and studio, and her exhibition "From the Edge" at Montsalvat until 30 September 2010. Talk flier: "A visual presentation and floor talk" by Jenni Mitchell for her exhibition "From the Edge" 16 September 2010. Exhibtion flier: "From the Edge" exhibition of painting and photography by Jenni Mitchell, Montsalvat 3-30 September 2010. Newspaper article: "Home is where the art is", Diamond Valley Leader, 16 November 2011. Jenni Mitchell's early life with Grace Mitchell, and exhibition as part of Artists Open Studios. Newspaper article: "Artists visit Mongolia", Diamond Valley Leader, 25 April 2012. Jenni Mitchell and Mervyn Hannan will spend seven weeks in Mongolia, exhibiting at the National Museum of Mongolia. Flier: Open Studio, Jenni Mitchell, Mervyn Hannan, Grace Mitchell, 5-6 May 2012. Newspaper article: "Shared love fires artists", Diamond Valley Leader, 4 July 2012. Exhibition of works by Mongolian artist Tugsoyun Sodnom, Jenni Mitchell and Mervyn Hannan at Montsalvat. Newspaper article: "Tribute to an art legend", Diamond Valley Leader, 26 September 2012. Exhibition "Grace Mitchell" A selected Retrospective" to open at South Fine Art Studios and Gallery on 7 October 2012. Newsletter article: "Jenni Mitchell - My mother Grace", Eltham District Historical Society No.207 November 2012. Exhibition notes: "The Retro Eltham Show", Eltham South Fine Art Studios and Gallery, 14 April to 9 June 2013. Newspaper article: "Jenni salutes Mongolia", Diamond Valley Leader, 12 November 2013. Jenni Mitchell's exhibition "Two Mongolian Journeys" at Eltham South Fine Art Gallery until 24 December 2013. Flier: Eltham South Fine Art Studios and Gallery, 6 Mount Pleasant Road, undated. Newspaper article: "Moving on is not without a shockwave", Diamond Valley Leader, 26 October 2016. Jenni Mitchell and Mervyn Hannan are moving to Hamilton, selling their Mt Pleasant Road property and gallery Newspaper article: "Great Grampians, It's Jenni Mitchell and Mervyn Hannan!", Jenni Mitchell and Mervyn Hannan's exhibtion at Streamline Publishing's Gallery, opened by Vicki Ward, 7-28 September 2022.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcjenni mitchell, grace mitchell, cornelis vieeskens, dempsters fine art gallery, judith rodriguez, montsalvat eltham, professor a d hope, judith wright, geoffrey eggleston, shelton lea, montsalvat poetry festival, artists open studios, mervyn hannan, south fine art studios and gallery, jennifer mitchell, ken taylor, nic taylor, ross house gallery kew, melbourne spoleto festival, brian pearce, robert wilson, bundanon, adam galleries, eltham wiregrass gallery, alan martin, eltham community gallery, eltham cemetery, cemeteries and crematoria bill, isla heddle, st katherin's anglican church at st helena, nillumbik cemetery trust, michael dobson, tpmy raimoc, belinda clarkson, friends of nillumbik, catherine dale, allstair royse, archibald prize, dickerson galley, hugh stubley, stephen pearce, trinity digital solutions, gateway galleries eltham, gary honey, basil sellers art prize, nillumbik women's network, warwick leeson, national museum of mongolia, tugsoyun sodnom, michelle morgan, zanzy community choir, eltham south fine art gallery, streamline publishing's gallery, vicki ward, sonia skipper, joe hannan, robert marshall, hamilton regional gallery, petschel house hamilton, colin rouse -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Property Binder, 701 Main Road, Eltham
Newspaper article: Diamond Valley News, 1 September 1981, Pioneer cottage rich in history by Marguerite Marshall, recollections of Sonia Skipper re Jarrold Cottage in Main Road, also small shop in grounds leased by Jarrold family to a bootmaker, previously used as temporary police station; Jarrold Cottage later owned by Lena Skipper, mother of Matchem Skipper, currently occupied by Adam Skipper and Sue Thomas. [On reverse side "New library in 5 years: shire chief" Diamond Valley News, Tuesday, September 1, 1986, p9, concerning Watsonia Library and the Heidelberg Regional Library. Also includes a photo of Ian Hamilton inside the Diamond Valley Bookmobile] Photo: Haymaking on the Jarrold property, Main Rd, Eltham, Diamond Valley News, Tuesday, December 16, 1986, p29 (Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection image SEPP_0631) Reproduction of drawing of 701 Main Road Eltham.main road, eltham, property, houses, haymaking, jarrold property, diamond valley bookmobile, heidelberg regional library, ian hamilton, watsonia library, yarra plenty regional library -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Murray, John and Mary
John Contents Letter: J N Murray to Eltham Historical Society, 16 August 1970. Requests information about the Murray family. Letter: J N Murray to B Wadeson [?Eltham Shire Council], 24 March 1974. Requests information about the Murray family. Letter: Brian R Smyth solicitor to Eltham Historical Society, 31 August 1993: Re estate of J E Murray and contents of buildings and site. Letter: Eltham Historical Society to Bryan Smyth, 7 September 1993: Re contents of buildings and site, in association of Shire of Diamond Valley. Newspaper article: "Back when the land was theirs", Diamond Valley News, 28 September 1992. Interview of James (Jim) Murray about his family and farm. Text: "A development philosophy for 'Murray's", Eltham North", by John R Sabine, September 1994 [history of family and Laurel Hill farm]. Photograph: Grave stone of John Murray, Mary Murray, Thomas Drain and Mary Ellen Drain. Text: "Murray" by A Sheehan, no date. History of Murray family. Text: John Wright Murray", no author, no date: History of John Wright Murray. Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcjohn wright murray, mary murray nee sweeney, thomas sweeney, diamond creek, zig zag road, eltham cemetery, johnnie murray, james murray, eltham north reserve, bridget sweeney nee coleman, bridget cecilia murray, michael (mick) dillon, hamilton drain, mary ellen drain, thomas drain, john murray, patrick murray, thomas murray, william murray, laurel hill farm eltham, patrick bernard murray, elizabeth josephine tooher, john meyler bagot, thomas vincent murray, margaret gleeson, william louis murray, james augustine murray, julia agnes brennan, william johnston, isaac rooks, john r sabine, murray's bridge, wattletree road eltham, zig zag road eltham, larry brennan, evelyn arms hotel eltham -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Shoobra Road, 74, Elsternwick
... Brighton Historical Society on 74 Shoobra Road with similar brief ...Three documents about this property: Two photocopied typed (with handwritten working notes) documents from Brighton Historical Society on 74 Shoobra Road with similar brief history, includes tenants and owners from 1913 to 1974. Correspondence from Chris Haynes, owner of 74 Shoobra Road, to Peta McGregor, owner E Hrick 19 Shoobra Road, dated 24 March 2011 donated to Glen Eira Historical Society.shoobra road, elsternwick, hamilton thomas ferrier j.p. m.l.c, riddell john carre, devin leslie, rosstown railway property company, turpie david j., turpie emily mrs, green osmond d., woods charles, richards william, reeves alan r., davies j., taylor p.l., branson john, cheatley david, dyer s., bullock hilary miss, landells rosalind mrs, haynes chris, haynes ursula -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Elsternwick Congregational Church – Caulfield Union Church
One page leaflet advertising the auction of the former Union Church building by Birner Morley Pty Ltd to be held on 19/02/1989. Includes exterior sketch. Newspaper article, date and source unknown advertising forthcoming auction of the church on 19/02/1989. Includes exterior sketch. Copy of the contract of sale of the church property prepared for the auction on 19/02/1989. Includes copies of the title, council rate and zoning details and other information required for the sale. Includes exterior photograph copy. Newspaper article from The Age of 20/02/1989 reporting the sale of the church property at auction to a religious organization.elsternwick, orrong road, alma road, caulfield, birner morley pty ltd., morley rodney, caulfield north, real estate agents, auctions, churches, masters street, balaclava road, glen eira road, aroona road, yanakie crescent, fosbery avenue, howitt road, orrong court, moore street, jupiter street, chuppa pty ltd., loganbee pty ltd., hawthorn road, margolis tuszynski and klein, hamiltons and aleck sacks and sons, congregational union of victoria, king street, watson peter julian, the uniting church in australia property trust victoria, city of caulfield, aylen d. r. -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - St. Catherine’s Church of England, Kooyong Road, Caulfield South
Three items about this Church: 1/St. Catherine’s Parish paper, February 1924. 2/Baptismal prayer card for Harry Norman Bromfield 08/03/1925. 3/Carbon typed copy of document detailing inscriptions in St. Catherine’s Anglican Church catherine’s church of england, st. catharine’s church of england, caulfield south, kooyong road, clarence street, stephens mr., debb dr., murphy mr., booth e., masters p., kindergartens, paterson mrs., fowler mrs., capper mrs., mayes mrs., olley mrs., hosken mrs., schwieger miss, walker mrs., ward mrs., foster mrs., marshall mrs., marsh mrs., hearn miss, stephens h., downshire road, bromfield harry norman, taylor alice mary, wigg catherine elizabeth, stephens grace m., beagley emily a., beagley joseph e., beagley emily ada, parrott frances catherine, wilson alfred roscoe, hamilton flora, hillard john beattie, hillard thomas, haillard eliza, barlow w., begbie a.h., cole s., love j., north h., tonks h., scammell s., hunt geoffrey donald, myer leslie robert irvine, forbes betty, mcavoy alan robert, humphreys betty grace, marke alfred robert, bromfield norman edward, reed margery eva, philpot elizabeth ann, dillow henry thomas, murphy mr., taylor mr., booth mr., drewett mr., hickson mr., ingram mr., lumsden mr., meyer mr., nutt mr., summerhayes mr., mcclure j., segal boris -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Orrong Road, 49, Elsternwick
... 19/04/1963 with valuations of 49 Orrong Road and two Brighton ...A black and white photocopied letter dated 19/04/1963 with valuations of 49 Orrong Road and two Brighton properties. Sent by John Pullman from Gemmel Tuckett and Co. to W.V.Scott.gemmel tuckett and co., scott w.v., land values, orrong road, elsternwick, pullman john, overland investments, hamilton h.c.a. -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Ascog (1900), Orrong Road, 10, Elsternwick
A photocopied assessment of Ascog by Andrew Ward as part of the Caulfield Conservation Study in 1994. Assessment includes a description of the house, its condition, integrity, history, including previous owners and a statement of its significance. It includes a poor quality photograph (150mm x 100mm).elsternwick, orrong road, ascog, muir j f, gardenvale estate, hamilton street, riddell parade, plante thomas, grant george, donaldson robert, murdoch thomas, ward andrew, mansions, architectural style, architectural features, victorian style, accountants, produce merchants, land subdivision, residential development -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Journal, Peter Doughtery, ArtStreams: News in arts and cultural heritage; Vol. 1, No. 2, Dec 1996/Jan 1997, 1996
... , Henley Road, Ian Doolan Hamilton, Ian Gawler, Inside Out/Outside..., Henley Road, Ian Doolan Hamilton, Ian Gawler, Inside Out/Outside ...Vol. 1, No. 2 Dec 1996/Jan 1997 CONTENTS ADVENTURE WITH COLOUR Teenage cancer patients challenge their illness with art 3 CD REVIEWS New music by local musicians 5 LIVE AND LET LIVE 20 years of environmental living 6 AUSTRALIA REVISITED Artist Charles Reddington ponders live 30 years on 8 POETRY REVIEW Anne Delaney looks at new work by Jennifer Harrison and Jordie Albiston 11 PHOTOGRAPHY Katherine Jones aims at hard edges 16 IMAGES FROM A DARK PAST Holocaust survivor paints out a traumatic part of his life 18 MORALITY OF JUSTICE The Truth Game - a play by Ray Mooney 21 ART FROM THE HEART An exhibition that crosses boundaries 22 SHORT STORY New story from an emerging writer 25 ART IN THE CEMETERY Darebin launches a new project to decorate its new mausoleum 28 LISTINGS Artists, performers and galleries 29 KEYWORDS 895 Main Road, 1994 Moet et Chandon Fellowship, Adventure with Colour, Alan Bonney, Alan Constable, Alun Leach-Jones, Amada Laming, Anne Connor & Associates, Anne Delaney, Anthony Day, Art Streams Magazine, Artist-in-residence, Arts by the Waters, Arts project Australia, Auschwitz, Banyule Jazz Festival, Barbara Veheary, Bend of Islands Conservation Association (BICA), Bend of Islands Estate, Bend of Islands, Bill Downing, Bulleen Art & Garden Centre, Bulleen Nursery, Caffe Poco, Carlton Courthouse Theatre, Catani Boulevard, Catherine Oxley Reserve, Charles Reddington, Charlie Dowley, Cheryl Daye, Chris McAuliffe, Clifton Pugh, Colin Lanceley, Cornelia Selover, Creativitie et Handicap Mental (CREAHM), Cynthia Hardman, Cyril Tawney, Damian Eyre, Daniel Lillford, Danuta Michalska, Darebin Arts and Entertainment Centre, Darebin City Council, Department of Fine Arts, Donald Campbell, Dora Zable, Dorothy Berry, dunmoochin, E.H. Cameron, Edward (Ned) Haughton, Edward Car, Elizabeth Vercoe, Eltham High School, Eltham Living and Learning Centre, Environmental Living Zone (ELZ), Eric Bogle, Eucalypso, Felix Tuszynski, Food For All Seasons, Frank Hodgkinson, Fulli Andrinopoulos, Gallery of Georges of Collins Street, Gallery of Slavic Art, Glen Agnes Bend of Islands Estate, Glen Agnes Estate, Gongflers drive, Greg O'Leary, Harold (Jimmy) Fuller, Helen O'Grady Children's Drama Academy, Henley Road, Ian Doolan Hamilton, Ian Gawler, Inside Out/Outside In, Ironbark Road, Janice McBride, Jennifer Harrison, Jennifer McGregor, Jessie Agnes Haughton, Jimmy Pike, Joan Blakey, John Mackay Northe, John Rasmussen, Jordie Albiston, Julian Martin, Kangaroo Ground, Katherine Jones, Kelvin Heffernan, Kew Coattage, Kitty Ginter, Lavita Mossop, Les darcy, Les Gyori, Life with Jane, Lorraine Larter, Luc Boulange, Luciana Giardina, Manningham Artspace, Manningham City Council, Mariann Moxon, Mark Capozzi, Mark Chapman, Mark Wilkinson, Maxine Ryder, Melbourne Police Pipe Band, Mick Woiwod, Mike O'Rourke, Monica Burns, Montsalvat, Myra Hilgendorf, Nancye Ball, Page family, Pam Crohan, Pam Dougherty, Poetry, Preston Public Cemetery, Ray Mooney, Richard Haese, Robert Hughes, Robyn Kirkpatrick, Roger Lemke, Ron Hanson, Sandra Harvey, Shire of Eltham Office site, Shire of Healesville, Shire of Nillumbik, Shire Offices, Sounds by the Waters, Stelio Costa, Steven Tynan, Steven Worrell, Stewart Whiffin, Sue Howard, Sue Whiffin, Sugarloaf Reservoir, Sydney Ball, The Art of Australia, The Mews, The Truth Game, Tom Fantl, Tony Inglese, Tuszynski Survey Exhibition, University of Melbourne, Valerio Ciccone, victorian artists supplies, Watson Creek Bridge, Watsons Creek, Wayne Marnell, Woody Guthrie, Yarra Brae Dam, Yarra River"Peter Dougherty has been involved in the local art scene for many years. As publisher and editor of the arts magazine Artstreams, his comments on the various branches of the arts are widely respected. His "The Arts" column in the Diamond Valley Leader presents a brief summary for a much wider cross section of the local community. Peter also operates his own gallery and the Artstreams Cafe at the St Andrews market. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about present day and historical aspects of local art and artists." - Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 161, March 2005Colour front and back cover with feature articles and literary pieces with photographs and advertisements printed in black and white. 36 pages, 30 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1996) - Vol. 10, no. 5 (summer ed. 2005/06) art streams, feliz tuszynski, elizabeth vercoe, eucalypso, bend of islands, charles reddington, jennifer harrison, jordie albiston, katherine jones, anne bonney, mick woiwood, anne connor, anne delaney, ray mooney, pam dougherty, arts project australia, lavita mossop, preston public cemetery, helen o'grady children's drama academy, bulleen nursery