Showing 344 items
matching trade unions
Unions Ballarat
Australia reconstructed : ACTU/TDC mission to Western Europe : a report / by the mission members to the ACTU and the TDC, 1987
... australian council of trade unions... ballarat trades hall actu australian council of trade unions trade ...The book was written after a joint mission in 1987 of the ACTU and the federal Government's Trade Development Commission to examine economic outcomes of European countries – e.g. Sweden and Austria – alongside their labour practices. One of the major recommendations of the report is that the union movement might strengthen its collective power by amalgamations to create fewer but larger unions. At the time the latter recommendation was embraced by the ACTU.Significant to Australian and European economic and labour practices in the 1980s and union growth strategies.Paper; book.btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, ballarat trades hall, actu, australian council of trade unions, trade development commission, economy, workplace relations, unions, europe, labour practices, unions - amalgamations -
Unions Ballarat
Leaflets, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers, cuttings and roneoed material retained by the Council, 1891-1962
... australian council of trade unions... Marks. Melbourne, 1905. 20. Australian Council of Trade Unions... and labor union congress, 7th. trade mark committee report committee ...TBATBATwo boxes, paper. 1. Anti-Hanging Committee - regarding hanging. 1962. 2. Ballarat Banking Co. Ltd. Chairman's address and 145th report. August 1954. 3. Country Municipal Association circular regarding conference on centralisation, Ballarat. 22 November 1916. 4. Geelong Town Band's weekly performance programme. n.d. 5. Ironmasters' Association of Victoria rules and regulations agreed upon at the General Iron Trades' Conference, Melbourne. 1891. 6. Melbourne Eight Hours Anniversary programme. 1901. 7. Museum of Applied Science of Victoria, on gas from our brown coal. n.d. 8. New Australian Trade Unionist Committee regarding rally to protect shooting of Polish workers. 195-? 9. Circular from Ballarat Trades and Labour Council to Ironmoulders' Society regarding the Congress. 1891. 10. List of subjects to be discussed at Congress. 11. Circular from Melbourne Trades Hall Council regarding financial help for Congress. 1891. 12. Reports of Standing Orders Committee appointed by the Congress, 23-29 April 1891. 13. Trade Mark Committee report. 14. Committee on Federation report. 15. Draft scheme of Federation (Australasian Federation of Labor). 16. Draft scheme of Federation (Australasian Federation of Labor) to the Labour Councils and Unions of Australasia. (2 copies.) 17. Asian and Pacific Regions Peace Conference, Peking, October 1962. Report on Peking, Melbourne. 1962. (2 copies). 18. Australian Bureau of Census and Statistics. Labour and Industrial Statistics, Melbourne. 1911. 19. Australia. Laws, Statutes, etc Trade Marks Bill, 1905. Workers' Trade Marks. Melbourne, 1905. 20. Australian Council of Trade Unions. Agenda paper for ... Congress, 1953. Melbourne, 1953. 21. Australian Labor Party. Work of the Labor government. Melbourne, 1928. 22. Australian Textile Union, Victorian Branch. Wages Sheet. Melbourne, 1953? 23. Baker, W.A. The Commonwealth Basic Wage. 1907-1953. Sydney, 1953? 24. Building Workers' Industrial Union. Building Workers support your convention. n.p. 1954? 25. Carters' and Drivers' Union. Committee of Management. Important to members of Carters and Drivers' Union. Melbourne, 1936. 26. Dougherty, Tom. Santamaria unmasked. Melbourne, 1954? 27. Eight Hours' Anniversary Sports Programme, 1893. Ballarat 1893. 28. Eight Hours' Anniversary Programme, 1894. Ballarat, 1894. 29. Fadden, Arthur W. The menace of political banking. Sydney, 1945. 30. Federated Clerks' Union, Victoria Branch. The Fennessy Story. The Braun Story. n.p., 1954. 31. Federated Clerks' Union, Victoria Branch. Manifesto, n.p., 1955. 32. Greater Ballarat Association. Seventeenth annual report. Ballarat, 1954. 33. Langridge, H.E. Employers in the Labor Party. Melbourne, 1914. 34. Metal Trades Federation. National Conference of Federal Council and delegates from State branches. Sydney, 1960. 35. Municipal Association of Victoria. Arbitration aware regarding employment of members of the Municipal Officers Association of Australia. Melbourne, 1950. 36. Municipality of the Town of Ballarat East. Annual report, 1919. Ballarat, 1919. 37. Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Association of Australia. Melbourne Branch. Why did Menzies abdicate when he had a working majority and 18 months to go? Melbourne, 1955? 38. Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees Union of Australia, Melbourne Branch. Who are the wreckers in the Australian Labor Party? Melbourne, 1955. 39. Spence, W.G. The ethics of New Unionism. Sydney, 1892. (42 copies) 40. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne. Statement of accounts, 1959. Melbourne, 1959. 41. Universal Business Directories (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Home edition for Ballarat. Melbourne, 1954. 42. Victoria, Apprenticeship Commission. Twenty-seventh annual report. Melbourne, 1956. 43. Victorian Labor College. Labor Colleges. Melbourne 191? (3 copies) 44. W.F. Williams. An appeal to the workers of Victoria. n.p., 19?? 45. Workers' Industrial Union of Australia. Preamble, classification and rules. Melbourne 1919? 46. ACTU Bulletin, 1955, Vol 2, No. 2 47. Amalgamated Engineering Union monthly journal, 1954, No. 3. March 48. American Economist, (New York), 1893, Vol 12, No 12, September 49. Australian Worker, (Sydney), 1955, Vol 64, No. 10, May; No. 15, September (held by ANU and at Trove online) 50. Building Workers' Organiser, official organ of the Building Trades Federation, 1954, June 51. Bulletin issued by the Economic Information Service, Melbourne. No. 2 1954, Nos. 10, September; 13 August; 1956, No 14, January 52. Ballarat Courier, 1890, Vol 46, No. 7096, April 53. Ballarat Star, 1888, Vol 33, No. 95, April 54. The Clerk, official journal of Federated Clerks' Union, Victorian Branch, 1955, Vol 10, No. 2, February/March 55. Common Cause, official journal of the Miners' Federation of Australia 1954 Vol 19, No. 10, March; No. 12, April 1955 Vol 20, No. 12, April; No. 19, May 1955 Vol 20, No. 23, June; No 28 July 1955 Vol 20, No. 29, August 1956 Vol 21, No. 17, May 56. Evening Echo, Ballarat, 1915, No. 6673, September 57. Evening Post, Ballarat, 1889, Vol 38, No. 6326, March 58. Industrial Herald, published by Labor Press, Geelong 1952 Vol 34, No. 35, June 1954 Vol 36, No. 20, March; No. 23, April 1954 No. 36, July; No. 39 July 1958 Vol 40, No. 19, March 59. Labor Call, published by Industrial Printing and Publicity Co., Melbourne. 1953, Vol 46, No. 2417, September 60. Labor Supplement. 1952, November 1954, February; March 61. Light, Ballarat diocesan journal. 1955, September. 62. Locomotive journal, published by the Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen. 1954, Vol. 16, No. 4, January. 63. People's Tribune Supplement, ed. by E.E. Jones, Melbourne. 1886, Vol 5, No. 20, April. 64. Railways' Union Gazette, published by J.D. Michie, Melbourne. 1919, June, Frank Byett in memoriam edition. 65. Rehab News issued by Central Ex-Servicemen's Office, Melbourne. 1946, Vol 2, No. 30, May. 66. Sheet Metal Workers, official organ of the Sheet Metal Working, Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Union of Australia, Sydney. 1954, No. 107, February. 67. Socialist Comment, Socialist Party of Australia, Melbourne. 1937, No. 2, February. 68. Tocsin, A.L.P. Victorian Branch. 1955?, No. 2, October; No. 4, December. 1956, No. 5, February. 69. Tribune, CPA Sydney. 1965, No. 958, August. 70. UN World, published by Egbert White, New York. 1948, Vol 2, No. 11, December. 71. Miscellaneous newspaper cuttings. Posters 72. Eight Hours' Anniversary, Ballarat, 22 April 1892. 73. Eight Hours' Anniversary, Ballarat, 21 April 1894. 74. Eight Hours' Anniversary, Ballarat, 21 April 1913. 75A. Eight Hours' Anniversary, Ballarat, 3 April 1922. 75B. Electoral Rolls, persons entitled to be enrolled and to vote, 1922. 76. Progress, prospectus of debentures to publish a daily Labour paper to be called "Progress". 1904, Vol 1, No. 1, December. Cards 87. Smoke night social 88. Bi-election 89. How to vote card Roneoed material 77. Circular letter regarding new morning newspaper. n.d. 78. Circular letter from Trades Hall Council, Melbourne. 21 March 1955. 79. Article, History of the recent ALP dispute. n.d. 80. Article: What is freemasonry (from Ballarat St. Patrick's Gazette, October 1854). (2 copies) 81. Information summary of HRH Duke of Edinburgh's study conference on the human problems of industrial communities. ALP Broadcasts from Station 3KZ 82. Incentive payments by Norman A. Gibbs. 17 August 1953. 83. Escalating wages by F.J. Riley. 25 February 1954. 84. Margins by F.J. Riley. 4 March 1954. 85. Freezing margins by F.J. Riley. 17 March 1954. 86. The struggle across the Ages (No. 2) by F.J. Riley. 7 May 1954. ballarat trades and labour council, ballarat trades hall, unions, anti-hanging committee, hanging, ballarat banking co. ltd., country municipal association, geelong town band, ironmasters' association of victoria, general iron trades' conference, museum of applied science of victoria, new australian trade unionist committee, ironmoulders' society, melbourne trades hall council, btlc, intercolonial trades and labor union congress, 7th., trade mark committee report, committee on federation report, australasian federation of labor, asian and pacific regions peace conference, australian bureau of census and statistics, abs, australian bureau of statistics, trade marks bill, actu, australian council of trade unions, australian labor party, alp, australian textile union, w.a. baker, building workers' industrial union, carters and drivers' union, tom dougherty, eight hours' anniversary sports programme, labour and industrial statistics, workers' trade marks, building workers, santamaria, arthur w. fadden, federated clerks' union, fennessy, braun, greater ballarat association, h.e. langridge, metal trades federation, municipal association of victoria, ballarat east, plumbers and gasfitters employees' union of australia, menzies, w.g. spence, new unionism, universal business directories, victoria apprenticeship commission, victorian labor college, w.f. williams, workers' industrial union of australia. preamble, classification and rules. melbourne, 1919?, amalgamated engineering union, american economist, australian worker, building workers' organiser, building trades federation, economic information service, the courier, ballarat star, the clerk, common cause, miners' federation of australia, evening echo, evening post, industrial herald, labor call, labor supplement, light journal, locomotive journal, australian federated union of locomotive enginemen, people's tribune supplement, railways union gazette, frank hyett, rehab news, central ex-servicemen's office, sheet metal worker, sheet metal working, agricultural implement and stovemaking union of australia, socialist comment, tocsin, tribune, un world, eight hour anniversary, electoral rolls, progress, freemasonry, st patrick's gazette, hrh duke of edinburgh, incentive payments, wages, f.j. riley -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Audio - Oral History, Jennifer Williams, Maxwell Pemberton, 23 June 2000
... trade unions... trade unions welfare services homelessness 'river bankers' aged ...Mr Maxwell Pemberton was born in Goulburn, NSW in 1923 and moved to Beechworth as a child just before the Great Depression. Mr Pemberton's father was a baker who opened a grocery store in Beechworth to support his seven children. The store, which competed with eight other grocery traders in Beechworth for finite local business, delivered goods by horse and cart to customers all over the district, including the hamlet of Stanley. Mr Pemberton's oral history testifies to the sorts of economic struggles faced by the majority of Beechworth's residents during the depression years. Mr Pemberton worked in many different industries in and around Beechworth, including in his father's grocery store, which he later took over with his brother; the Zwar Tannery, where he served as a union representative; and at the Ovens and Murray Hospital for the Aged, formally the Ovens Benovolent Asylum, established in 1862 for care of the district's destitute, disabled and aged people from Euroa to the Murray, among them, homeless people Mr Pemberton referred to as 'river-bankers'. The hospital's founding in the 1860s was driven by a committee headed by the notable figure, G.B Kerford. Beechworth's institutions were a major source of local employment in the twentieth century. Mr Pemberton joined the Australian Navy during WWII and served at Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. During his period of service, he received an honorary award from the Royal Humane Society of Australia for aiding and saving a drowning civilian at risk to his own life. Mr Pemberton's oral history also touches on the complex relationship between Australian forces and local Papuan people during the war. This oral history recording was part of a project conducted by Jennifer Williams in the year 2000 to capture the everyday life and struggles in Beechworth during the twentieth century. This project involved recording seventy oral histories on cassette tapes of local Beechworth residents which were then published in a book titled: Listen to what they say: voices of twentieth century Beechworth. These cassette tapes were digitised in July 2021 with funds made available by the Friends of the Burke.Mr Maxwell Pemberton's oral history recalls many aspects of life in Beechworth and the Oven's district during the twentieth century and enriches our understanding of the effects of the periods of socio-economic decline and renewal that unfolded as the century progressed. His singular account of his various jobs and colourful memories of life as a youth and young man in Beechworth, and abroad as a serviceman, contributes to our understanding of society's attitudes and expectations regarding ideals of masculinity and Australian national identity. This oral history account is socially and historically significant as it is a part of a broader collection of interviews conducted by Jennifer Williams which were published in the book 'Listen to what they say: voices of twentieth-century Beechworth.' While the township of Beechworth is known for its history as a gold rush town, these accounts provide a unique insight into the day-to-day life of the town's residents during the 20th century, many of which would have been lost if they had not been preserved.This is a digital copy of a recording that was originally captured on a cassette tape. The cassette tape is black with a horizontal white strip and is currently stored in a clear flat plastic rectangular container. It holds up 40 minutes of recordings on each side.Mr Max Pemberton /twentieth century beechworth, benevolent asylums, wwii, beechworth's institutions, local employment, government institutions, listen to what they say, oral history, burke museum, maxwell pemberton, ovens and murray hospital for the aged, zwar tannery, beechworth grocers, australian navy, port morseby, papua new guinea, trade unions, welfare services, homelessness, 'river bankers', aged care, g.b kerford, ovens benevolent asylum, ovens benevolent home -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Challenge Press Print Geelong, Ballarat and District Trades Union Directory, c1948, c1948
... trade unions... pension labor council trade unions trades and labor council trades ...The Trades Union Directory was for circulation in Ballarat, Ballan, Beaufort, Daylesford, Creswick, Clunes and Bacchus MarshBrown soft covered book of 96 pages. Numerous advertisements and illustrations. It includes a listing of unions affiliated with the Trades and Labour Council, Ballarat and extracts and amendments to the Workers' Compensation Act.The book also includes many advertisements including E. Lucas and Co.; Myer Woollen Mills; Day-tex Fabrics (Daylesford); Ballarat Star Dairies; Rowlands Aerated Waters; Menzies Knitwear; Haymes Paints; Paddle Shoes; and Ronaldson - Tippett. Includes information on Social Services including old-age pensions and invalid pensions; Extracts and Amendments to the Workers' Compensation Act.union, pension, labor council, trade unions, trades and labor council, trades union -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Library Happenings News and Views, 1988-92, 1988-1992
... trade unions... backshall special collections trade unions aeneas gunn jeannie gunn ...Photocopied newsletters.e.j. barker library, mt helen library, library, information services, ballarat teachers' college library, gillies street library, sue taylor, online era, kevin jewell, lucy cartmel, janine balharrie, vicki duke, debbie lord, gordon roberts, joanne harrison, barbara crump, teacher resource collection, trc, veronica moriarty, jo coburn, karen fitzpatrick, peter stuchberry, janet ford, julia temby, shirley randell, theresa mellings, bill hitchins, naming of the e.j. barker library, leeanne pitman, jenny leviston, kate mckay, andrea backshall, special collections, trade unions, aeneas gunn, jeannie gunn, dulcie brooks, cd-rom (transient technology), book wagon, bookmobile, jan ford, karen kealy, helen darch, alan brady, stuart macintyre, sue devine -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... trade unions... trade unions Gallipoli war place magazine magazines A magazine ...A magazine titled ' Heritage Australia.' Volume 5. Number 2. Winter 1986. Publication of Heritage Australia. ACNT 1986. Restoration of the Bendigo Post Office.australia, history, heritage places, heritage, australia, bendigo, bendigo history, restoration, bendigo post office, australian history, hotels, trade unions, gallipoli, war, place, magazine, magazines -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Trade unions... SOCIETIES Trade unions railway Australian Federated Union ...Australian Federated Union Of Locomotive Enginemen Victorian Division, minutes of 1935 Annual Conference.societies, trade unions, railway -
Women's Art Register
Book, David Humphries et al, The Mural Manual. A guide to community murals in Australia, 1982
... Trade Unions... Art Register Murals Trade Unions women's murals Indigenous ...An illustrated survey of public mural projects during the 1970's and 1980's in metropolitan and regional communities including feminist, Trade Union, and Indigenous projects.non-fictionAn illustrated survey of public mural projects during the 1970's and 1980's in metropolitan and regional communities including feminist, Trade Union, and Indigenous projects.murals, trade unions, women's murals, indigenous, urban art, political art, community arts, community arts network, eve glen, carol ruff, sarah macnamarra, barbary o'brien, community arts board, geoff hogg, ann newmarch, merilyn fairskye, catriona moore -
Women's Art Register
Book, Gay Hawkins, From Nimbin to Mardi Gras. Constructing Community Arts, 1993
... Trade Unions... Arts Board Community Arts Network Australia Council Trade ...A study of the field of Community Arts in Australia and the history of the Community Arts Board.non-fictionA study of the field of Community Arts in Australia and the history of the Community Arts arts, art and working life, community arts board, community arts network, australia council, trade unions, murals, posters, activism, arts funding -
Women's Art Register
Book, Evelyn Healy, Artist of the Left. A Personal Experience 1930s to 1990s, 1993
... Trade Unions... Art Register Trade Unions Social Realism Communist Party ...A history of the authors life as an artist, teacher, and political activist in Australia.non-fictionA history of the authors life as an artist, teacher, and political activist in unions, social realism, communist party of australia, peace art, australia council, community arts, art and working life, international co-operation art award, cpa, political cartoons, cabramatta and districts art society, noel counihan, contemporary art society of victoria -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Spectrum Publications, The wobblies at war: A history of the IWW and the great war in Australia, 1993
... Trade Unions - Australia - History...-and-the-dandenong-ranges Industrial workers of the world - History Trade ...This book shows how the IWW rose and fell in Australia between 1907 and 1917 when its leaders were deportedIndex, bibliography, ill, p.300.non-fictionThis book shows how the IWW rose and fell in Australia between 1907 and 1917 when its leaders were deportedindustrial workers of the world - history, trade unions - australia - history -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Spectrum Publications, The wobblies at war : a history of the IWW and the Great War in Australia, 1993
... Trade Unions - Australia - History...-and-the-dandenong-ranges Trade Unions - Australia - History Working class ...The history of the International Workers of the World (IWW) in Australia and their opposition to the "capitallsts war" as they termed the First World War.Index, ill, p.300.non-fictionThe history of the International Workers of the World (IWW) in Australia and their opposition to the "capitallsts war" as they termed the First World unions - australia - history, working class - australia -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Fabian, Suzane, Left-wing ladies, 2000
... Union of Australian Women -- History. | Women in trade... -- History. | Women in trade-unions -- Victoria -- History ...The experiences of UAW members are part of the histories of the labour movement, women's movement, peace movement, consumer advocacy and the political left in Victoria. We hope this account of their endeavours will be useful to students of these areas as well as of interest to the general public.The experiences of UAW members are part of the histories of the labour movement, women's movement, peace movement, consumer advocacy and the political left in Victoria. We hope this account of their endeavours will be useful to students of these areas as well as of interest to the general public.union of australian women -- history. | women in trade-unions -- victoria -- history. -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Unions battle over closure of Arnotts, 1985
... trade unions... Mitcham melbourne trade unions amalgamated metal workers union ...Arnotts-Brockhoff-Guest biscuit operations in Victoria has been closed by bans imposed over a claim by 130 maintenance staff for shorter hours, increased allowances and a picnic day.Arnotts-Brockhoff-Guest biscuit operations in Victoria has been closed by bans imposed over a claim by 130 maintenance staff for shorter hours, increased allowances and a picnic day. The claim has produced a bitter dispute between the giant Amalgamated Metal Workers Union and the small but militant Pastry-Cooks, Bakers, Biscuit-makers and Allied Trades Union.Arnotts-Brockhoff-Guest biscuit operations in Victoria has been closed by bans imposed over a claim by 130 maintenance staff for shorter hours, increased allowances and a picnic day. trade unions, amalgamated metal workers union, pastry-cooks, bakers, biscuit-makers, and allied trades union, arnotts-brockhoff-guests -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Pamphlet, Heroes of Holeproof, 2010
... Trade unions... of the workers. See NP3674 for DVD. Trade unions Holeproof Booklet ...Booklet and DVD produced by the Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia.Booklet and DVD produced by the Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia on the closure of the Holeproof factory Nunawading. The booklet mainly consists of recollection of the workers. See NP3674 for DVD.Booklet and DVD produced by the Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia. trade unions, holeproof -
Unions Ballarat
Roneoed copies of decisions of the ACTU executive meeting with attached letters to the Council, 3 February 1947-28 May 196?
... australian council of trade unions... unions correspondence australian council of trade unions Ballarat ...ACTU is a peak union body in Australia and was established in 1927.ACTU is the peak union body in Australia. Decisions made by ACTU and associated correspondence to BTLC are of importance in tracking the history of BTLC.Paper (roneoed) in one folder.actu, btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, unions, correspondence, australian council of trade unions, ballarat trades hall -
Unions Ballarat
Robert J. Hawke: a biography (Don Woodward Collection), d'Alpuget, Blanche, 1982
... australian council of trade unions..., blanche biography actu australian council of trade unions alp ...Bob (Robert) Hawke is a former union leader and a former ALP prime minister. Hawke's biography was written by his now wife, Blanche d'Alpuget.Significant to Australian Labor Party and union/ACTU history. Biographical interest.Book; 426 pages Front cover: grey and blue background (blue may be the Eureka flag); colour photograph of Bob Hawke; black and yellow lettering; author's name and title.btlc, ballarat trades hall, ballarat trades and labour council, hawke, bob, hawke, robert, d'alpuget, blanche, biography, actu, australian council of trade unions, alp, australian labor party, unions -
Unions Ballarat
The end of certainty: The story of the 1980s (Don Woodward Collection), Kelly, Paul, 1992
... trade unions... labor party trade unions white australia policy Accord Book; 755 ...Australian politics in the 1980s and the consequences. Includes: - Hawke-Keating leadership; - 1990s recession; - ALP leadership coup; - deregulation of financial systems; - John Hewson's bid for the prime ministership; - rivalry between John Howard and Andrew Peacock; - John Elliott's push for Liberal Party leadership; - Joh for PM campaign; - industrial relations and the Accord. Politics, industrial relations, economy and leadership issues.Book; 755 pages. Cover: red and purple background; photographs of Bill Kelty, Bob Hawke, Joh Bjelke-Petersen, John Elliott, John Howard, Paul Keating and John Hewson; white lettering; author's name and title.btlc, ballarat trades hall, ballarat trades and labour council, politics and government, prime ministers - australia, political parties, hawke, bob, premiers - bjelke-petersen, joh, elliott, john, kelty, bill, howard, john, keating, paul, peacock, andrew, hewson, john, economy - australia, actu, anthony, doug, country party, liberal party australia, national party, immigration, industrial relations, alp, australian labor party, trade unions, white australia policy, accord -
Unions Ballarat
Hawke : The Definitive Biography, Hurst, John, 1979
... australian council of trade unions... of trade unions biography alp australian labor party history Front ...Biography of former Prime Minister and ACTU President, Bob Hawke. The book was published in 1979 before Hawke became Prime Minister of Australia.Biographical relevance - Bob Hawke. Relevant to the history of the union movement and the Australian Labor Party.Paper; book. Front cover: colour photo of Bob Hawke; yellow and black lettering.Front cover: author's name and title.btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, ballarat trades hall, hawke, bob, prime minister, actu, actu - president, unions, australian council of trade unions, biography, alp, australian labor party, history -
Unions Ballarat
Hawke : an emotional life, Anson, Stan, B0234
... australian council of trade unions... council of trade unions political parties prime minister actu ...A Freudian/psychoanalytical biography of Bob Hawke. Bob Hawke was President of the ACTU and was successfully elected to federal parliament in 1980. He became Australian Prime Minister in 1983, defeating Malcolm Fraser. He relinquished the Prime Ministership in 1991 following a successful leadership challenge by Paul Keating.Biographical interest - Bob Hawke. Relevant to the history of Australian politics, the ALP and the union movement.Paper; book. Front cover: colour photo of Bob Hawke with a blue, brown and white theme; brown background; white and black lettering.Front cover: author's name and title.btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, ballarat trades hall, hawke, bob, politics, alp, australian labor party, actu, australian council of trade unions, political parties, prime minister, actu - president, freudian analysis, psychoanalysis, biography -
Unions Ballarat
A brave new workplace : will the Howard government's workplace reforms make Australia better off? And how will they affect your job?, ABC/Four Corners, 2005
... australian council of trade unions... ACTU australian council of trade unions Australian labour ...The struggle between the Howard government and the labour movement over the Work Choices legislation. Includes interviews with key players - for example, Greg Combet and John Howard - and reported by Sally Neighbour.Relevant to the union movement and changes in workplace rights. Pertains to the history of the government of John Howard (1996-2007).VHS. btlc, ballarat trades hall, ballarat trades and labour council, unions, workplace rights, workplace relations, fair work act, work choices, combet, greg, howard, john, prime minister, actu, australian council of trade unions, australian labour movement, alp, australian labor party, liberal party australia, four corners, australian broadcasting commission, abc -
Unions Ballarat
Change the Rules bumper sticker, 2018
... australian council of trade unions... council of trade unions Elections Politics and government ...From Change the Rules website: "We need to change the rules so people have jobs they can count on. Give people the choice of converting from casual to permanent if they work regular hours End labour hire and sham contracting rip-offs Stop the exploitation of temporary visa workers Stop allowing employers to terminate workplace agreements Equal rights for people working in the gig economy Investment in apprenticeships and vocational training Governments to procure from local businesses first, to create local jobs" Change the Rules is a union driven campaign that supported campaigning towards the 2018 Victorian State election and the 2019 Federal election. Elections, politics and government, and industrial relations.Bumper sticker: blue background; white lettering; slogan; adhesive with backing strip.Slogan reads: "For more secure jobs and better pay, Change the RULES".btlc, ballarat trades hall, ballarat trades and labour council, vthc, victorian trades hall council, actu, australian council of trade unions, elections, politics and government, political campaigns, industrial relations, unions, change the rules -
Unions Ballarat
Ballarat Trades Hall Eureka Flag, 1942
... trade unions - history... trade unions - history gold mining - ballarat gold miners eureka ...This flag originally flew from the flagstaff on the Trades Hall Building in Camp Street Ballarat on December 3rd 1942. The flag prompted many enquiries to the Ballarat's Courier newspaper. The Courier in reporting that the flag was, in fact, a replica of the original Eureka Stockade flag went on to say that: "… it (seemed) very strange that the town in which Eureka made a name for Australia and its efforts to get freedom from control for the ordinary man, did not recognise the flag that flew while the first move for freedom was fought out against big odds." The Trades Hall Eureka flag, made of cotton material, was used in union marches during the 1940s. In later years it had been all but forgotten, until in 1981 it was brought to the office of the then MHR for Ballarat, John Mildren by members of the family that the flag maker had boarded with in Ballarat. David Miller, who had a keen interest in the Eureka story and was electorate officer for John Mildren, became custodian of the flag for many years and presented it to Ballarat Trades Hall for display. In 1994 The Ballarat Trades Hall Eureka flag travelled Australia as part of a touring Eureka collection. At that time, the Secretary of the Ballarat Regional Trades and Labour Council, Graeme Shearer said “…The Eureka flag then, as it does now, symbolises the struggle for basic rights and democracy”. On Wednesday 11th July 2001, following a ceremony to mark the refurbishment of the Galloway Monument, the Ballarat Trades Hall Eureka flag was unveiled at a function in the Ballarat Trades Hall by President of the Ballarat Trades & Labour Council, Rhonda Young, and Premier of Victoria, Steve Bracks. The Trades Hall gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Dean Mighell, then Victorian State Secretary of the CEPU/ETU - who was a passionate supporter of the diggers' stand at Eureka - and instrumental in making funds available to assist in Trades Hall's Eureka flag being mounted in the Main Hall of the Ballarat Trades Hall. As far as we know, this is the second oldest Eureka flag in the world. Union (especially Ballarat Trades and Labour Council) history and Eureka Stockade - Ballarat.Flag; blue background; white embellishments - cross and stars; framed.btlc, ballarat trades hall, ballarat trades and labour council, mildren, john, miller, david, southern cross flag - btlc, eureka rebellion, trade unions - history, gold mining - ballarat, gold miners, eureka flag - btlc -
Unions Ballarat
Stop the ABCC: Turnbull's War on Workers (bumper sticker), 2018
... trade unions - australia..., industrial relations and trade unions in Australia. btlc ballarat ...The ABCC (Australian Building and Construction Commission) was first created during the government of John Howard (LNP). The ABCC claims to, "ensuring that building work in Australia is carried out fairly, efficiently and productively—for the benefit of all employers and workers in the industry, and for the benefit of the Australian economy as a whole." Conversely, the organisation has been claimed by unions and workers to be anti-union and detrimental to the working conditions of employees. A fact sheet from the CFMMEU is attached to this entry. Malcolm Turnbull was Prime Minister from 2015 to 2018. He became Prime Minister after deposing Tony Abbott, in a leadership challenge. The bumper sticker was produced by CFMMEU during the Turnbull Prime Ministership (2015-2018). The CFMMEU is one of the largest unions; membership coverage includes construction, forestry, maritime, mining, energy, textile, clothing and footwear production. Relevant to government, industrial relations and trade unions in Australia.Bumper sticker: colour picture of Malcolm Turnbull; red and white lettering. Stop the ABCC: Turnbull's War on Workers Subtext: exploits workers; destroys jobs; lies; attacks safety; ignores big business; union bashing; CFMEU.btlc, ballarat trades hall, ballarat trades and labour council, cfmeu, turnbull, malcolm, prime ministers - australia, liberal party australia, abcc, australian building and construction commission, industrial relations, cfmmeu, construction, forestry, maritime, mining and energy union, construction, forestry, mining and energy union, trade unions - australia -
Unions Ballarat
Work on paper - The Australian Labour Market (D.J. Spiers Collection)
... trade unions... btlc industrial relations employment wages trade unions ...Australian industrial relations and unionism. Arbitration, enterprise bargaining, unemployment/employment, policy, equal pay.Australian industrial relations and unionism.Paper; book. Front cover: yellow background; author's name and title; black and blue lettering; black and white blurry photograph.ballarat trades and labour council, btlc, industrial relations, employment, wages, trade unions, unemployment -
Unions Ballarat
Union Strategy and Industrial Change (D.J. Spiers Collection), 1987
... trade unions... workforce - skills women politics - new right trade unions Front ...Selection of essays about current (1987) industrial change, impacts of advancing technology. Includes decline in manufacturing, redundancy, retraining, women in the workforce, public sector management, challenges posed by new-right forces and the role of unions.Relevant to the role of unions in technological change and management of change in the workforce. Industrial relations.Book.Front cover: editor's name and title. Title page: in black ink, "D.J. Spiers, Curtin University, April 1988".btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, management of change, redundancy, technology, manufacturing, workforce - skills, women, politics - new right, trade unions -
Unions Ballarat
Book - The Economics of the Trade Union (D.J. Spiers Collection), Booth, Alison L
... The Economics of the Trade Union (D.J. Spiers Collection)...Trade Unions... Council Trade Unions Economics Labour market Front cover: author's ...Labour economics and industrial relations with a US-UK focus.Relevant to trade unionism in the US and UK.Book; paper.Front cover: author's name and title.btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, trade unions, economics, labour market -
Unions Ballarat
Book - Australian Unions: An Industrial Relations Perspective, 1st & 2nd ed. (D.J. Spiers Collection), Ford, Bill
... trade unions... Significant to understanding the role and history of trade unions ...The author seeks to broaden the reader's understanding of unions. Section titles: -Historical and Theoretical Context -Organisation and Practice -Issues and Policy -Future Context and Perspective Significant to understanding the role and history of trade unions in Australia and workplace relations. Therefore directly relevant to the modus operandi of Ballarat Trades Hall.Book; paper.Both copies - Cover: editors' names and title. 2nd edition - Title page: in blue ink, "D.J. Spiers, Ballaarat CAE, July 1989".btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, trade unions, industrial relations -
Unions Ballarat
Book - Australian Industrial Relations Law and Systems: Report of the Committee of Review (vol. 2) (D.J. Spiers Collection)
... Trade Unions.... BTLC Ballarat Trades and Labour Council Trade Unions Industrial ...Review of Australian industrial relations (1983) at the request of Hon Ralph Willis. In particular a review of the Conciliation and Arbitration of Act and Regulations. Includes historical perspectives.Book; paper.Front cover: title. Title page: in black biro, "D.J. Spiers, Curtin University, February 1988".btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, trade unions, industrial relations, willis ralph -
Unions Ballarat
Book - Australian Education Review No. 24: Teacher Unionism in the 1980s - Four Perspectives (D.J. Spiers Collection), Spaull, Andrew et al, 1986
... trade unions - education... to understanding the role and history of trade unions in Australia ...About teacher unions in Australia: policy; industrial relations; politics. Industrial relations - historical value. Significant to understanding the role and history of trade unions in Australia and workplace relations. Therefore directly relevant to the modus operandi of Ballarat Trades Hall.Book; paper.Front cover: authors' names and title. btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, trade unions - education, australian education union - aeu, industrial relations