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Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Memorabilia - First day issue envelope with 4 x 45c stamps and 1 x $1 uncirculated coin, Royal Australian Mint, Australian Legends - The Last Anzacs, 21 January, 2000
First day issue envelopeEnvelope stamped 21 January 2000 with 4 x 45c stamps featuring Walter Parker, Roy Longmore, Alec Campbell and the 1914-15 Star together with Australian Mint 1 x $1uncirculated aluminium bronze coin - an image of a proud soldier. the obverse features Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Weekly from February 8, 2002. '' Snippets of Bendigo history'' by Edith Lunn concluding the View Street Story. In this article Edith Lunn tell us of one of the most memorable event ever to be staged on the oval of the Upper Reserve, the welcoming on March 5, 1954 of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh. Following the Royal visit the name ''Queen Elizabeth Oval'' was given to the Upper Reserve. Through the years the area which was once the Government Camp has undergone many changes, a few buildings, relics from the early days, still remain. The home of Tom Fleming, the old Supreme Court and the Police Barracks. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo, bendigo weekly -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Coloured printed postcard. Image is of a painting entitled 'When waves do rise and tempests rage'. A stormy sea with large waves crashing onto rocks. Gulls are in the sky against a cloudy background. The words When waves do rise and tempests rage are printed in white along the bottom right hand edge. On the reverse it is addressed to Miss Dean Esmond Golden Square Bendigo. A one penny stamp is affixed and is postmarked Kerang. The words Raphael Tuck and Sons 'Oilette" (regd) Postcard 7062 "Rough Seas" Art Publishers to Their Majesties The King and Queen After the black and white originals by Elmer Keene are printed in red along the left hand edge.postcard -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Book - VAOC Observer's Log Book
Volunteer Air Observer's Corp (VAOC) log book from the Camberwell Post with handwritten observations covering the period between 28 August 1944 and 20 September 1945Foolscap, paper logbook with brown cover and black binding. Pages within are lined and contents are handwritten by mulltiple authors. The table has the following headings: Date; Observer on duty (signature); Time on; Time off; Remarks. Enclosed within are four paper documents: 1. Brown paper envelope from the Commonwealth of Australia Department of Air with the heading, On His Majesty's Service, from the Officer in Charge VAOC Control Post, Melbourne 2. Typed document headed, Ulcer Diet for Amublatory (sp) Patients 3. Typed list of names headed, Nominal Roll Camberwell 4. The Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen's Fathers' Association of Victoria Nomination for Membership formFront cover: "V.A.O.C / Observer's Log Book / Post No" (typed). "5693 (?)" and illegible handwritten text vaoc, volunteer air observer's corp, vaoc log book, camberwell post, the sailors, soldiers and airmen's fathers' association of victoria, ulcer diet -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album - Photographs, Frederick J. Rae, Pruning Demonstration, 1920
Black and white photographs in an envelope, "On His Majesty's Service. The Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria." with, "Rae," written on outside. F. J Rae Principal Burnley 1921-26. (1) "Apple Tree, with limb (X) showing bad balance of tree. 2.viii.20." (2) "Apple Tree with limb removed. 2.viii.20." (3) "Plum before pruning 2.8.20." (4) "Same plum after pruning 2.8.20." (5) "Red Currant before pruning 2.8.20." (6) "Same Red Currant after pruning." (7) "Gooseberry before pruning 2.8.20." (8) "Same Gooseberry after pruning 2.8.20."f. j rae, principal, burnley, apple tree, plum, pruning, red currant, gooseberry, pruning demonstration -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Legal record, State of Victoria - Attorney General, "Attorney General of Victoria re Purchase of Essendon Tram Undertaking", 30/06/1922 12:00:00 AM
Legal document within a light brown manila document - titled "Attorney General of Victoria re Purchase of Essendon Tram Undertaking" containing 4 large sheets, typed, legally bound with tape and sewn cotton. Formally titled "The Honourable Arthur Robinson his Majesty's attorney general for the state of the Victoria with Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board / Agreement" Dated 30/6/1922 - sets out the terms and cost of the Board purchasing the undertaking from the State Government (not NMETL), employees except Arthur Murdoch and gives a drawing of the land to be taken over. Agreement scanned. Was subject to Parliamentary approval. Folder has file number "91-2" written on the outside.trams, tramways, mmtb, essendon, nmetl, victorian government, legal agreements -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Negative, Ellis Collection, Cable Tram - Nicholson St at Gertrude St, 1940
Negative (120) of a cable tram grip car and saloon car 565 outside the Nicholson St Winding house tram stop, with several passengers walking from the tram, the conductor attending to the "dolly" for the Gertrude Street cable so the gripmen can line it up with grip and the grip man looking down. In the image are adverts for Col. W. de Basil's Covent Garden show at Her Majesty's Theatre, Fosters Lager, Hoyts De Luxe Bourke St a Richard Greene film. See Also Reg Item 3600 for the full bill board. Based on the date for the Covent Garden show commencing Thursday March 14, the year is 1940. trams, tramways, cable trams, nicholson st, winding houses, conductors, passengers, tram stops, tram 565 -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Meeting of the Assessors of 1939 War Memorial Thesis Competition held at the Shrine of Remembrance on 23.12.47 at 4 pm, 1947
After the second world war there was a decision made to create a memorial for the 1939-45 War at the Shrine. A competition was held and 53 entries assessed. The first prize was shared between two submissions and the third prize money was also awarded. These two documents show that Legatee Kemsley was one of the Assessors who decided the basis of design for the memorial. The notes of a meeting of the Assessors show that Mr W. Balcombe Griffiths, Mr Marcus Martin, Colonel Kemsley and Sir Edmund Herring (Chairman of the Shrine Trustees) were present when the winning design was chosen. The design was later completed as the Forecourt in the shape of a paved cross, built in 1953, and the Cenotaph surmounted by a statuary group and the Eternal Flame. The memorial was dedicated and the flame set alight by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on February 28 1954.A record of the decisions made by the committee that chose the design of the memorial for the 1939-45 war that was built as the Forecourt, the Cenotaph and the Eternal Flame at the Shrine of Remembrance. Legatee Kemsley was on the committee. White quarto paper with black type x 3 pages, two pages are a report to the Shrine Trustees on the competition for the design of the 1939 War Memorial and the third page is notes on a meeting of the Assessors of the competition.01187.2-3 Handwritten in pencil 'Shrine'. Title is: "Report of Assessors appointed to examine and award prizes from theses received in connection with the 1939 War Memorial Competition Conducted by the Shrine of Remembrance Trustees"memorial, cenotaph -
Federation University Historical Collection
Poster - Advertisment, Sweet Charity, 2005
Poster advertising the presentation of the 2005 University of Ballarat Arts Academy Musical "Sweet Charity' at Her Majesty's Theatre, Ballarat. Director - Kim Durban. Musical numbers and Choreography - David Wynen. Musical Director - Vicky Jacobs. Designer - Frank Lilley. Music by Cy Coleman. Lyrics by Dorothy Fields. Book by Neil Simon. By special arrangement with Tams-Witmark Music Library Inc. The production was supported by the School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, University of Ballarat. There were five evening performances starting at 8.00pm and two matinee performances starting at 2.00pm from Friday 4th March to Saturday 12th March, 2005. Tickets were purchased via MajesTix. Prices: Adult $29.50; Groups $24; Concession $21; Student $14Original Coloured poster kim durban, david wynen, vicky jacobs, frank lilley, cy coleman, dorothy fields, neil simon, her majesty's theatre ballarat, tams-witmark music library inc, majestix, university of ballarat arts academy, musical, musical theatre, ballarat arts academy -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Souvenir, International Commonwealth Games Committee, Melbourne Commonwealth Games Queens Baton relay, 2006
The Queen's Baton Relay has been the traditional curtain-raiser to the Commonwealth Games since 1958. It symbolises the gathering of people from across the Commonwealth. On 14 March 2005 Her Majesty placed a message in the baton at Buckingham Palace, signalling the start of a journey of almost 180,000 kilometres. The baton's journey to the opening ceremony took exactly one year and one day, arriving at the Melbourne Cricket Ground during the opening ceremony of the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games on 15 March 2006. It was the first baton relay to visit all 71 nations of the Commonwealth. Athletes and non-athletes alike shared the privilege of carrying the baton. In Bendigo two sites were chosen for events. Bendigo Stadium: Basketball and Wellsford Rifle Range: Full Bore Shooting.Baton in display box. Reproduction of actual object. Front panel has 36 inserts, base is narrower than top. Queens message button near top which unlike the original is not removable. Top is gold coloured, back is dark green. Box is black with black inner liner.Top of box: Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games / Queen's Baton Relaycommonwealth games 2006, city of greater bendigo tourism, city of greater bendigo sport -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Squadron Insignia / Badges of the Royal Australian Air Force, Badges of the Royal Australian Air Force, Current as at 01January 1983
2 x Laminated colour photocopy of poster of RAAF Squadron Insignia / BadgesThe badges displayed on this poster were produced from the original artwork approved and signed by either Her Majesty the Queen, or the late King George VI. Therefore, while the correct crown for use with all badges is the St. Edward's crown, certain badges have been reproduced with the Tudor crown and these will be progressively updated. Defence Public Relationsraaf badges, squadron badges, badges of the raaf -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document - Invitation To Meet their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall & York, His Majesty's Ministers of State for Australia, 1901
The commemorative booklet 'Our Invited Guests for the Opening of the First Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia : An open directory of the guests invited to Melbourne, May 9th 1901' lists invitees from each Australian State. The Misses Dowling are not on this list, however the booklet does list The Hon Thomas Dowling MLC, and his "lady" from Camperdown as well as Edwin Percy Dowling esq, Shire Secretary of Camperdown. Perhaps the Misses Dowling were part of this family. While not invited to the opening of Parliament on the 9th, the guest list for later events may have been extended on other occasions.The document design has artistic and aesthetic merit. While it is not rare, it is representative of the kinds of formal designs used for the Australian Commonwealth celebrations at the time of Federation, and is in excellent condition. Such items as this invitation have local, state and national historic significance as mementoes of a key moment in Australia's history. An invitation on card to the Misses Dowling to attend an evening reception at the Exhibition Building, Melbourne, on 9 May 1901, to meet the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall as part of the celebrations of the opening of the first Federal Parliament. A figure of Britannia, in red dress and mailed vest holding a shield like the Union Jack, is on the left of the invitation; she reaches out her hand towards a younger female figure, representing Australia, who is dressed in blue and holds a shield which is white with a blue cross decorated with stars. The writing is on a scroll in the centre of the certificate, and there is a border of vines and vine leaves. The royal crest is at the base of the certificate.Printed on a banner across the top: 'IN CELEBRATION / OF THE / OPENING / PARLIAMENT of the COMMONWEALTH / OF AUSTRALIA' Printed below the banner: 'To meet Their Royal Highness / the DUKE and DUCHESS of CORNWALL & / YORK / His Majesty's / MINISTERS OF STATE FOR AUSTRALIA / have the honor to invite / [handwritten] The Misses Dowling / to an Evening Reception at the / Exhibition Building MELBOURNE, / on the 9th of May 1901, at 8 o'clock'.federation events - victoria, australian federation 1901, misses dowling - kew, royal visits, federation events - victoria, australain federation 1901, misses dowling, royal visits, melbourne exhibition building -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Functional object - Leather Cash Bag, early 1900s
Leather Cash Bags were generally used to transport wages and other cash between two locations. Each would have a brass plate fitted engraved with the home station or a from & to location. Cash would have been transferred from country stations to Melbourne. The lock was self-locking. Duplicate keys to the bags were held in the cashiers office Melbourne.Used at local railway station Portland for transference of cash and cheques back to the Melbourne office. The bag is an example of the how people in the remote areas of Victoria used railways and trains to transfer money, banking and other items. The railway system was used to transfer people, goods and cash between the districts of western Victoria.Brown Leather oblong shaped cash bag. Reinforced leather panel on the front with a brass name plant that has been stamped with the word 'PORTLAND'. Leather buckle at the top with eye holes for threading. Brass lock shaped like teddy bear attached. Brass tag plate. Two keys and a tag attached to a key ring that is hanging and secured with tie wire.Orange Tag - 'TRAVELLING CASH BAGS' / 'S.M. PORTLAND' Larger Key - 'HUBBAIL' 'MELBOURNE' ' P37' Smaller Key - 'PANTANT' 'LONDON' Metal Tag - 'PORTLAND' (Worn off) Lock - 'S205' ' PATANT' '120 QUEEN VICTORIA ST LONDON' ' MAKERS HER MAJESTY' '1202998' Front bottom under the plaque hand written 'MELB'portland railway, melbourne railway, trains, banking -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Mining lease 5 page document for lease application 10173, dated 9th March 1934, within area bounded by Don, Barnard Streets up to Mt. Korong Road, area 10 acres. Document signed by John Jepson Stanistreet in the presence of W.A. Kell, Warden's Clerk, Bendigo. Hand coloured plan of lease appended to document, yellow section refers to lease. Marked on map Central Garden Gully shaft. On front of lease ' entered in the Register Book Vol 303 Fol 33698' On back ' His Majesty the King to J.P. Stanistreet (Cent G Gully not renewed written in pencil) Form C Gold Mining Lease Crown and Private Land'gold, mining, garden gully shaft -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Negative and Black & White Photograph/s, Ellis Collection, 1940
Negative (120) of a cable tram grip car and saloon car 586 turning from Nicholson St into Gertrude St Fitzroy. In the background is the cable tram winding house and a large bill board advertising: r Col. W. de Basil's Covent Garden show at Her Majesty's Theatre, Fosters Lager, Hoyts De Luxe Bourke St a Richard Greene film - Where I am a Stranger, Victoria Bitter and Saunders Malt Extract. Hi Res image filed in the dbtext/hawthtramcoll/Large Images/htd3600large.jpg 6" x 4" print held as well - image which has a narrower view. Based on a billboard date in Reg Item 3593, the year is 1940.trams, tramways, cable trams, gertrude st, nicholson st, winding houses, tram 586 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Register, Ballarat School of Mines Library Register of Books, 1870-1896, 1870-1896
The listing of books in the Ballarat School of Mines library begins with No 1 and ends at No 1465. This book is identical to Library Catalogue No 00007, but isonly numbered to No. 921. Redmond Barry, Robert Broigh Smyth, Ferdinandy Von Mueller, the Victorian Geolofical Survey and many local illuminaries donated to the Ballarat School of Mines. Black cloth covered exercise book with handwritten lists of books in the Ballarat School of Mines Library dating from 1870 to 1896. The pages have been divided into columns with the following headings: Reg. No; Title; Author; Vol.; Issue; Donor, Receipt. Some of the books are as follows: 1. Memoirs of Geological Survey of Great Britain, Vol 1., 1846, Donated by Her Majesty's Government, 16/03/1870 19. Prospectus of the School of Mines, 1869, Donated by Her Majesty's Government, 16/03/1870 44. The Steam Engine, Rankine, purchased, 09/03/1871 72. Melbourne University Calendar, 1859-1860, donated by Sir Redmond Barry, 14/04/1871 85. Maps of County of Anglesey, donated by Minister of Mines, 23/05/1871 107. Electric Telegraph, R. Sabine, purchased, June 1874 356. Organic Constituents of Plants and Vegetable Substances, Dr. G.C. Willstein, donated by Ferdinand Von Mueller 375. The native Plants of Victoria Succinctly Defined, Baron Von Mueller, purchased, 1879 569. Platur's Manual of Qual and Quan Analysis with the blowpipe, donated by Henry Sutton, May 1884 738. German Bible, donated by R. J. Litton, 21.05.1886 802. Essays of Addison, J.R. Green, 18/06/1887, donated by Bella Guerin 803. Rec De Planches Dur Les sciences Les Arts Liberaux et les Arts Mechaniques, Vol VI, 1875, Donated by Theo William, 01/07/1887 Excel spreadsheet attached (incomplete)ballarat school of mines, library, books, ballarat school of mines library, william laplau, dr bunce, james oddie, bella guerin, j.f. usher, r.m. sergeant, redmond barry, robert brough smyth, cosmo newbery, john noble wilson, joseph flude, commissioner of patents, henry sutton, w.n. wooster, theophilus taylor, rivett henry bland, ferdinand von mueller, c.c. shoppee, william luplau, ferdinand krause, william wooster -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document - Invitation To Meet their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall & York, Commonwealth of Australia, 1901
The commemorative booklet 'Our Invited Guests for the Opening of the First Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia : An open directory of the guests invited to Melbourne, May 9th 1901' lists invitees from each Australian State. Mr & Mrs. J. M. Campbell are on this list, and recoded as residing at "Ramornie" 40 Pakington Street, Kew.The document design has artistic and aesthetic merit. While it is not rare, it is representative of the kinds of formal designs used for the Australian Commonwealth celebrations at the time of Federation, and is in excellent condition. Such items as this invitation have local, state and national historic significance as mementoes of a key moment in Australia's history. Locally, the invitation is part of a group of Federation-related items issued to James Maitland Campbell (and his wife). Campbell was three times mayor of Kew in the second half of the 19th Century and the owner of Ramornie in Pakington Street, one of the significant extant mansions in Kew.An invitation on card to Mr. & Mrs J. M. Campbell to attend an evening reception at the Exhibition Building, Melbourne, on 9 May 1901, to meet the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall as part of the celebrations of the opening of the first Federal Parliament. A figure of Britannia, in red dress and mailed vest holding a shield like the Union Jack, is on the left of the invitation; she reaches out her hand towards a younger female figure, representing Australia, who is dressed in blue and holds a shield which is white with a blue cross decorated with stars. The writing is on a scroll in the centre of the certificate, and there is a border of vines and vine leaves. The royal crest is at the base of the certificate.Printed on a banner across the top: 'IN CELEBRATION / OF THE / OPENING / PARLIAMENT of the COMMONWEALTH / OF AUSTRALIA' Printed below the banner: 'To meet Their Royal Highness / the DUKE and DUCHESS of CORNWALL & / YORK / His Majesty's / MINISTERS OF STATE FOR AUSTRALIA / have the honor to invite / [handwritten] Mr. & Mrs J. M. Campbell / to an Evening Reception at the / Exhibition Building MELBOURNE, / on the 9th of May 1901, at 8 o'clock'.federation -- australia -- 1901, parliament -- australia, invitations -- 1901 -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Durban South Africa Drivers Licence
It appears that Mr WA Benville was born in/near Durban South Africa on 6th Oct 1884. He served for Her Majesties Services for 222 days in the Boer war then came to Australia. He worked as Electrician at the GPO and lived at 180 High St.Kilda and joined the Australian Imperial Force, Australian flying Corps on 26/6/1917. Service No, 2320. Rank,.Air Mechanic 2nd Class. Roll Title Flying Corps Conflict Operation, First World War 1914-1918. Mr Benville Departed Melbourne on HMAT Port Sydney A15 on 9/11/1917. He was Married to Mrs Emily Madge Benville when he enlisted in Australia. Mrs Benville died on 10th July 1947. ( Buried at the Cheltenham Cemetery) Mr William Arthur Benville Died on 28th August 1976. Rest In Peace. Drivers licence to drive a Motor Car "William Arthur Benville" Natal Province District of Durban South Africa. Pink Cover.(The licence is written in English on left and Afrikaans on right. [We have used the English Inscriptions] Natal Province-Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Regulation Ordinance 1937. (Ordinance No. 10 of 1937 as amended) Drivers Licence class of motor vehicle in which respect licence is granted Motor Car. 123659. Issued to Surname Benville, Christian Name William Arthur, Address 178 Florida Rd, Date of Birth 6.10.84, Fee Paid 10/- shillings This licence is hereby granted to the abovenamed person, whose photograph and signature (or right thumb impression) appear hereunder, to drive a motor vehicle of the class described above. (Signature) ?????? Registrar District DURBAN , Date 26Sep 1951 ( Line undecipherable ) he must present his licence at any revenue or borough licencing office for amendment. Change of Address Date New Address Recorded by. Endorsements PN 363-P. 15593/NW.756/4,000/22-6-49 -
Melbourne Legacy
Book, Eric P Blashki, History of Sydney Legacy. Volume 3 July 1946 to July 1956, 1969
Red cloth covered hardcover edition of the Blaskhi's account of Sydney Legacy published in 1969.non-fictionhistory, sydney legacy, eric blashki -
St Kilda Historical Society
Ephemera - Special event program, In Celebration of the Opening of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1901
Program for the first opening of Parliament after Federation. Prince George Frederick Ernest Albert (1865–1936), Duke of Cornwall and York was the second son of Edward VII and Queen Alexandra. The visit was part of an Empire tour and a tribute to the response made throughout the Empire during the Boer War. On their return to Britain the couple were proclaimed Prince and Princess of Wales and, on the death of Edward VII in 1910, became George V and Queen Mary.White coloured folded program, printed in purpleFront page/cover: UK Coat of Arms In Celebration of the Opening of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. To meet their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York. Reception by His Majesty's Ministers of State for Australia, at the Exhibition Building, Melbourne, on the 9th May, 1901. Middle pages: Programme (items listed) Back page/cover: Refreshments Will be Served all the Evening on the Ground Floor and in the Galleries 1901, opening of parliament, duke and duchess of cornwall and york, royal visits -
Clayton RSL Sub Branch
Photograph, Reinforcements from 7/37 Battalion
HMAT Ballarat was torpedoed by a German submarine in the english channel. All 1720 souls on board survived the torpedo attack. HMAT Ballart departed from Melbourne on of troops on landReinf 7/37 Batt. A.I.F Torpedoed on HMAT Ballarat on Anzac Day 25th April 1917 These troops when torpedoed upheld the best traditions of the race and their conduct was beyond praise. They were the recipients of the warmest praise from his Majesty the King; General Birdwood K.S.C.I. KCMG. CB. CIE, DSO. and the Commonwealth High Commissioner, The Hon Andrew Fisher. -
The Cyril Kett Optometry Museum
Book, A treatise on the physiology and diseases of the eye containing a new mode of curing cataract, 1835 (exact)
This book is the 1835 second edition of John Harrison Curtis' 1833 'A Treatise on the Physiology and Diseases of the Eye, containing a new mode of curing cataract without an operation, experiments and observations on vision, also on the inflection, reflection and colours of light together with remarks on the preservation of sight, and on spectacles, reading glasses etc'. The title page describes J H Curtis (1778-1860) as an oculist and also as an expert on the ear. His knowledge of eye pathology and surgery was poor but this was typical of the medical profession until the middle of the 19th century. He was 'aurist in ordinary' to His Majesty and other members of the royal family and his hospital and teaching appointments had more to do with the ear rather than the eye. The last pages of the book list his other publications most of which concern the ear and the deaf. He was the first person, in 1803, to apply speaking tubes to assist the deaf. He established the Royal Ear Hospital in Soho, UK in 1816.This book is of historic significance as it shows contemporary understanding of ocular pathology in the early nineteenth century. It is quite rare as no other copies of the second edition are known in Australia.'A Treatise on the Physiology and the Diseases of the Eye' by J H Curtis is book of 1835 bound in its original boards, in very good condition, 230 x 140 mm, 242 pages, second edition. There is a coloured plate facing the title page with three figures featuring an ingenious lift up section of a woman's face to show the blood vessels and nerves underneath. There is a philosophical introduction, a chapter on ocular anatomy, two chapters on diseases and their treatment, one on the nature of light and one on the preservation of vision. Cataract is treated by withdrawal of blood from behind the ear and the application of an ointment to an induced blister on the neck, with potash applied to the cornea daily.optics, ocular anatomy, ocular disease, physiology, cataract -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - FARM DIARY
Portion of loosely -bound thirty-four double sided cream coloured page farm diary anonymous donor received 2011. Charlton, Barrakee, Buckrabanyule districts. Record segments date from period 1886-1894. Temperature, rainfall, farm-life both domestic and agricultural recorded. Prices of animal stock, grain and machinery. Property names mentioned include New Guniea, Maylands, The diary begins on 4.1.1886 on 10.2.1886 he was sworn in as one of Her Majesties Volunteers to serve for a period of three years , gave a cheque for three pounds 13 shillings for the purchase of a new rifle 27.2.1886 'Received my new rifle today with bayonet , belt and pouch , No 9153 . 17.5.1886 entry states he went to the Presbyterian team meeting at Charlton and enjoyed himself very muchheritage -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 5 No 5
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- The front cover featured an official portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II who was visiting Victoria with H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh Page 13 - There were to be virtually no restrictions on access to Falls Creek for the summer. However visitors were asked to avoid using the road above Mt. Beauty between 7-8.30 a.m. and 4-5.30 p.m. Many clubs have been building at Falls Creek and there are many things to see, including the Kiewa hydroelectric scheme. At this stage, restrictions for winter use have not been revealed. Unless major works resume on the hydroelectric scheme it is unlikely the road will be open beyond Howman's Gap.falls creek access, sec road access, royal visit -
The 5th/6th Battalion Royal Victoria Regiment Historical Collection
Artwork, other - Portrait, Captain Oswald Birley M.C et al, King George V (Duke of Kent) 1935, c.1935
Portrait of King George V (Duke of Kent) 1935Presented to the 6th Battalion Royal Melbourne Regiment by an Allied Battalion the Royal Fusiliers as a toke of friendship and esteem. This Portrait would have hung pride of place in the officers mess from 1935-? The portarait is also signed by the artist, an M.C reciepient, as well as the the reigning monarch, and colonel in chief of the presenting unit. It is supported by a letter from the colonel of the Presenting unit, Maj Gen Hill CB.CMG.DSO, and as such is hghly provinanced Colour print of His Magesty King George V wearing the unaiform of the the Royal Fusilliers, Read coat with decorations and blue sash under a navy blue over coat. The print is signed in lead pencil by the artist and by King George V on the lower edge. A regimental badge is present in the top right of the image. The picture is framed in a pewter coloured frame with ornate leaf mouldings in the corners. On the lower edge of the frame is a plaque which states " From the Colonel and Officers of the Royal Fusilliers 1935" Also included with the portait is a letter on Royal Fusiliers letterhead dated October 23 1935 " From - Maj-Gen. W.P.H. Hill. CB. CMG. DSO., Colonel. The Royal Fusiliers Dear Armstrong I am forwarding to you under a separate cover an engraving of a portrait of His Majesty, King George V, Colonel - in - Chief, the Royal Fusiliers, in the uniform of the Regiment, This portrait was painted by Captain Oswald Birley, M.C., late Royal Fusiliers, and presented to the Regiment by Lord Wakefield to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the raising of the Regiment of Fusiliers at the Tower of London in 1685. His Majesty has graciously signed this copy for presentation to your Regiment from the Corps of the Royal Fusiliers, and we trust that you will accept it as a token of friendship / and esteem .... and esteem we feel for our Allied Battalion, the 6th Battalion, the Royal Melbourne Regiment Yours Sincerely W.F.H. Hill Lieutenant-Colonel C.E. Armstrong , Comdg. 6th Bn. The Royal Melbourne Regt., Carlton, Victoria, Australia" This letter is supported by framing card , which has some water damage on the lower right corner and right side signed by King George and the artist From the Colonel and Officers of the Royal Fusilliers 1935" 5/6 rvr, officer's / sergeant's mess, 6th battalion, royal melbourne regiment, king george v, royal fusiliers -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Leisure object - Snuff, Fribourg & Treyer, 1900's
This dry tobacco variety of snuff is a finely ground, flavoured tobacco intended to be sniffed into the nose (not further into the sinuses or throat). It can vary in grind, blend and moistness. Snuff sniffing has been popular, particularly amongst the aristocracy, since the 1600’s and into the 1900’s and is becoming popular again as an alternative to smoking. It delivers a ‘hit’ of nicotine with lingering flavours that last for 15 to 20 minutes. It can be used by pinching a small amount from the container with thumb and forefinger then holding the pinched fingers to each nostril and giving a quick short sniff to transfer the snuff into the nostril. Another way is to sniff it from the ‘anatomical snuff box’, the depression on the back of the hand between base of thumb and forefinger. The user can also purchase a specially crafted snuff box or a bullet shaped nasal dispenser. A useful accessory to have on hand is a handkerchief, as the process of inhaling snuff can cause sneezing and increased nasal discharge. Snuff will keep in its sealed packet for up to 2 years, and for up to 6 months once the packet is opened and kept in a cool dark place. The most popular line of the Wilson’s snuffs is the SP line’s ‘Best SP Snuff”. They are also still selling Fribourg & Treyer’s “French Carrotte” and “Hot Dry Toast”. This snuff was part of Dr Angus's personal effects and was donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village by the family of Doctor William Roy Angus, Surgeon and Oculist. It is part of the “W.R. Angus Collection” that includes historical medical equipment, surgical instruments and material once belonging to Dr Edward Ryan and Dr Thomas Francis Ryan, (both of Nhill, Victoria) as well as Dr Angus’ own belongings. The Collection’s history spans the medical practices of the two Doctors Ryan, from 1885-1926 plus that of Dr Angus, up until 1969. ABOUT THE “W.R.ANGUS COLLECTION” Doctor William Roy Angus M.B., B.S., Adel., 1923, F.R.C.S. Edin.,1928 (also known as Dr Roy Angus) was born in Murrumbeena, Victoria in 1901 and lived until 1970. He qualified as a doctor in 1923 at University of Adelaide, was Resident Medical Officer at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in 1924 and for a period was house surgeon to Sir (then Mr.) Henry Simpson Newland. Dr Angus was briefly an Assistant to Dr Riddell of Kapunda, then commenced private practice at Curramulka, Yorke Peninsula, SA, where he was physician, surgeon and chemist. In 1926, he was appointed as new Medical Assistant to Dr Thomas Francis Ryan (T.F. Ryan, or Tom), in Nhill, Victoria, where his experiences included radiology and pharmacy. In 1927 he was Acting House Surgeon in Dr Tom Ryan’s absence. Dr Angus had become engaged to Gladys Forsyth and they decided he would take time to further his studies overseas in the UK in 1927. He studied at London University College Hospital and at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and in 1928, was awarded FRCS (Fellow from the Royal College of Surgeons), Edinburgh. He worked his passage back to Australia as a Ship’s Surgeon on the on the Australian Commonwealth Line’s T.S.S. Largs Bay. Dr Angus married Gladys in 1929, in Ballarat. (They went on to have one son (Graham 1932, born in SA) and two daughters (Helen (died 12/07/1996) and Berenice (Berry), both born at Mira, Nhill ) Dr Angus was a ‘flying doctor’ for the A.I.M. (Australian Inland Ministry) Aerial Medical Service in 1928 . The organisation began in South Australia through the Presbyterian Church in that year, with its first station being in the remote town of Oodnadatta, where Dr Angus was stationed. He was locum tenens there on North-South Railway at 21 Mile Camp. He took up this ‘flying doctor’ position in response to a call from Dr John Flynn; the organisation was later known as the Flying Doctor Service, then the Royal Flying Doctor Service. A lot of his work during this time involved dental surgery also. Between 1928-1932 he was surgeon at the Curramulka Hospital, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia. In 1933 Dr Angus returned to Nhill where he’d previously worked as Medical Assistant and purchased a share of the Nelson Street practice and Mira hospital from Dr Les Middleton one of the Middleton Brothers, the current owners of what was once Dr Tom Ryan’s practice. Dr L Middleton was House Surgeon to the Nhill Hospital 1926-1933, when he resigned. [Dr Tom Ryan’s practice had originally belonged to his older brother Dr Edward Ryan, who came to Nhill in 1885. Dr Edward saw patients at his rooms, firstly in Victoria Street and in 1886 in Nelson Street, until 1901. The Nelson Street practice also had a 2 bed ward, called Mira Private Hospital ). Dr Edward Ryan was House Surgeon at the Nhill Hospital 1884-1902 . He also had occasions where he successfully performed veterinary surgery for the local farmers too. Dr Tom Ryan then purchased the practice from his brother in 1901. Both Dr Edward and Dr Tom Ryan work as surgeons included eye surgery. Dr Tom Ryan performed many of his operations in the Mira private hospital on his premises. He too was House Surgeon at the Nhill Hospital 1902-1926. Dr Tom Ryan had one of the only two pieces of radiology equipment in Victoria during his practicing years – The Royal Melbourne Hospital had the other one. Over the years Dr Tom Ryan gradually set up what was effectively a training school for country general-practitioner-surgeons. Each patient was carefully examined, including using the X-ray machine, and any surgery was discussed and planned with Dr Ryan’s assistants several days in advance. Dr Angus gained experience in using the X-ray machine there during his time as assistant to Dr Ryan. Dr Tom Ryan moved from Nhill in 1926. He became a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 1927, soon after its formation, a rare accolade for a doctor outside any of the major cities. He remained a bachelor and died suddenly on 7th Dec 1955, aged 91, at his home in Ararat. Scholarships and prizes are still awarded to medical students in the honour of Dr T.F. Ryan and his father, Dr Michael Ryan, and brother, John Patrick Ryan. ] When Dr Angus bought into the Nelson Street premises in Nhill he was also appointed as the Nhill Hospital’s Honorary House Surgeon 1933-1938. His practitioner’s plate from his Nhill surgery states “HOURS Daily, except Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturday afternoons, 9-10am, 2-4pm, 7-8pm. Sundays by appointment”. This plate is now mounted on the doorway to the Port Medical Office at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, Warrnambool. Dr Edward Ryan and Dr Tom Ryan had an extensive collection of historical medical equipment and materials spanning 1884-1926 and when Dr Angus took up practice in their old premises he obtained this collection, a large part of which is now on display at the Port Medical Office at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village in Warrnambool. During his time in Nhill Dr Angus was involved in the merging of the Mira Hospital and Nhill Public Hospital into one public hospital and the property titles passed on to Nhill Hospital in 1939. In 1939 Dr Angus and his family moved to Warrnambool where he purchased “Birchwood,” the 1852 home and medical practice of Dr John Hunter Henderson, at 214 Koroit Street. (This property was sold in1965 to the State Government and is now the site of the Warrnambool Police Station. ). The Angus family was able to afford gardeners, cooks and maids; their home was a popular place for visiting dignitaries to stay whilst visiting Warrnambool. Dr Angus had his own silk worm farm at home in a Mulberry tree. His young daughter used his centrifuge for spinning the silk. Dr Angus was appointed on a part-time basis as Port Medical Officer (Health Officer) in Warrnambool and held this position until the 1940’s when the government no longer required the service of a Port Medical Officer in Warrnambool; he was thus Warrnambool’s last serving Port Medical Officer. (The duties of a Port Medical Officer were outlined by the Colonial Secretary on 21st June, 1839 under the terms of the Quarantine Act. Masters of immigrant ships arriving in port reported incidents of diseases, illness and death and the Port Medical Officer made a decision on whether the ship required Quarantine and for how long, in this way preventing contagious illness from spreading from new immigrants to the residents already in the colony.) Dr Angus was a member of the Australian Medical Association, for 35 years and surgeon at the Warrnambool Base Hospital 1939-1942, He served as a Surgeon Captain during WWII 1941-45, in Ballarat, Victoria, and in Bonegilla, N.S.W., completing his service just before the end of the war due to suffering from a heart attack. During his convalescence he carved an intricate and ‘most artistic’ chess set from the material that dentures were made from. He then studied ophthalmology at the Royal Melbourne Eye and Ear Hospital and created cosmetically superior artificial eyes by pioneering using the intrascleral cartilage. Angus received accolades from the Ophthalmological Society of Australasia for this work. He returned to Warrnambool to commence practice as an ophthalmologist, pioneering in artificial eye improvements. He was Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist to Warrnambool Base Hospital for 31 years. He made monthly visits to Portland as a visiting surgeon, to perform eye surgery. He represented the Victorian South-West subdivision of the Australian Medical Association as its secretary between 1949 and 1956 and as chairman from 1956 to 1958. In 1968 Dr Angus was elected member of Spain’s Barraquer Institute of Barcelona after his research work in Intrasclearal cartilage grafting, becoming one of the few Australian ophthalmologists to receive this honour, and in the following year presented his final paper on Living Intrasclearal Cartilage Implants at the Inaugural Meeting of the Australian College of Ophthalmologists in Melbourne In his personal life Dr Angus was a Presbyterian and treated Sunday as a Sabbath, a day of rest. He would visit 3 or 4 country patients on a Sunday, taking his children along ‘for the ride’ and to visit with him. Sunday evenings he would play the pianola and sing Scottish songs to his family. One of Dr Angus’ patients was Margaret MacKenzie, author of a book on local shipwrecks that she’d seen as an eye witness from the late 1880’s in Peterborough, Victoria. In the early 1950’s Dr Angus, painted a picture of a shipwreck for the cover jacket of Margaret’s book, Shipwrecks and More Shipwrecks. She was blind in later life and her daughter wrote the actual book for her. Dr Angus and his wife Gladys were very involved in Warrnambool’s society with a strong interest in civic affairs. Their interests included organisations such as Red Cross, Rostrum, Warrnambool and District Historical Society (founding members), Wine and Food Society, Steering Committee for Tertiary Education in Warrnambool, Local National Trust, Good Neighbour Council, Housing Commission Advisory Board, United Services Institute, Legion of Ex-Servicemen, Olympic Pool Committee, Food for Britain Organisation, Warrnambool Hospital, Anti-Cancer Council, Boys’ Club, Charitable Council, National Fitness Council and Air Raid Precautions Group. He was also a member of the Steam Preservation Society and derived much pleasure from a steam traction engine on his farm. He had an interest in people and the community He and his wife Gladys were both involved in the creation of Flagstaff Hill, including the layout of the gardens. After his death (28th March 1970) his family requested his practitioner’s plate, medical instruments and some personal belongings be displayed in the Port Medical Office surgery at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, and be called the “W. R. Angus Collection”. The W.R. Angus Collection is significant for still being located at the site it is connected with, Doctor Angus being the last Port Medical Officer in Warrnambool. The collection of medical instruments and other equipment is culturally significant, being an historical example of medicine from late 19th to mid-20th century. Dr Angus assisted Dr Tom Ryan, a pioneer in the use of X-rays and in ocular surgery. Snuff in metal cylinder, part of the W.R. Angus Collection. Small silver metal cylinder with screw cap containing dark, fragrant ground substance. . Snuff aroma is “High Dry Toast”. Label on cylinder has information about the maker. The snuff container has been opened.Print on label reads "Fribourg & Treyer brand, est. 1720, Tobacconists & Purveyors of Foreign Snuff, to their Majesties the Kings of Stanober and Belgium, the Dukes of Sussex, Cambridge and Duchesses of Kent. No. 34 Upper End of the Haymarket W.S.1. Lloyds Leadenhal St, E.C.3, 130 High St Oxford and 18 Burlington Arcade, W.1".Symbol of a crown above a topless pyramid.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, dr w r angus, snuff, hot dry toast, fribourg & treyer, tobacco sniffing, personal effects -
Frankston RSL Sub Branch
Plaque, 1974
Black ceramic plaque made to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Sir Winston Churchill. The plaque has a bust of Churchill in relief in the centre and the words "Author Statesman Soldier Artist 1874 Sir Winston Churchill 1965" in gold lettering around the circumference. The base has an inscription.The plaque has the following inscription: "AUTHOR - STATESMAN - SOLDIER - ARTIST 1874 - SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL - 1965" in gold lettering around the circumference. The base has the inscription (also in gold lettering): "CHURCHILL CENTENARY 1874 - 1974" "To commemorate the birth of Sir WINSTON CHURCHILL 30th November 1874" and "enthusiastic in debate, imperturbable in adversity and generous in triumph" "Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II" leader, churchill, plaque, wedgwood -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Newspaper clipping, Spotlight on Local Talent, Thursday 14 June 2012
1/2 page newspaper clipping with photograph of Dark holding a playing cardSpotlight on Local Talent AT A GLANCE What: Made in Ballarat concert When: Sunday, June 24, at 2pm Where; HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE, 17 LYDIARD STREET SOUTH Tickets: Adult $37.50, concession $30 Details: Call 5333 5888 or visit Caption under photo: SOPRANO: Ballarat alumni Jacqueline Dark in Opera Australia's production of Arabella. Picture Jeff Busby -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, mid 1920's
Black and white photograph contained within Reg. Item 2488, page 55, of four ESCo workers standing by an ESCo tram at the depot. Handwritten caption by H.P. James identifies the people as N. Edwards, Chris Hodgson (foreman), Tom Duke and "old" Bob Tryaskos. See Inscriptions for details about the advertisements in the tram window. Has part of the Suttons roof advertisement. Note Item Not formally Numbered. Image btm2507i2 shows position on page relative to items 2507 to 2512. High Res Images added 15/3/2011. Handwritten in Pencil under the photograph is "4 employees at Depot "N. Edwards, Chris Hodgson (foreman), Tom Duke and old Bob Tryaskos advertisements was a strong feature. The cars you see hanging in the window are Picture Show programmes either of Her Majesty's (Saturday and Wednesday) Pathes Alfred Hall also used this plan." Note the word "Coliseum" had been crossed out.tramways, trams, depot, suttons, esco, employees -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Souvenier, Osboldstone & Co. Pty. Ltd, 1919
Original Souvenir booklet from 1919Souvenir of the Grand Review By the Governor General of Victorian Returned Naval Men and Members of the Australian Imperial Forces (A.I.F.) held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on the 3rd of May 1919.Picture of His Majesty the King (George the Fifth).Photos of Our Heroes in the Making on page 2. Pictures of various politicians the Governor General on page 3. Pages 4 and 5 displays the colours of various units participating in the parade. Pictures of worldwide dignitaries on page 6.Page shows photographs of where Australia's Glorious deeds were done. On the rear shows Anzac House, Collins Street, Melbourne.