Showing 483 items
matching snowy river
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photographs, 1980s? (winter months)
... House, the Snowy River and highway bridge are in the background... House, the Snowy River and highway bridge are in the background ...All photographs seem to have been takenfrom the Telecom tower on the corner of Browning and Wolseley Streets in Orbost 3259.1 is a view of the Orbost township looking north-east. The swimming pool and bowling club can be seen in the foreground. 3259.2 is aview looking north-west and showing the tennis courts and clubhouse, the Recreation Reserve oval, the Youth Centre, Historical Museum, Municipal Offices, Senior Citizens clubrooms with the fire station in the foreground. 3259.3 is a view looking south with the Shire of Orbost Municipal offices and Ruskin Street in the foreground. Munro Street can be seen running from Ruskin Street to St Joseph's School in the middle distance. Lochiel Park oval, Lochiel House, the Snowy River and highway bridge are in the background. 3259.4 is a view looking south showing the Club Hotel, C.B.C. Bank in the middle distance and Hoffman's paddock (Forest Park) and the Snowy River beyond. 3259.5 is a view looking north-east over houses. 3259.6 is aview over the main street, Nicholson Street.showing the main shopping precinct. Shop signs for Permewans, Williams Shoes, F.B. Dicken and Orbost Bakery can be seen. 3259.7 is a view looking south west and shows Forest park and beyond towards Bete Bolong.These photographs are detailed pictorial records of the township of Orbost.Seven black / white photographs taken from above a township. Chimney smoke can be seen in the photographs.orbost-township-1980s aerial-photograph-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, 1920 - 1930
... the Snowy River Mail is that it reformed again in 1945... the Snowy River Mail is that it reformed again in 1945 ...By 1905 there was an Orbost Bicycle Club. E. Donchi was a member and was a successful competitor around 1927. It is likely that the Orbost Cycling Club disbanded during WWI, and evidence from the Snowy River Mail is that it reformed again in 1945. There is no doubt that bikes were a dominant form of personal transport until the 1960s when cars ownership became more common, although children still rode to school. As far as theOrbost Cycling Club was concerned, the golden years were from 1945 to 1950. (information Newsletter August 2018 - Geoff & Lee Stevenson)This item is associated with a popular recreational activity in early Orbost. The period between the First World War and the 1950s was the heyday of cycling. After 1900 the efficient mass production of standardized safe bicycles, as well as the wider availability of second-hand bicycles, caused rapidly dropping prices and it was therefore easier for people to purchase a bicycle not only for utilitarian use but for racing. A small black / white photograph of a young man on a racing bike. It is on an unsealed road in a forest. on back - "E. Donchi, Cyclist, Orbost"donchi cycling-orbost recreation -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, February, 1971
... the Snowy River from changing its course. The 1971 flood... stopped the Snowy River from changing its course. The 1971 flood ...This photograph shows the floodwaters during the 1971 flood at Orbost. The two mahogany trees in the photograph stopped the Snowy River from changing its course. The 1971 flood was the the worst flood on record. At Jarrahmond it was at least 11 metres and up to one and a half kilometres wide on the flats causing enormous damage to the flood plain. Records say that "The brown floodwater stain in Bass Strait could be seen from passing airliners." Considerable damage was done to railway infrastructure, roads and farms. More information from the APRIL, 2008 newsletter by John Phillips. (see is a pictorial record of a significant event in the history of floods in Orbost.A black / white photograph of raging floodwaters at the bottom of the Orbost township.orbost-flood-1971 -
Orbost & District Historical Society
coloured photographs, Hogeman, Trudi, 2000 - 2010
... ". The third photograph is of the Snowy River Store, a Budget Rite...". The third photograph is of the Snowy River Store, a Budget Rite ...The first two photographs are of the Marlo Picture Theatre which used to be next to the general store.It was a cream coloured timber building with steps leading to a door. There are large poster type paintings on the outside walls. In about 1930, the Ozone Picture Theatre was constructed, serving as a hall and venue for entertainment. In 1925 Walter Rice built a general store in Marlo and in 1930 built the "Ozone Picture Theatre". The third photograph is of the Snowy River Store, a Budget Rite Store. Jack Unmade and his son, Brad ran the store in the 1990s and had a caravan behind the store.This is a pictorial record of a community building no longer standing.Three panoramic format coloured photographs. -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photographs, 15th February 1971
... of Snowy River floodwater. ... of Snowy River floodwater. These photographs are pictorial records ...The 1971 flood was the the worst flood on record. At Jarrahmond it was at least 11 metres and up to one and a half kilometres wide on the flats causing enormous damage to the flood plain. Records say that "The brown floodwater stain in Bass Strait could be seen from passing airliners." Considerable damage was done to railway infrastructure, roads and farms. More information from the APRIL, 2008 newsletter by John Phillips. (see The railway line was destroyed and was not expected to be opened for a fortnight. Orbost was cut off by 50 square miles of Snowy River floodwater. These photographs are pictorial records of the 1971 floods which was a significant event in the history of Orbost. They are also associated with the East Gippsland Railway.Three black / white photographs of flood debris and flood waters near a railway line. 3102.l has a pile driver 3102.2 shows a gap in the viaduct and 3102.3 shows men with a tractor cleaning up the debris,3102.1 - on back - "1971 FLOOD REPAIRS TO ORBOST RAILWAY VIADUCT - 15th February 1971. Donated by Audrey Van Den Berg VRH 3693" 3102.2 - on back - " DAMAGE TO RAILWAY VIADUCT ACCUMULATED DEBRIS" 3102.3 - on back - "DAMAGE TO RAILWAY VIADUCT AT ORBOST. CLEAN UP BEGINS"orbost-flood-1971 orbost-viaduct-flood-damage orbost-railway -
Orbost & District Historical Society
stamp holder and numbers, Victorian Government Railways, c. 1930s- 1980s
... in 1987. The station was located on the west side of the Snowy... in 1987. The station was located on the west side of the Snowy ...Used on the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line which closed in 1987. The Bairnsdale-Orbost railway was opened in 1916 to serve the agricultural and timber industry. Because of the decline in traffic and heavy operating costs, the line was finally closed in August, 1987. Orbost Railway Station was opened on Monday 10 April 1916 as the terminus of the Orbost railway line, and closed in 1987. The station was located on the west side of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being on the east side of the river, in order to save on the costs of a bridge over the river, which at the time had highly variable levels This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost.A stamp holder made of aluminium into which numbers and possibly letters can be inserted. Also a square shallow wooden box containing numbers which are used with the stamp. The numbers appear to be made of rubber.possibly V G R railway-history orbost-bairnsdale-railway -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Victorian Railways pencil, Victorian Railways, c. 1960s-1980s
... of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being on the east side... of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being on the east side ...Used by Victorian Railways at stations on the Orbost-Bairnsdale line. The Bairnsdale-Orbost railway was opened in 1916 to serve the agricultural and timber industry. Because of the decline in traffic and heavy operating costs, the line was finally closed in August, 1987. Orbost Railway Station was opened on Monday 10 April 1916 as the terminus of the Orbost railway line, and closed in 1987. The station was located on the west side of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being on the east side of the river, in order to save on the costs of a bridge over the river, which at the time had highly variable levels. This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost.A thick, hexagonal shaped pencil made of wood, painted dark blue, containing blue graphite marker.VICTORIA RAILWAYS written in gold lettering Emperor, Made in Australia railway-history victorian-railways orbost-bairnsdale-railway -
Orbost & District Historical Society
stamp, C 1960's
... in 1987. The station was located on the west side of the Snowy... in 1987. The station was located on the west side of the Snowy ...This stamp was used at the Orbost Railway Station. The Bairnsdale-Orbost railway was opened in 1916 to serve the agricultural and timber industry. Because of the decline in traffic and heavy operating costs, the line was finally closed in August, 1987. Orbost Railway Station was opened on Monday 10 April 1916 as the terminus of the Orbost railway line, and closed in 1987. The station was located on the west side of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being on the east side of the river, in order to save on the costs of a bridge over the river, which at the time had highly variable levels This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost.A stamp with a black plastic handle. The bottom is wood and the stamp rubber. It has "BRUTHEN 1879" on it."BRUTHEN 1879"orbost-railway-station -
Orbost & District Historical Society
stamp, 1970's
... . The station was located on the west side of the Snowy River despite.... The station was located on the west side of the Snowy River despite ...This stamp was used at the Orbost Railway Station. The Bairnsdale-Orbost railway was opened in 1916 to serve the agricultural and timber industry. Because of the decline in traffic and heavy operating costs, the line was finally closed in August, 1987. Orbost Railway Station was opened on Monday 10 April 1916 as the terminus of the Orbost railway line, and closed in 1987. The station was located on the west side of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being on the east side of the river, in order to save on the costs of a bridge over the river, which at the time had highly variable levels, This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost.A stamp with a red plastic handle and a white stamping face - "ORBOST FREIGHT DEPOT".VUESTAMP AUSTRALIAorbost-railway -
Orbost & District Historical Society
ledger, 1898 - 1957
... industry in Orbost and was the second secretary of the Snowy River... industry in Orbost and was the second secretary of the Snowy River ...This ledger was used initially by H. James & Co., Shipping and General Commission agents in Orbost in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Henry James (1860-1932) was a well-known identity in the Orbost district.He was a stock agent and auctioneer. H. James proved a very keen businessman and did well. He eventually formed agencies, conducted an auctioneering business and controlled the bean market. He also helped to establish the seed bean industry in Orbost and was the second secretary of the Snowy River Shipping Co. as well as a shire councillor and prominent member of MUIOOF.Henry James (1860-1932) was a well-known identity in the Orbost district.He was a stock agent and auctioneer who helped to establish the seed bean industry in Orbost. He was the second secretary of the Snowy River Shipping Co. as well as a shire councillor and prominent member of MUIOOF.A heavy ledger. Covers are heavy cardboadr coloured green It has a brown leather spine. the bottom right hand corners have been cut off. It contains records of auction sales and lists goods sold on assignment.on spine : LEDGER On the first 3-4 pages in pencil are O's and 's gamesjames-harry shipping-orbost auctioneer -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, July 1922
... of the Snowy River and for a time settled there with his wife also from... of the Snowy River and for a time settled there with his wife also from ...Jean Stirling , born 1901 in Orbost, married Charles Frances Reginald Joyes on 15th July 1922 in Orbost. Jean's father was John Stirling, son of James Stirling and Ann Gray. Her mother was Robina Harvey McNair, Aged 19 James Stirling arrived in Melbourne on January 26, 1842 with his family - parents, three sisters and two brothers. James Stirling moved around a lot to Whittlesea, Ballarat goldfields, Cunninghame, (now Lakes Entrance), then to the Old Station about 36 miles to the east along the coast near the mouth of the Snowy River and for a time settled there with his wife also from Wigton, Scotland, and their family four sons two daughters (James, John, William, George, Margaret and Polly). The first settler to occupy the Marlo township area was James Stirling around the year 1875. He built a bark hut on the bluff that had two rooms, bark walls, earthen floors and a shingle roof. By 1884, this structure had expanded to a 9 roomed accommodation house and in 1886 became the Marlo Hotel when a liquor license was granted. (more information from “Snowy River Mail”, Wednesday, April 13th 1977: MEMORIES OF MARLO by Mrs Elsbeth Conlon (nee Stirling )This photograph is associated with the Stirling family early settlers of Marlo. It is also a pictorial record of styles of wedding dress popular in the 1920s.A black / white studio portrait / photograph of a bridal couple. The bride on the left is wearing a typical 1920s wedding dress. tTe front is short with a hem that is in different length in front than behind. She is wearing a hat in the cloche-style. She is holding a bouquet of flowers and her train is draped to the left. The groom is wearing a three piece morning suit. he has a with a wingtip collar white dress shirt and a cravat tie.on front - hand - written "Jean Stirling's wedding (Marlo) ? Joyce"stirling-jean-wedding melba-&co wedding-clothing-1920s joyes-charles-francis-reginald -
Orbost & District Historical Society
letter, September 1 1909
... When early settlers began to arrive on the Snowy River... gippsland When early settlers began to arrive on the Snowy River ...When early settlers began to arrive on the Snowy River somewhere in the 1880s, the land was mostly swamps and heavily timbered jungle on the river frontages. The swamps were drained bit by bit using hand tools. The frontages were cleared by axe and shovel and fire. Several kinds of crops were experimented with such as hops, hemp and maize. Maize grew particularly well and became the main crop of the district. (info. from October 2006 ODHS Newsletter) The Argus was a morning daily newspaper in Melbourne, Australia that was established in 1846 and closed in 1957. It was considered to be the general Australian newspaper of record for this period.Maize-growing has been an important agricultural industry in the Orbost district since early settlement. This item is associated with that history.A typed letter sent to a local maize farmer requesting information on maize growing. The letter has the "Argus" letter head. The name of the recipient is unknown.maize agriculture-orbost correspondence-argus -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, 1937
... the children had been rowed across the Snowy River each day to attend... the children had been rowed across the Snowy River each day to attend ...In 1912 the school at Pumpkin Point opened to serve the children of farmers living in the Bete Bolong district. This meant a big change in their way of life because in the past the children had been rowed across the Snowy River each day to attend school at Jarrahmond. Myrtle Bunting was the first HT of the school which had been erected on a block of land purchased from H. Richardson. The school functioned until 1952 when a shortage of pupils caused its closure. As a bus service to Orbost now operated, the school at Pumpkin Point faced permanent closure. J. McKeown bought the building.This item is associated with the history of education in the Orbost districtA small black / white photograph of students from the Bete Bolong State School at the District Sports.on back - S.S. Bete Bolongeducation-orbost bete-bolong-state-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
railways envelope, Victorian Railways, c. 1970s-1980s
... on the west side of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being.... The station was located on the west side of the Snowy River despite ...Used at Orbost railway station for the consignment of goods/freight, in this case, timber to Westall. The Bairnsdale-Orbost railway was opened in 1916 to serve the agricultural and timber industry. Because of the decline in traffic and heavy operating costs, the line was finally closed in August, 1987. Orbost Railway Station was opened on Monday 10 April 1916 as the terminus of the Orbost railway line, and closed in 1987. The station was located on the west side of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being on the east side of the river, in order to save on the costs of a bridge over the river, which at the time had highly variable levels. This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost.An unused brown/buff coloured goods/freight consignment envelope used by Victorian Railways, this one for timber from Orbost to Westall. 2498-78 VICTORIAN RAILWAYS From ORBOST to WESTALL Contents TIMBER railway-history orbost-bairnsdale-railway -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Victorian Railways remarks book, Victorian Railways, c. 1940s
... on the west side of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being... on the west side of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being ...Used at Orbost Railway Station, possibly by the Station Master, between 1944 and 1984. The Bairnsdale-Orbost railway was opened in 1916 to serve the agricultural and timber industry. Because of the decline in traffic and heavy operating costs, the line was finally closed in August, 1987. Orbost Railway Station was opened on Monday 10 April 1916 as the terminus of the Orbost railway line, and closed in 1987. The station was located on the west side of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being on the east side of the river, in order to save on the costs of a bridge over the river, which at the time had highly variable levels. This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost.Book with a red cover. On the front cover VICTORIAN RAILWAYS Audit Inspectors Remarks Book, Orbost. Inside are numbered and lined pages with hand written information dating from 28/3/1944-13/8/1984, dated and signed by various station masters. Cover has a section missing from the bottom left.VICTORIAN RAILWAYS Audit Inspectors Remarks Book, Orbost.railway-history orbost-bairnsdale-railway -
Orbost & District Historical Society
label / sign, 1970's -1980's
... . The station was located on the west side of the Snowy River despite.... The station was located on the west side of the Snowy River despite ...This item was used by Victorian Railways in 1980's. It was inserted onto the side of railway freight wagons. The Bairnsdale-Orbost railway was opened in 1916 to serve the agricultural and timber industry. Because of the decline in traffic and heavy operating costs, the line was finally closed in August, 1987. Orbost Railway Station was opened on Monday 10 April 1916 as the terminus of the Orbost railway line, and closed in 1987. The station was located on the west side of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being on the east side of the river, in order to save on the costs of a bridge over the river, which at the time had highly variable levels This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost.A double -sided rectangular shaped label / sign, heavily laminated.Black print on light brown background. On one side : "MASS 31 tonnes LOADED; FROM NOWA NOWA; LIMESTONE TO APM SIDING; TRARALGON". On reverse : "EMPTY FROM TRARALGON; TO APM LIMESTONE SIDING ; NOWA NOWA".freight orbost-bairnsdale-railway -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Photograph - Jarrahmond School & pupils c.1914
... Snowy River in 1893 , the building was shifted to a new location... Snowy River in 1893 , the building was shifted to a new location ...The Jarrahmond State School No. 2745 near Orbost was one of the earliest in this district. It opened in 1886 at the same time as Orbost and shared a teacher (Campbell McKay who was shortly afterwards replaced by John Rowe who stayed in this position until 1908). The building was financed and built by local farmers on the Stapley property. After a large and damaging flood in the nearby Snowy River in 1893 , the building was shifted to a new location. In 1926, a new building was constructed by the Vic Ed Dept. where it remained until the school was closed in 1948 and children from the Jarrahmond area were then bused to Orbost. Historical significance as one of the earliest photos of Jarrahmond School students.A b/w photo of a group of children and one adult in front of a tree. Children in the front are sitting on the ground, others are standing behind. Photo is mounted onto brown cardboard. On back of photo: Jarrahmond School c.1914. Sally Cole, Angus, jarrahmond school, orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
newspaper clippings, mid 20th century
... , " People of Orbost (Vic)". 745.4 is from the Snowy River Mail... and is titled, " People of Orbost (Vic)". 745.4 is from the Snowy River ...These articles were collated by Mary Gilbert. Mary Isabelle Gilbert was born in 1905 in Orbost, Australia. She was born to John Gilbert and Annie Cameron Gilbert, and had seven sisters and one brother. Four siblings died at a young age. .She was a teacher historian loved and respected by her family and the wider community.These articles are contemporary reports of prominent Orbost identities and are a useful reference tool.A manila folder containing newspaper articles of local identities. 745.1 is titled,"What's In a Name? Their Meanings and Derivations". 745.2 is from the Weekly Times, February 23, 1955, page 25 and is titled, "Orbost Women Who Are Well-Known". 745.3 is from the Weekly Times, May2, 1951, Page 5 and is titled, " People of Orbost (Vic)". 745.4 is from the Snowy River Mail and is titled, "Vale: Richard Forsythe Beattie: Came to Orbost Over 80 Yrs Ago". On the back is an article titled, " Report of Death of Mr George Seymour Luckins". 745.5 is titled, " Happy Family Life is Answer - Harold (79) and Olive (78) Sheffield. It is a black and white photograph. 745.6 is titled, "Tubbut and the Whittakers".beattie-richard-forsythe luckins-george-seymour sheffield-harold whittakers-tubbut -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1997
... from Snowy River' and (???) dog Mogan. Century old buildings... Snowy River' and (???) dog Mogan. Century old buildings ...This photograph is recorded as having been taken in the North East Victoria Regional Tourist Authority, Wangaratta and depicts an exhibition display of items and interpretative labels associated with the Kelly Gang. The display was reportedly laid out as part of a Vic Tour Stamp, with items from the Burke Museum Collection.This photograph is of social significance due to its connection with the Burke Museum as well as the Kelly Gang. The Kelly Gang story is integral to the formation of the Australian identity and highlights the Irish oppression during the 1880s. Ned Kelly is an Australian icon, mythologised in Australian literature, art, folklore and history, and the Kelly Gang permeates Australia's national consciousness. The significance of the Burke Museum is also highlighted here, as the photograph shows the importance of the Kelly story to the Beechworth area and local identity, as well as its significance within the museum collection. The photograph is of strong research potential due to its depiction of the Kelly Gang history in Australia and its presentation of a historical museum exhibition which toured from Beechworth to other Victorian locations. With a depiction of the exhibition and associated label, the photograph provides insight into how the language and historical interpretation of Kelly Gang has developed, and how cultural and social opinions which are often shaped by exhibition displays, have shifted. Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Obverse: Gold Cradle / History / Claim 1835 / The north east is rich in history. It was the home of Ned Kelly, the 'Man from Snowy River' and (???) dog Mogan. Century old buildings are common and (???)nders of the gold rush days are everywhere / V. R. / £8000 Reward / Robbery and Murder / (indeterminate) Reverse: The historical display laid out in VICTOUR / 1997 3135 / North East Victoria/ Regional Tourist Authority/ P.O. Box 250/ Wangaratta. 3577 /BMMA03324burke museum, ned kelly, kelly gang, museum collection, exhibition, display, gallery, museum, exhibit -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, April 15 1909
... saddler's shop. An article in the The Snowy River Mail and Tambo... saddler's shop. An article in the The Snowy River Mail and Tambo ...This photograph shows the wedding of Maggie (Fran Margaret) Middleditch form Murrangowar to Frank Day who worked in the local saddler's shop. An article in the The Snowy River Mail and Tambo and Croajingolong Gazette : ORBOST PETTY SESSIONS. 8 April 1909 Constable O'Shannassy proceeded against Frank Day on a charge of being unlawfully in possession ol four kangaroo skins. Frank Merson Day was born in 1887 and died 1950. he was the son of George Seears Day and Annie Grose He and Maggie had four children : Eileen Margaret Annie Day; Francis Day; Anne Day and Frank Day. This is a pictorial record of a social event in Orbost in the early 20th century. Those recorded have connections to Orbost.A large black / white photograph of a wedding party. The bride and groom are surrounded by family. Some are seated and most standing in front of some tall trees. There is a photocopy with a list of those in the photograph.on back - "Mary Gilbert"day-frank middleditch-maggie -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, C1916
... of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being on the east side... of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being on the east side ...This is a photograph of a railway camp, set up to house workers and their families when building the Bairnsdale to Orbost Railway in 1916. The Bairnsdale-Orbost railway was opened in 1916 to serve the agricultural and timber industry. Because of the decline in traffic and heavy operating costs, the line was finally closed in August, 1987. Orbost Railway Station was opened on Monday 10 April 1916 as the terminus of the Orbost railway line, and closed in 1987. The station was located on the west side of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being on the east side of the river, in order to save on the costs of a bridge over the river, which at the time had highly variable levels.This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost.A black / white photograph of a campsite kitchen. The kitchen is outside against a roughly constructed hut. There are three women preparing food. Two men are drinking from tin mugs. a small child is crawling on the ground and another is seated.on back - "Railway Camp"orbost-railway newmerella-railway-camp transport -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, C1910
... , erected on the bank of the Snowy River, was moved in approximately..., erected on the bank of the Snowy River, was moved in approximately ...This photograph shows a class of students with a teacher from the Jarrahmond School around 1910. Jarrahmond State School, 2745, which opened on 19th of March 1 886 with Campbell Mackay as head teacher operated on a part-time basis with State School 2744 Orbost, which opened at the same time. The first building, erected on the bank of the Snowy River, was moved in approximately 1892 to McLeod's Lane. In 1914 a new building was erected by George Lurkins, and this catered for the local children until a school bus service took them to Orbost in 1949. The school building was transferred also and became an integral part of State School 2744 Orbost. This photograph is associated with the history of education in the Orbost district.A black / white photograph of a lady seated with three rows of children around her. the photograph has been taken outside a wooden building.on back - Jarrahmond School 23 years ago.jarrahmond-state-school education-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
... , Victoria who collected on the Bemm, Cann and Snowy Rivers. (Based..., Victoria who collected on the Bemm, Cann and Snowy Rivers. (Based ...Annie Cameron was the daughter of John and Elizabeth Cameron. Her father was a keen geologist and botanist. Robert Pullar Cameron was a Shire Councillor for many years. He married Penuel Hossack and had a family of James, Flora, Penuel and Alex. He was listed as a significant plant collector at Orbost, Victoria who collected on the Bemm, Cann and Snowy Rivers. (Based on the list published by J.H. Willis, D. Pearson, M.T. Davis, and J.W. Green, Western Australian Herbarium Research Notes Number 12, August 1986. Enhanced with information from George, A.S. (2009) Australian Botanist's Companion, Four Gables Press, WA.)These items are significant as a record of the occurrence of a plant species at a particular place and time and are a useful research resource. They are associated with the Cameron family, early Orbost settlers. Two albums of pressed flowers. 765.1 has a red cover with gold trim and printing. 765.2 has a blue cover. 765.1 - "Collected at Cann River 1874-98 by Annie Cameron " 765.2 - "Collected we believe by Robert P. Cameron in 1890's"botany australian-plants-flowers cameron-robert-pullar cameron-annie -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, 1917
... "was speared to death in 1851 at Orbost Station, Snowy River..."was speared to death in 1851 at Orbost Station, Snowy River ...This photograph shows the Orbost Butter factory, which in 1917, installed a very successful electric light. the dark heap to the left of the road is Supposedly the grave of "Dan the Cook" who was speared by Aborigines in 1857. Dan Moylan, known as "Dan the Cook"was speared to death in 1851 at Orbost Station, Snowy River as punishment for kidnapping a young Aboriginal girl and holding her for three days, refusing to release her. The men of the tribe congregated at Dan's hut. When Dan came outside, a volley of spears was launched at him, killing him. In the tragic aftermath, the camp at Milly Creek was attacked in retribution and a number of Gunai/Kurnai people were killed. The Orbost Butter and Produce Co. Ltd was registered on June 1st 1893 and was an important source of income to the Orbost district. These photos are pictorial records of the Orbsot Butter Factory.A black / white photograph showing a large white building and factory beside it. on the verandah are about thirty milk churns. There are three men standing astride bicycles in front of the verandah. On the left hand side is a mound of dark soil?? -
Orbost & District Historical Society
box, first half 20th century
... on the west side of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being... on the west side of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being ...This box was used by Lindsay Thomson's mother, Annie M. Thomson for the transport of hen eggs from Orbost to Melbourne by rail - C 1940's -1950's. The Bairnsdale-Orbost railway was opened in 1916 to serve the agricultural and timber industry. Because of the decline in traffic and heavy operating costs, the line was finally closed in August, 1987. Orbost Railway Station was opened on Monday 10 April 1916 as the terminus of the Orbost railway line, and closed in 1987. The station was located on the west side of the Snowy River despite the town of Orbost being on the east side of the river, in order to save on the costs of a bridge over the river, which at the time had highly variable levels. This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost. A wooden box with two inside sections and a wooden lid which is secured on both ends by large nails/spikes which are fitted into a groove and are then turned. On front and back in black stencilled letters A M T O B container railway eggs -
Orbost & District Historical Society
document, Grove, Carl, June 18 1910
... to the Snowy River district, Carl worked as overseer on Buchan Station... to the Snowy River district, Carl worked as overseer on Buchan Station ...Charles Henry [Carl] Grove died on 17/4/1938 at Box Hill at the age of 88 and was buried in Orbost. Prior to coming to the Snowy River district, Carl worked as overseer on Buchan Station. In 1880, he selected land at Newmerella after first coming here in 1874 with early selector James A Robertson. He married Annie Robertson in 1876. Carl was a farmer, hop and seed grower and nurseryman. He was an elected Councillor of the newly formed Tambo Shire in 1882, and then in 1892 to the Orbost Shire where he served for many years filling varioius public roles. In 1911, he shifted to Queensland, but later returned to Victoria and died at Box Hill. (Ref. Nov 2014 Newsletter) Carl Grove was a prominent Orbost early settler. This document is a useful research tool.A document hand-written on foolscap sized paper. There is a "List of Species Collected by Mr Carl Grove" and a letter written by Carl Grove to the president and committee of the Mechanics Institute Orbost.document-species-list-orbost grove-carl -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, February 1971
... of Snowy River floodwater. This train was being shunted across... of Snowy River floodwater. This train was being shunted across ...The 1971 flood was the the worst flood on record. At Jarrahmond it was at least 11 metres and up to one and a half kilometres wide on the flats causing enormous damage to the flood plain. Records say that "The brown floodwater stain in Bass Strait could be seen from passing airliners." Considerable damage was done to railway infrastructure, roads and farms. More information from the APRIL, 2008 newsletter by John Phillips. (see The railway line was destroyed and was not expected to be opened for a fortnight. Orbost was cut off by 50 square miles of Snowy River floodwater. This train was being shunted across the viaduct when waters smashed through washing away several trucks sending the crew running for their lives.This is pictorial evidence of a significant local event. It is connected to the history of the railway in East Gippsland.A large black / white photograph of flooded railway yards with a train engine stranded on a small section of track surrounded by water and debris.on front - "1971 Flood, Railway Yards"floods-1971-orbost orbost-railway natural-disasters-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, Segerberg & Bulmer, late 19th century
... to the Snowy River district, Carl worked as overseer on Buchan Station... to the Snowy River district, Carl worked as overseer on Buchan Station ...Charles Henry [Carl] Grove died on 17/4/1938 at Box Hill at the age of 88 and was buried in Orbost. Prior to coming to the Snowy River district, Carl worked as overseer on Buchan Station. In 1880, he selected land at Newmerella after first coming here in 1874 with early selector James A Robertson. He married Annie Robertson in 1876. Carl was a farmer, hop and seed grower and nurseryman. He was an elected Councillor of the newly formed Tambo Shire in 1882, and then in 1892 to the Orbost Shire where he served for many years filling various public roles. In 1911, he shifted to Queensland, but later returned to Victoria and died at Box Hill. (info. Newsletter 113)Two black / white photographs of a woman in a pen feeding two emus and some chickens.grove-annie grove-carl -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photographs, 3281.1 : September 1987
... own axe handles from district timber." (Snowy River Mail 23... own axe handles from district timber." (Snowy River Mail 23 ...3281.1 is a photograph of Terry Martin. "Terry Martin travelled to Melbourne to Melbourne to display his extensive collection of axes and to demonstrate the art of broadaxe cutting. The axe Terry is holding is over 200 years old and is believed to have been used by ship builders in their trade. Terry makes his own axe handles from district timber." (Snowy River Mail 23 September 1987) 3281.2 is of Erasmo Giove. who came to Australia with his wife, Mina. They eventually settled in Orbost where Erasmo worked as a sleeper cutter withn his wife working alongside him. The Gioves lived with their four children, Tina, Rocco, Benodino and Graziela, in Forest Road, Orbost,These photographs are associated with the timber and sleeper-cutting industry in the Orbost Region. Timber sleepers were superceded by concrete sleepers in c. 1970s. Orbost has historically been based on the timber industry, but that industry has declined considerably over the last 20 years..The number of locals involved in the timber industry has declined and many of the mills have closed. This item reflects a time when that industry was a significant contributor to the economy of the district.3281.1 is of a man standing holding a long handled axe. 3281.2 is of a man holding a cross cut saw and holding in the other hand a framed photograph of a swing saw.woodcutting-tools axe saw-cross-cut saw-swing timber-orbost sleeper-cutting giove-erasmo martin-terry -
Orbost & District Historical Society
photograph, C1930s
... the children had been rowed across the Snowy River each day to attend... the children had been rowed across the Snowy River each day to attend ...In 1912 the school at Pumpkin Point opened to serve the children of farmers living in the Bete Bolong district. This meant a big change in their way of life because in the past the children had been rowed across the Snowy River each day to attend school at Jarrahmond. Myrtle Bunting was the first HT of the school which had been erected on a block of land purchased from H. Richardson. The school functioned until 1952 when a shortage of pupils caused its closure. As a bus service to Orbost now operated, the school at Pumpkin Point faced permanent closure. J. McKeown bought the building. Students attending the school at this time included Russells, Johnstones, Reeves, Healeys, Kavanaghs, Phillips, Rodwells, Mills, Baileys, Gilberts and Masons.These photographs are associated with the history of education in the Orbost district. There is no longer a school at Bete Bolong.Two small photographs of students standing at the doorway of a school building.photograph-bete-bolong-school eductation-orbost