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Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, 1988 Access to Communication Award, 1988
In 1988, the Kelaston Community Day Centre won an award for providing accessible communication for deaf clients. These awards were developed to encourage and recognise programs that provided accessible communication for a wide variety of groups.1 digital image of blue and silver plaque1988 Access Communication Award Presented to the Kelaston Community Day Centre A project of Deafness Foundation (Victoria) Sponsored by the Quota Club of Moorabbinassociation for the blind, kelaston home (ballarat) -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing, lady's leather gloves, c1900
This pair of gloves was made in France and purchased by a Moorabbin residentA pair of cream, chamois leather lady's gloves with stitch detailing on back . Size 7 Made in France Size 7craftwork, sewing, gloves, early settlers, market gardeners, moorabbin, bentleigh, mckinnon, ormond, cheltenham, personal effects, evening wear -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Set of three Cast Iron Cooking Pot, A Kenrick & Sons - West Bromwich
The cooking pots were used by Pioneer's of the City of Moorabbin.Black cast iron cooking boiler pots with lidsA. Kenrick & Sons/9 Galls / West Bromwichcooking, moorabbin, pioneers, cast iron pots -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, c. 1957
This image shows the urbanisation of a formerly rural area of Moorabbin.Black and white photograph looking west along South Road. There is a truck in the foreground, travelling along the sealed South Road. A car is waiting to exit from Rowan Road. People are walking along the left hand side of the road, and a young person a bike is riding along the right side. They are all going in the same direction as the traffic. The left hand side of the image shows paddocks in the foreground, which houses further back. The right hand side of the image shows suburban houses with electricity poles running the length of the road. Handwritten in blue ink on reverse: 57-523A Handwritten in red ink on reverse: 85% Handwritten in black ink or grey lead: Ch. 6moorabbin, cars, roads, housing -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, c. 1930
This image is part of a larger collection of images from the Public Transport Corporation displaying train stations and streetscapes in what is now the City of Kingston.The Nepean Highway is a major highway running through the City of Kingston. This image is one of many that depicts its importance to the local community as it undergoes many changes over time.Black and white photograph of the level crossing at Neapean Highway Moorabbin. Photograph is a slightly side view, with a blurred image of a car approaching the level crossing. The gates are closed. To the left of the image is a pair of billboards. The billboard on the left is promoting Creamoata, a New Zealand brand of oats, and the billboard on the right is promoting Kraft cheese.White round sticker on reverse with black printed text: 147 Handwritten in red ink on reverse: 100% Blue ink stamped on reverse: COPYRIGHT / Public Transport Corporation / For re-ordering photographs / Please quote negative No ADV 1030 / Enquiries C/- PTC Photographic Unit / Telephone switchboard 619 111moorabbin, level crossing, railway crossing, cars, advertising, nepean highway -
Bayside Gallery - Bayside City Council Art & Heritage Collection
Photograph, City of Sandringham Jubilee Year 1923-83, 1983
Sandringham was originally part of the Shire of Moorabbin. On 28 February 1917, Sandringham was severed from Moorabbin and incorporated as the Borough of Sandringham. It was proclaimed a Town on 9 April 1919 and a City on 21 March 1923. This compilation marks the Jubilee year of the City of Sandringham.sandringham municipal office, councillor, mayor, portrait, municipal building, sandringham, bayside, cr. carmen watson, cr. lesley falloon, cr. paul gundry-white, cr. john merkus, cr. pauline reynolds, cr. laurence bottomly, cr. clem waters, cr. michael harwood, cr. jim bissett, jubilee year -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Murrumbeena Bus Time Table, early 1950's
Local bus time table used by the citizens of the City of Moorabbin Small paper document with the timetable of the local Murrumbeena Bus Time TableMurrumbeena Bus Time Table Phone: UMB 1152bus time table, murrumbeena, transport, city of moorabbin -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Book (Item) - CAC Wirraway A20-10 Wirraway Logbook, Royal Australian Air Force, A20-10 Airframe Log Book, 25/07/1939
This logbook corresponds to the Wirraway that is part of the Moorabbin Air Museum's collection. -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Book (Item) - CAC Wirraway A20-10 Airframe Log Book Number 2, Airframe Log Book A20-10: Logbook No.2, 26/06/1952
This logbook corresponds to the Wirraway that is part of the Moorabbin Air Museum's collection. -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, c.1945
This photograph shows Gladys Marriott, aged 15, in the potato fields of her father's property in Moorabbin. Her cousin Graeme (centre) and younger brother Alfred (right) are with her. Moorabbin is a suburb in the City of Kingston that was originally established as a rural market gardening communityThe Marriott property in Moorabbin was adjacent to a secret wartime wireless receiving station established in March 1942 in Chesterville Road, Moorabbin. The station was established on requisitioned market garden properties, and soon housed WRAN (Women's Royal Australian Navy) personnel and up to 35 US Navy servicemen. The Navy personnel intercepted Japanese coded communications and then despatched these by motorbike messenger to Queens Road, St Kilda where the Directorate of Naval Communications and the code-breaking unit called FRUMEL (Fleet Radio Unit - Melbourne) were housed. The information intercepted by the wireless receiving station helped shape the Allied response to Japan's advances in the Pacific. Declassified defence records show that this unprepossessing station handled some of World War II's most sensitive secrets, however the local community were unaware of its significance. Gladys Marriott, working on her father's property, would regularly take the family's cows to graze in the fields adjoining the station with no concept of what the Navy personnel were doing. Black and white photograph of a young woman and two small boys standing around a wooden crate filled with potatoes. They each have potatoes in their hands. They are standing in a field. Handwritten in red ink: A 601 / 72% Handwritten in black ink: CHAP 6. Handwritten in black ink: GLADYS STOTT (MARIOTT) / DURING WAR YEARS / With Spybase Storymarket garden, children, farming, local production, world war ii, wireless receiving station, moorabbin -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Research Notes, Warren Doubleday, "Notes on Prepaid MMTB Strip Tickets", 18/07/2021 12:00:00 AM
Research Report - titled "Notes on Prepaid MMTB Strip Tickets", along with associated emails from the Moorabbin Historical Society about tickets that were sold during the 1930's and 1940's in strips by the MMTB. Refers to Reg Items 2487, 3341, 1152 and 2486. Based on research from the Museum holdings.trams, tramways, tickets, mmtb, pre-paid tickets -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Plan - McKinnon Railway Estate, McKinnon, c 1921
At the end of World War One, there was a renewed interest in residential land and a number of estates opened up in the Municipality of Moorabbin. The train line from the city to Frankston was electrified in 1922 which intensified the sale in the municipality of Moorabbin, particularly land which was in the vicinity of the railway stations.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinHand drawn plan of the McKinnon Railway Estate, McKinnonMcKinnon Railway Estate, McKinnon - hand drawn planmckinnon road, watkins street (now bent street), claire street, real estate, mckinnon, moorabbin -
Bayside Gallery - Bayside City Council Art & Heritage Collection
Ceremonial object - Seal, Town of Sandringham and City of Sandringham seals
Council's seals were stamped into hot wax to officialise documents. Sandringham was originally part of the Shire of Moorabbin. On 28 February 1917, Sandringham was severed from Moorabbin and incorporated as the Borough of Sandringham. It was proclaimed a Town on 9 April 1919 and a City on 21 March 1923.Two round brass seals on wooden handles. The longer brown wooden handle seal reads around edge 'TOWN OF SANDRINGHAM' with an illustration of St Edward's crown in centre. The black wooden-handled seal reads around edge 'CITY OF SANDRINGHAM' with an illustration of St Edward's crown in centre. Both seals have mushroom-shaped tops and tapered arms.There are remnants of red wax on both seals.seal, common seal, stamp, town of sandringham, city of sandringham, writing accessory, wax seal, bayside -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - perambulator wicker brown, c1900
A pram used by an early settler family in Moorabbin Shire c 1900A pram used by early settlers in Moorabbin Shire c1900A brown wicker perambulator c 1900 with a long handle, long tapering seat,3 steel wheels with rubber tyresNILperambulators, baby carriages, craftworker, wicker work, early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, bentleigh, cheltenham, moorabbin shire, ormond, mckinnon, -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, c. 1970
The Highett Gas Works were a landmark along the Nepean Highway for many years. With the cessation of the gasification of coal and the introduction of natural gas to Victoria, the gas holders were demolished and the Sir William Fry Reserve was developed on the southern end of the site. The Gas and Fuel redeveloped the northern end of the site with modern offices and laboratories for the organisation's scientific services. At this time, the chimney and retort house were retained.The Highett Gasworks had its beginning in 1939 operated by the Central Brighton and Moorabbin Gas Co Ltd. The company had expanded its gas production facilities to Highett where it had purchased 45 acres of land adjacent to the Melbourne-Frankston railway line. The first gasholder was erected on the Highett site in 1927 and connected with high pressure mains to the Brighton Gas Works. In 1939 the building program including gasometers, the vertical retort house and coal store was completed and gas making commenced. Its area of supply covered approximately 70 square miles and included the municipalities of Brighton, Sandringham, Moorabbin, Mordialloc, Chelsea and part of Dandenong. The Gas and Fuel Corporation eventually took over operations and with the disaggregation and privatisation of the organisation, the site was eventually closed c. 2002.Black and white aerial photograph featuring the Highett Gas Works with gasholders and retort house. In the top right-hand corner, a former Highett Primary School on Graham Road can be viewed. Photograph includes Bay Road, Royal Avenue, Princess Avenue and Jackson Road (Highett) and Alfred, Turner and Sandford Streets (Moorabbin).Handwritten in black ink: [indecipherable] in a circle Handwritten in red ink: 70% Four velcro display adhesivesgasification of coal, gas and fuel corporation of victoria, gasholders, highett, moorabbin, utilities -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Textile - Sewing Equipment, Cotton reel ' Coates' 400yds, c20thC
An example of the Cotton Reels used by residents of City of Moorabbin and Australia in 20th CAn example of the Cotton Reels used by residents of City of Moorabbin and Australia in 20th CA wooden cotton reel with some white thread remaining from the 400yards when made Around Top of reel J&P COATS MACHINE 10 COTTON / BEST S........ / 400 YDS Base damaged 366 METRES -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Document (item) - RAAF Mirage A3-45 Ejection Seat Maintenance Record, A3-45 Armament Ejection Seat
Mirage A3-45 is currently preserved as a museum exhibit at the Moorabbin Air Museum. -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Leisure object - Pipe, South African smoking, Circa 1900
This item was donated to the Moorabbin Historical Society in the 1980's by Mr John Herron of Bentleigh. It was brought back from the Boer War by Private W.F. Daff of South Brighton [Later Moorabbin] Private Daff served in the Second Contingent sent to the Boer War 1899 - 1902 South Africa.This item is of Historical Significance because it is linked to the Boer War [1899- 1902] and is of native South African origin.Mr John Herron is a descendant of James Jones an early settler in Moorabbin Shire and the Daff family were early settlers in South Brighton ( Moorabbin).A large natual wood pipe in three pieces with carved bone mouth piece.The bottom piece is on an angle so it stands upright. A hole is bored through the middle of the pipe at different sizes so the smoke is drawn up through the pipe slowly by the smoker.The carvings around the join for the top section of the pipe are very fine and delicate and extend up an over the join to camouflage it.boer war, daff w.f., pipe, native, moorabbin, brighton, south africa, bentleigh, herron john -
Bayside Gallery - Bayside City Council Art & Heritage Collection
Photograph - gelatin silver photograph, Talma & Co, Sandringham Town Council, Proclaimed 9th day of April,1919, 1919
Sandringham was originally part of the Shire of Moorabbin. On 28 February 1917, Sandringham was severed from Moorabbin and incorporated as the Borough of Sandringham. It was proclaimed a Town on 9 April 1919 and a City on 21 March 1923. The Sandringham Town Hall, located on Abbott Street, Sandringham (formerly the mechanics institute) was demolished in 1994.councillor, sandringham, local government, municipality, mayor, portrait, city of sandringham, sandringham town hall, abbott street, cr. e.l. belyea, cr. b. champion, cr. h.b. grace, cr. c.a. hartsman, cr. j.e.d. beck, cr. b.j. ferdinado, cr. t.g. farrant, cr. w.t.c. kelly, cr. g.w. knott, town, proclamation, bayside, hampton, black rock -
Bayside Gallery - Bayside City Council Art & Heritage Collection
Photograph - gelatin silver photograph, Sarony & Co, The first meeting of the City of Sandringham Council, 21st March, 1923, 1923
Photograph taken on the day that the Town of Sandringham became a City, and the first meeting of the City of Sandringham Council. Sandringham was originally part of the Shire of Moorabbin. On 28 February 1917, Sandringham was severed from Moorabbin and incorporated as the Borough of Sandringham. It was proclaimed a Town on 9 April 1919 and a City on 21 March 1923.councillor, sandringham, local government, municipality, mayor, cr. c.a. hartsman, cr. t.g. farrant, cr. g.w. knott, cr. f.n. gibbs, h.t. williams, town clerk, engineer, cr. j.t.d. beck, b.r. sunderland, cr. w.h. kay, cr. r. chisholm, cr. h.b. grace, cr. j.m. ramsay, city, proclamation, council meeting, city of sandringham -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Plaque, commemorative, c. 1997
Plaque was previously located on the front wall of the East Bentleigh Memorial Pool alongside the original City of Moorabbin Memorial Pool plaques. The plaques were removed from the wall when the building was demolished for the GESAC development. The Moorabbin pool plaques were restored and relocated to the rhs wall in the entrance to GESAC. Plaque, bronze rectangular with polished bronze border and relief lettering and brown textured background. The plaque commemorates the official re-opening of the East Bentleigh Memorial Pool by the Mayor, Cr Alan Grossbard in 1997.Polished bronze relief lettering in upper centre of plaque: "OFFICIAL RE-OPENING OF / EAST BENTLEIGH MEMORIAL POOL / ON / 7 DECEMBER, 1997 / BY / HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR / CR ALAN GROSSBARD" lhs, rhs, centre: CR NOEL ERLICH / CR ALAN GROSSBARD / COUNCILLORS OF THE CITY / CR RUSSELL LONGMUIR / CR VERONIKA MARTENS / CR BARRY NEVE / JIM MACKINNON / DIRECTOR CITY SERVICES / MARGARET DOUGLAS / CHIEF EXECUTIVE" -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Dairy Equipment, enamel jug with lid, c1900
This white enamel jug was used to store milk, by early settlers families in Moorabbin Shire A typical enamel milk jug used by early settler families in Moorabbin Shire c1900A white enamel jug with a lid and wire loop carrying handledairy, dairy farmers, milk, early settlers, pioneers, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh, cheltenham, containers milk -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Equipment - Dairy Equipment, cheese cutter
This cheese cutter was made and used by an early settler family in Moorabbin Shire c 1900Early settler families in Moorabbin Shire were self sufficient making their own tools , kitchen equipment, and clothing while they established market gardens, dairy farms , poultry farms, orchards and flower nurseries. Each family had a 'house cow ' to provide dairy products of milk, cheese, cream and butter.A wooden frame with wire cross pattern for cutting cheesecheese cutter, equipment, box cottage, dairy -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer - Outstanding Auction Sales, 1957
Sale of property of the estate of Charles McCarthy Stott, a local estate agent. Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinAdvertising flyer for outstanding Auction Sales in the estate of Charles McCarthy Stott (1870-1956).Saturday 1 June 1957 - 4 properties for sale in Beaumaris - Saturday 8 June 1957 - 4 properties for sale in Highett (x2), Moorabbin, Ormondormond, 33 wells road beaumaris, 7 & 9 douglas street beaumaris, 100 oak street beaumaris, 5 & 6 balcombe road beaumaris, 34 tennyson street highett, 13 leopold st ormond, lot 93 tennyson street highett, lot 52 delma st moorabbin, auction, real estate -
Bayside Gallery - Bayside City Council Art & Heritage Collection
Photograph - sepia photograph, Edwin G. Adamson, City of Sandringham Celebrations, 21st March 1923, 1923
On 21 March 1923, in the presence of 10,000 people, on the City Beach Oval, Sandringham was declared a City by the Earl of Stradbroke. Sandringham was originally part of the Shire of Moorabbin. On 28 February 1917, Sandringham was severed from Moorabbin and incorporated as the Borough of Sandringham. It was proclaimed a Town on 9 April 1919 and a City on 21 March 1923.councillor, sandringham, local government, municipality, mayor, city, proclamation, city of sandringham, lord stradbroke, lady stradbroke, mr. angelo bertotto, city beach oval, crowd, earl of stradbroke, governor, bayside, cr jpd beck, beach oval -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - St Paul's Primary School
This file contains the City of Moorabbin Community. Directory listing for 1987 for St Paul's Primary, principal, catholic school, sister m. fahey, primary school, parents club, president, mr. p. creed, st paul's primary school -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Dairy Equipment, graduated H25cm x Diam 8cmcream jug, c1970
A typical enamel jug used by families in City of Moorabbin for measuring liquids for cooking and preserving c1970A typical enamel measuring jug used by families in City of Moorabbin c1970A cream enamel jug with a green rim graduated measurements 40 oz, 2 pints, 1000gramsInside jug graduated measurements 40oz, 2 pints 1000gms kitchen equipment, cooking, crockery, casserole, stewed meat, vegetables,post world war 11 settlers, moorabbin estates c1970, early settlers , market gardeners, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, cheltenham, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Book - Rites, Bible 1874, THE HOLY BIBLE, 1874
A Bible used by Mr James Jones, an early settler in Moorabbin Shire, from 1880 - 1940James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989.A Bible of Mr James Jones 1874Front cover THE HOLY BIBLE inside page THE/ HOLY BIBLE/ CONTAINING THE / OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS/ APPOINTED TO BE READ IN CHURCHES/ herron john, jones james. early settlers, pioneers, collins william, printers, publishers, bibles, church of england, prayer books, moorabbin, brighton, melbourne, glasgow, scotland -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equipment, Silver serving bowl with lid c1900, c1900
Market gardeners in Moorabbin Shire had many successful seasons and bought luxury items with their profitsAs market gardeners and other early settlers achieved prosperity they purchased luxury items.A silver embossed serving bowl with 4 curved legs and a lid with finial and embossed rim silverware, serving bowls, dinnerware, early settlers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, moorabbin shire, cheltenham, market gardeners, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Flyer - Highett Heights Estate, Highett
Land sales in the Municipality of Moorabbin increased when the train line from the City to Frankston was electrified.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinAdvertising flyer for auction of real estate sales - plan of building blocks for saleHighett Heights Estate, Highett - Stott & Bourke 58 home siteswickham road, hillcrest avenue, grandview road (now seaton road), maroona road, spring road, real estate, highett, moorabbin