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matching sister elizabeth
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Kew Cricket Club, 1939
... Wilfred Miers (1906-88), and a sister Marjorie Elizabeth Miers...), and a sister Marjorie Elizabeth Miers (1911-84). Arthur Miers died ...Arthur Henry Miers, pictured in the photograph played for cricket, football and baseball teams in Kew for a number of decades in the first half of the twentieth century. He was born on 22 November 1901, the son of Rodolph Theophilus Miers (1874-1951) and Margaret Frances (Margaretta) Fry (1875-1958). He had two brothers, Rodolph Cecil Miers (1904-80) and Charles Wilfred Miers (1906-88), and a sister Marjorie Elizabeth Miers (1911-84). Arthur Miers died in Kew on 25 January 1966, and after his body was cremated, his body was interred in the Mausoleum of Boroondara General (Kew) Cemetery.Modern print copy of an original photograph of Kew Cricket Club team members in Sydney in 1939. The donor assumes that the photograph was taken by Bob Galley.DONOR NOTE: KEW CRICKET -- SYDNEY / BACK ROW - ??TILLEY; ???; FRANK LITTLEFIELD; JACK FOX / MIDDLE ROW - ARTHUR MIERS; JACK LAURIE; ???; ??? / FRONT ROW - ???; DAD RICHARDS; ???; BERES GALLEY; ???; JACK SIMONTON, BILL YOUNG / (I AM ASSUMING BOB GALLEY TOOK THE PHOTO.sports -- kew (vic.), kew cricket club -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Kew Baseball Club, 1948
... ) and Charles Wilfred Miers (1906-88), and a sister Marjorie Elizabeth...) and Charles Wilfred Miers (1906-88), and a sister Marjorie Elizabeth ...Arthur Henry Miers, pictured back row left in the photograph played for cricket, football and baseball teams in Kew for a number of decades in the first half of the twentieth century. He was born on 22 November 1901, the son of Rodolph Theophilus Miers (1874-1951) and Margaret Frances (Margaretta) Fry (1875-1958). He had two brothers, Rodolph Cecil Miers (1904-80) and Charles Wilfred Miers (1906-88), and a sister Marjorie Elizabeth Miers (1911-84). Arthur Miers died in Kew on 25 January 1966, and after his body was cremated, his body was interred in the Mausoleum of Boroondara General (Kew) Cemetery.Modern print copy of an original photograph of a Kew Baseball Club team at Victoria Park, Kew in 1948.Donor notes: BACK ROW: ARTHUR MIERS; ??; FRANK CULLEN, MICK HENLEY; FRED PICKERING; ?? / CENTRE ROW: JACK SIMONTON; MAX ROGERS; CLAUDE BRAY - PITCHER AND GEORGE WAKEFIELD / FRONT ROW NORM LEES AND UMPIRE - AT Victoria Park / TO RIGHT OF TEAM: BETTY MIERS - SCORER / C. LATE 1940Skew baseball club, baseball teams, sports -- kew (vic.), arthur miers -
Bendigo Military Museum
... were: Sister Sarah Eliza Faulkner (Sydney) S/Nurse Ivy Louisa... May Mead "RRC" (Elsternwick, Vic) Sister Elizabeth Hamilton ...Frame 10. Photo 1. A group of Sergeants on the deck of the Karmala. Jack and Bert were the only Sergeants from the 45th quota from the original Battalion on the Karmala. There were two other Sergeants who had transferred to the 38th, one in Oct 1918, Sgt R. L. Glover from the 37th Batt and Sgt F. Perkins also from the 37th who transferred in April 1919. Both are or should be in the collection of photos. Photo 2. life on deck of the Karmalal. Photo 3. A group of nurses on the Karmala. In the family collection there are two faded sepia photos showing the others not in this negative. The negatives to these are missing. From the War Diary of the Karmala there were ten nurses on the Karmala and there are ten nurses in the photos. There was also the ship's Medical Officer who is hidden in this negative. The ship's S.M.O. was Captain C. P. Rosenthal from the 33rd Batt HQ. The nurses on board were: Sister Sarah Eliza Faulkner (Sydney) S/Nurse Ivy Louisa Robbins (Epping NSW) S/Nurse Edith Agnes Purdon (Bathurst, NSW) Sister Catherine Douglas Graham (Footscray, Vic) Nurse Gladys Webster Jarrett "RRC" (Middle Park, Vic) Nurse Ida Mary Mason (Wodonga, Vic) Nurse Ethel May Mead "RRC" (Elsternwick, Vic) Sister Elizabeth Hamilton O'Reilly (Leitchville, Vic) S/Nurse Janet Hay (Adelaide, SA) Sister Janet Ivy Barron (Ennogerra, Qld) Photo 4. Arriving at Cape Town, South Africa on the way home. Refer Cat No. 5880P for exhibition details. Refer Cat No. 1280 for Jack GRINTON Service Records.Photographs - black and white on paper. 4 photographs top to bottom. 1. Group of soldiers on ship's deck. 2. Crowd of soldiers on ship's deck. 3. Group of nurses on ship's deck. 4. View of a dock. Frame - timber with black colour paint. Glass front. Mount - black colour cardboard. Backing cardboard with handwritten notation.Backing cardboard - handwritten black felt tip pen "10."framed photographs, grinton collection, ww1, 38th -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, "Seeing Eye" 1992 Lady Nell "Seeing Eye" Dog School & Rehabilitation Centre for the Blind, 1992
... establish schools around Australia, how Elizabeth and Jean came from... establish schools around Australia, how Elizabeth and Jean came from ...President's overview of the year including: 11 people have graduated with 1 more expected shortly, School meets the cost of flying people into Melbourne to train with dog rather than establish schools around Australia, how Elizabeth and Jean came from New Zealand to train as they wanted to attend a school established by a blind person, returned home but the emigrated back to Australia. Jean suffered a stroke and was cared for by her sister, and when Elizabeth needed to train with a new dog, Jean was able to stay in the Nursing Home opposite the school. Until Lady Nell was established, age restrictions were imposed so that no woman over 45 and no man over 55 could train with a dog, which Mrs Gration changed when establishing the school, with the oldest graduate at 78 and the youngest at 14 years of age. Challenges in getting people who had the dedication to become a guide dog trainer, and the movement of recent appointees. Another previous requirement was that only totally blind people could have a guide dog, which was amended by Mrs Gration so that people with minimal sight could also apply for one. Seeing eye dogs are also de-sexed, which is not always the procedure at other institutions. Some discussion of the activities at the Day Activity Centre, commencement of a two storey building at 12 Thanet Street to increase accommodation and indoor recreation activities, hostel for blind men and women, as well as the St Leeor Private Nursing Home. Discussion about puppy boarders as well as people who have stepped up into the public relations role (Trevor Mayers and Lesley Marsh) due to staff changes, and return of Greg Cooper to a part-time role.1 volume with text and illustrationsannual reports, lady nell seeing eye dog school, phyllis gration -
Melton City Libraries
Newspaper, Oral History Day, 1992
... Myers, my sister [Elizabeth] and the year was 1921. Myers... Mr Roe and Miss Cooke. Fred Myers, my sister [Elizabeth ...Mary Tolhurst M&DHS - March 29th Dunvegan Willows Park Melton 1992 Ladies Oral History Day Graham Minns President Ray Radford MC Sound recording transfer to CD 2011 by Tom Wood Edited typescript by Wendy Barrie 2013 I was born in Rockbank, and when I was five years old moved to Toolern Vale and started and finished school there. Toolern Vale only consisted of the Store, Post Office and shop, where you could buy your fodder, and pollard supplies, the Hall, the little Church and the bluestone School. The School changed shape three times from the 1800s[1869] til the time I went there. There was four generations of my family that went there and it was destroyed by fire in 1965. Marjorie nee Myers Butler. Yes, I remember along with it your lovely Ronisch piano. Mary, quite true! Marj what you say about the Ronisch piano. When I came the age to learn music my mum and dad couldn’t really afford it, but still what parents do for their children. They had Marj go along with them and pick this lovely Ronisch piano. It was known round the district. Everyone commented about the loss that lovely piano. After leaving school it was war time, 1939, then it was work, When I was 7 year old I was put out into the cow yard. In 1940 when the soldiers were going away our milk was confiscated it had to go to Bacchus Marsh. It used to go the Sunbury to be brine cooled and then go to Melbourne. Then they took it then to the Lifeguard Milk Factory at Bacchus Marsh. It had to go as condensed milk to the soldiers. This year is 50 years of the Land Army. I was an unofficial Land Army but they still kept check on me. I went onto married life and I followed the cows right through [howls of laughter] and we went on until the 1965 fire. That’s when we got out of the cows. Marjorie asks, was Granny Watts your grandmother or great grandmother? Mary: She was my great grandmother, the midwife of Melton. The 1965 fire started ¾ of a mile above our place, Frank Ryan’s sheds were burnt and his house was saved, then it wiped the School out, the Hall, the Church the Post Office and Store and little house that was Charlie Charlton’s in the early days. Mrs Wilson’s place was saved by the Fire Brigade by pulling boards off the side, and from there it went over the hill and it was stopped at the Rockbank Railway Station. If it had of got over the railway they said it would have gone into Werribee. A lot was burnt out in that strip. Mary nee Nixon Collins: 18 houses burnt that day. Audience question, did Melton get burnt that day? Ray: No. It came down through the Toolern Vale road and cut across about a mile and a half from the cross roads at Toolern Vale from north westerly to the south east and cut through over the Keilor road. Mary: It came in across the creek at Funstons in Toolern, then through Jim Minns. Dorothy was it your place then [nee Knox Beaty] to Ken Beatty’s and from there it went through to Doug McIntosh’s and to Cockbills and the wind changed and it came across to the railway line, and that is where they stopped it. [the cause of the fire was controversial, they had been burning off the night before and there was some talk of someone starting it. It was very hot and very strong wind, it was a terrible day] Ray: When the fire went through McIntosh’s they had a haystack on the north side of their house and the haystack got caught and the fire burnt a hole through the side of the house and the boys pyjamas on the bed. The house was saved. It came through like and express train roaring at you, I was at McIntosh’s when it went roaring past. You couldn’t see, dust and ash and tremendous heat. The fire started about 12 o’clock Jack [husband] said to me, fire, I said where, where? Just up the road, what have I got to do? and he went out and he had gone to the fire and left me. I tried to get the animals and I put out buckets of water, putting the buckets of water out saved my life. Chas Jones and another friend of his came in and they picked up the buckets of water, I thought I had better get out because the fire was on the haystack up the paddock and when I went to go out through the north side of the house and couldn’t get out, I’ll go through the front gate so I went around the other side of the house. I got caught there and Chassy Jones and his friend came round carrying the bucket of water and I panicked. He threw the bucket of water over me. Well that is what saved my life because I was damp, whenever we tried to leave the ball of fire came over me and over my shoulder and my hair was scorched. Chassy Jones lost his truck and Keith Watt his big truck because he had the water tank on it and they couldn’t get out of the yard. Granny Watt’s house, the first private hospital had condemned and Jack and I pulled it down and had it moved up to Toolern and had it in the yard a fortnight and it was all burnt and we didn’t get the shed we wanted. Every 13 years right up until Ash Wednesday fires, there has always been fire close at hand. The 1952 fire went down the back of the house, the 1965 fire took the house, and the house that I live in now, it is the third house that has been on that spot. When the Hunters owned it, Mrs Hunter was nearly burnt in her bed. They had a 13 roomed house. In 1924 the house burnt down, and there was another house was built there and that was the one that burnt down. Edna: So Mary built a brick veneer house. Marjorie: like the three little pigs [laughter] Collins - Mary M &DHS - March 29th 1992 Ladies oral history day at Dunvegan, Willows Park Melton. Graham Minns President Ray Radford MC Sound recording transferred to CD 2011 Edited typescript by Wendy Barrie 2013 Mary Collins nee Nixon born in Terang 1907 down in the Western District and we shifted to Melton when I was 5 and a half then I started school here in Melton, and spent all my school life at Melton State School, next to the Church of England, it’s called the Primary School now. I got my Qualifying and Merit Certificate then I left School because there wasn’t a High School. When I was 16 I got and job in the Melton Post Office and I worked there, I was the first girl in Melton to deliver the mail, and worked on the telephone and the Bank business. Mrs Ross and myself behind the counter, there were about 500 – 600 people in the Shire at that time and now when I go into the new Post Office there is 36,000 here there’s still 2 people behind the counter [laughter from the audience] and wait in a queue right out to the door. Times haven’t changed much have they! There was a manual telephone and you had to ring the handle, and there were eight subscribers when I went there and when I left there were 46 I had coaxed that number to join the telephone, even the police station didn’t have the phone on. The two Hotels and the two Chaff mills and Mr Ernie Barrie, Parkers the butcher, the Shire Office was No 8, and the Police house was next to the Courthouse on the corner. They were number 9. I can remember a lot of the numbers still. The Post Office was the Agency for the Commonwealth Bank [comment from audience member] I used to do the Bank business too, I left after four years there, mother wasn’t very well. The Inspector who used to come up to the Post Office asked me if I would take up casual Post Mistress and to go around the different districts but I refused and when Mrs Ross’s holidays were due I was the replacement. I wasn’t 21. I loved my work meeting everybody and most people had horse and jinkers and when the elderly would come in there would be Mr Tom Morrow, he only had one arm and Mrs Dunn came from Bulman’s road in their horse and jinker. They were elderly I would see them pull up out the front and quickly get their mail and run out to them because they didn’t have to get out of the jinker to tie up their horse. If someone had a baby in arms I would tear out and hold the baby while they got down. Mrs Ross was very very strict. I had to sweep the Post Office, she had a couple of mats and there would be a threepence or a sixpence under the mats show she knew whether I lifted the mat, I was whether I was honest or not. Graham: How much were your wages? I got 27/7 pence a week for a 52 hour week. I had to work every holiday except Good Friday and Christmas Day and even when it was Monday holiday I always had to go to work from 9am - !0 am, the Post Office was always open. In the winter I had to wait until twenty past six in case there were any telegrams to deliver. I delivered them on a push bike. One time Tom Barrie told me this years afterwards. I used to go home for lunch. We lived on the Keilor road and I used to ride my bike home. On the hot days the boys used to go and swim in the swimming pool down near a turn in the creek there was a hole where the boys would swim in the nude, they didn’t have any bathers and they didn’t have any watches in those days. Tom Barrie said they always used to watched for me as I was always about 3 minutes past 1, my lunch hour was from 1-2. One particular day they missed seeing me and swam on, and of course they were all late for school when they got back and were all kept in a night. I did get a fortnight holiday. I loved my work and I knew everyone in the district right from Toolern Vale to the Marsh and everybody at Melton South. Did you listen into conversations on the Switchboard? Oh no. [laughter] Melton did not have electricity then. I had to fill the lamps everyday with kerosene. The Staughton Memorial was outside the Post Office. It had four posts with the chain looped around it, and that’s where the people used to tie up their horses. Marjorie nee Myers Butler comments about sitting and swinging on the chains. Mr Fred Coburn lit the acetylene gas light in the Memorial. It was the only streetlight in Melton. There was no electricity until 1939. Ray Radford comments about another gas street light which was on the corner of Station road. [later] Mary passes around her school photos. Mary mentions the names of those who have passed away, Maisie McDonald, ,Marian Wraith, Hilda McCreey, and Valda McDonald. I have written the names on the back. Marjorie comments about Marie Jongebloed and Greta are the only two girls left out of big family of ten I think there were [hesitates] 4 or 5 girls and the rest were boys. Mary. Flora Woodley, Dorrie Flynn and Margaret McDonald are still alive. They are my age we were all born about 1907. Marjorie points out herself in a later photo [1921 and 1922 School ] Mary mentions the name Walsh and identyfies following names, the Parker boys, Ken Beaty, Malc and Linda Cameron, Maisie Mc Donald, Ted Radford, George Nixon, Norman Minns, he was later the Shire Secretary of Werribee. One of the Woodley girls. [Maisie Arthur] Marjorie: Rosie Shearwood, June Whiting Mary. Lily Mc Donald, she has passed away. Isabel Harrison nee Tinkler, she lives at Werribee, Doreen Rogers, Marjorie Walker, Jess McIntosh, Mary Gillespie. Mr Malone was the Junior teacher Mr Roe and Miss Cooke. Fred Myers, my sister [Elizabeth] and the year was 1921. Myers (Barrie) School Photo Collection. Many of the names were identified at the 1970 Centenary of Melton State School No. 430. Edna Barrie organised, compiled and typed the lists to accompany these photos for the year 1921. The 1922 photo shows the higher grades. Ladies Oral History Day event held by Melton and District Historical Society, article featured in the Telegraphlocal identities, local special interest groups -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 14/05/1979
... McIntosh, the husband of Elizabeth (Bessie) Dunlop (the sister... McIntosh, the husband of Elizabeth (Bessie) Dunlop (the sister ...Taken on 14 May 1979, this photo depicts Mr Alan J. Dunlop and his wife presenting a 2.86-gram solid gold nugget found in the Beechworth area more than 100 years ago, to the Shire President, Councillor Mrs Valerie Mason. The gold is reported as attached to a small amount of milk quartz mounted onto a tie pin, and was donated to the Burke Museum by the Dunlop family. Alan Dunlop, pictured, was Sir Edward 'Weary' Dunlop's older brother. The tie pin artefact being donated in this photograph is entered into the Victorian Collections, and records that the nugget was found in the Beechworth Goldfields by Mr Fred McIntosh, in the last 1800s. Fred McIntosh, the husband of Elizabeth (Bessie) Dunlop (the sister of Alan & Edward's father, John) had the nugget made into tie pin and presented it to the Dunlop Family. Furthermore, Valerie 'Val' Mason was the first female president of the former Beechworth Shire for two terms and a councillor for nine years. This photograph is of historic significance as it depicts known individuals who have connections to key Australian figures. Alan Dunlop is the brother of famous war doctor Edward 'Weary' Dunlop, and both men are Beechworth locals. The object Alan holds is a tie pin made from gold found by the Dunlops' uncle, and the provenance of the item – from goldfield to family collection to museum collection – provides a recent context with which to interpret the significance of gold-mining on present and future generations, as well as strong research potential on minerals known to be sourced in the area. In conjunction with other photographs in the collection, this photograph visually documents the donation and acquisition of the tie pin artefact into the Burke Museum Collection. In addition, it depicts Valerie ‘Val’ Mason, in her role as the president of the former Beechworth Shire. Val was the first female in this role, which she held for two terms, and was a councillor in the Shire for nine years. This photograph is of social significance as it depicts two well-known and respected Beechworth locals handling a key artefact of significance to the Beechworth Goldfields. It also shows the Burke Museum in 1979, providing research potential for those interested in the history of the development of the museum's collection. Colour rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: Polacolor (Registered Trademark symbol) Type 108 / LR / Mrs Valerie Mason / Mr Dunlop (Weary's brother) / Mrs Vivian Payne (erased) / 14-5-1979 A.J. Dunlop & wife with Cr. Mason /L85052P gold, nugget, tie pin, pin, beechworth, burke museum, goldrush, goldfield, dunlop, edward dunlop, weary dunlop, alan dunlop, valerie mason, fred mcintosh, gold mining, donation, museum, collection, president, councillor, shire, female -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Cabinet Photograph, Mrs J Teagle & Aunt Julia & some of family, c.1899
Margaret Rose Crenny (1875-1946) married John Thomas Teagle (1864-1948) in 1893. Their children were: Albert Edward (Ted) Teagle 1894-1917 Mary Elizabeth (Bess) 1896-1958 Louisa (Lou) Helen 1896-1919 Ernest Thomas 1897-1969 William George 1899-1982 Leslie John 1901-1976 - never married Francis David (Frank) 1903-1958 James Michael (Jim) 1905-1951 Clifford Joseph (Cliff) 1907-1986 Reta Agnes (Rta) 1910-1961 Margaret Rose (Rosie) 1912-1982 Violet Amelda 1914-1982 Edwina May Theresa (Ted) 1917-2002 Margaret's sister was Julia Crenny 1871-1936. This photo shows Margaret Teagle and her older (spinster) sister Julia Crenny with her twin daughters Bess and Lou and most likely eldest son Ted and possibly son Ernest (dressed like the twins). It was common place in those times for young boys to wear dresses until they were toilet trained.Inscibed on back in ink Mrs J Teagle & Aunt Julia & some of familyalbert edward teagle, ernest thomas teagle, julia crenny, louisa helen teagle, margaret rose teagle (nee crenny), mary elizabeth teagle, pam thoonen (nee ingram) collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Grave of George and Mary Knapman. Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
George Knapman was born c.1851 in Ashburton, Devon, England, the son of George Knapman and Elizabeth Grant nee Wyatt. George, his mother and three sisters arrived in the Port of Melbourne, 28 Jul 1857 aboard the ship, Mindoro from Plymouth, his father having preceded them some eighteen months earlier. George married Mary Jane Williams in 1877 and they settled in Eltham where they had five children; Percival George (1878), Florence Maud (1880), Laura Blanche (1882), Alfred Edgar (1886) and Gladys Victoria (1897). In 1879 George was elected a vestryman for St Margaret’s Church, a position he would be re-elected to for many years. Both he and Mary were active members of the church and social activities. In 1884 George was also engaged in collecting funds for the renovation of the St Helena church George was also a member of the Eltham Cricket Club. In May 1884 following completion of the cricket season, several players banded together to form a group holding fortnightly meetings for the purpose of giving readings, recitations, etc to relieve the dullness of the long winter evenings. Charles Wingrove was elected President, Rev. J.B. Gason Treasurer and George along with Messrs Evans, Bourke, D. McColl, C. Jarrold, George Hill and William Brown, members of the Committee. In 1885, George advertised two horses had strayed from his premises (reward £2) and in 1891 he had a cultivator for sale (price £7/10/-). In 1902 he was treasurer of the Eltham Rifle Club. His children attended Eltham Primary School. In 1904 he was a member of the school's Board of Advice and addressed children at an Arbor Day planting activity. In 1907 he was elected president of the Eltham Progressive League, calling for public toilets to be erected at a local picnic spot. George along with William John Taylor and Isaac Hill was also appointed a Trustee of the Eltham Rechabite Hall in Henry Street on behalf of the Hope of Eltham Tent No. 195 Victoria District Independent Order of Rechabites from December 1901 until its sale to the community in December 1921 for use as a public hall. George ‘Snowy’ Knapman was a blacksmith by trade. He owned and operated a shoeing forge and wheelwright workshop, known as Snowy Knapman’s Forge, in Main Road Eltham, next door to the Eltham Court House. The location was well chosen. Mail coaches from Melbourne passed through Eltham enroute to Christmas Hills and Yarra Glen, with another heading to Kingstown (now Panton Hill). It was common practice for horses to be changed at Eltham. Two photos taken June 4, 1907, captioned ‘Election Day Eltham’, show a large crowd of men assembled in Main Road outside Knapman's premises. They are waiting to vote at the Court House. There are no women in the crowd; they were not empowered to vote. George's brothers William and John were also blacksmiths at Heidelberg, continuing the business established by their father George, who had died in 1900. After William died in 1909, George moved to Heidelberg to take over from him. George died at his residence, ‘Devon’, Yarra Street, Heidelberg on March 16, 1923, and is buried in Eltham Cemetery with his wife Mary who died July 16, 1935, at Kew. Their former house at Eltham was located near where the WW1 Monument was erected in 1919, after they had moved to Heidelberg, at the corner of Bridge Street and Main Road and occupied by Mr. R. Trevena at the time of Mary’s death. Mary was sister to E.J. Williams, W. Williams and Mrs Fawkner, all residents of Eltham. In Loving Memory of George Knapman Died 15th March 1923 Also his wife Mary Jane Died 16th July 1935 Sadly Missed Born Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, george knapman, mary jane knapman (nee williams) -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, American Photo Coy, Elizabeth Docherty (nee Shillinglaw), c.1910
... Seasons Greetings photo card sent by Elizabeth Docherty... melbourne Seasons Greetings photo card sent by Elizabeth Docherty ...Seasons Greetings photo card sent by Elizabeth Docherty to her sister Carrie. Inscribed on reverse "Carrie" and stamped "American Photo Coy. Queen St, Petrie's Bight, Brisbane"1910, american photo coy queen st petries bight brisbane, greeting card, marg ball collection, shillinglaw family photo album 1, straw boater, elizabeth docherty (nee shillinglaw 1861-1942) -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, M. J. Allan, Elizabeth Shillinglaw or possibly twin sister Annie in Salvation Army uniform, c.1890
Photographer Mark Joseph Allan operated from 318 Smith Street Collingwood from 1887-1901 Shillinglaw family members that were part of the Salvation Army included Elizabeth who married John Docherty in 1894, Catherine who married Edward Henry Bottle in 1897 and Jane who married William James Sommerville in 1887. CABINET 1866-1905 The Cabinet photo was introduced in 1866 in answer to a demand for a larger format photograph which could be mounted for a cabinet or on the wall. They were 4.5 inches by 6.5 inches (11.5 x 16.5 cm), more than twice the size of the cdv. They cost about twice as much as a cdv but eventually displaced them. They were not extensively produced until 1880 and had ceased by 1905. Coloured mounts, especially maroon or green, indicate a date between 1880 and 1890. - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991cabinet photo, marg ball collection, shillinglaw family photo album 3, 1887-1901, 1890, elizabeth docherty (nee shillinglaw 1861-1942), m.j. allan photographers 318 smith st collingwood, salvation army, unknown -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Lomer Ltd Photographers, Elizabeth Docherty (nee Shillinglaw) with her husband John Docherty and twin sister, Ann Shillinglaw, c.1898
Elizabeth on left is wearing her wedding ring. She and John Docherty were married in 1894. CABINET 1866-1905 The Cabinet photo was introduced in 1866 in answer to a demand for a larger format photograph which could be mounted for a cabinet or on the wall. They were 4.5 inches by 6.5 inches (11.5 x 16.5 cm), more than twice the size of the cdv. They cost about twice as much as a cdv but eventually displaced them. They were not extensively produced until 1880 and had ceased by 1905. Coloured mounts, especially maroon or green, indicate a date between 1880 and 1890. - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991cabinet photo, marg ball collection, shillinglaw family photo album 3, 1898, ann shillinglaw (1861-1940), elizabeth docherty (nee shillinglaw 1861-1942), john docherty, lomer ltd photographers brisbane -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, The Art Engraving Company, Memorial Card: Agnes Edith Hill, 1899
Died January 29, 1899 aged 21 years 9 months Daughter of John and Esther (nee Lewis) Hill Sister to Phoebe Jane, Caroline Elizabeth, Emily Isabella and Albert Richard Ftizsimmons Hill Memorial Cards were commonly handed out to those friends and family paying their respects at the loss of a loved one. CABINET 1866-1905 The Cabinet photo was introduced in 1866 in answer to a demand for a larger format photograph which could be mounted for a cabinet or on the wall. They were 4.5 inches by 6.5 inches (11.5 x 16.5 cm), more than twice the size of the cdv. They cost about twice as much as a cdv but eventually displaced them. They were not extensively produced until 1880 and had ceased by 1905. Coloured mounts, especially maroon or green, indicate a date between 1880 and 1890. - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991cabinet photo, marg ball collection, memorial card, shillinglaw family photo album 3, the art engraving company, 1899, agnes edith hill -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Sisters, Mary, Carrie and Lizzie Shillinglaw, c.1900
L-R: Mary, Carrie and Lizzie Shillinglaw Yeoman & Co operated from Prahran between 1883-1923 PANEL 1875-1920 Panels began to be produced around 1875, and were particularly suited, because of their larger size, for capturing family, or even larger, groups. They measured 8.5 by 6.5 inches (22 cm x 16.5 cm). - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, shillinglaw family photo album 3, 1883-1923, 1900, caroline (carrie) watson (nee shillinglaw) 1876-1956, elizabeth (lizzie) ann shillinglaw (1879-1972), mary ann shillinglaw (1880-1963), yeoman & co photographer prahran -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Phillip Shillinglaw and family, c.1909
Standing L-R: Phillip Shillinglaw, Elizabeth Docherty (nee Shillinglaw), John Docherty, Florence May Bunker (nee Shillinglaw), possibly Alice Balmira Aldous, Ernest Samuel Shillinglaw Kneeling: Caroline (Carrie) Watson (nee Shillinglaw), Mary Ann Shillinglaw Seated: Ann Shillinglaw with possibly Phillip Alan Bunker on knee, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ann Shillinglaw and possibly Edward Ernest Bunker, possibly Ethel Vera Aldous (in front), either Sarah Aldous or Caroline Shillinglaw, Ada Maria Shillinglaw with possibly Ethel Myra Bunker The date on the back in very feint pencil appears to be "Jany 1st 1909" Possible that the woman between Mary and Ada (clearly Phillip's sister) currently identified as Caroline Shillinglaw may actually be her elder sister Sarah Aldous nee Shillinglaw and that the girl behind her is her youngest daughter Ethel Vera Aldous who would have been 11 at the time. Or it could be Alice Balmira Aldous who was 14 at the time and Ethel Vera is the girl lying in front. The other possibility is that the date is not 1909 and the three youngest are all Bunker children. PANEL 1875-1920 Panels began to be produced around 1875, and were particularly suited, because of their larger size, for capturing family, or even larger, groups. They measured 8.5 by 6.5 inches (22 cm x 16.5 cm). - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, 1909, ada maria chrisfield (nee shillinglaw) 1889-1974, ada maria shillinglaw (1889-1974), alice balmira aldous poss, ann shillinglaw (1861-1940), caroline (carrie) watson (nee shillinglaw) 1876-1956, edward ernest bunker poss, elizabeth (lizzie) ann shillinglaw (1879-1972), elizabeth docherty (nee shillinglaw 1861-1942), ernest samuel shillinglaw (1888-1958), ethel myra bunker poss, ethel vera aldous poss, florence may bunker (nee shillinglaw) (1886-1969), john docherty, mary ann shillinglaw (1880-1963), phillip alan bunker poss, phillip shillinglaw (1842-1914), sarah aldous or caroline shillinglaw poss -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Yeoman and Co, Mary Shillinglaw, c.1898
Mary Shillinglaw born November 5, 1880 at Bundoora, Victoria was the sixth child of Phillip Shillinglaw and Sarah Ann (nee Kidd). She commenced school at Eltham State School No. 209 (Register No. 423) in 1885 at age 4 years. Mary did not marry and spent most of her life at Wattle Brae (Shillinglaw Cottage). In his Will, Phillip Shillinglaw provided that any of his unwed sisters would be able to live at Wattle Brae, rent free. When Eltham Shire Council aquired the property in 1963 to build new Shire Offices, both Mary and her sister Lizzie (also unmarried) were still living at the cottage. Council paid for the women to relocate. Mary moved to Elizabeth House, a nursing home in Ivanhoe but found it very hard to adapt to her new surroundings and living consdtions. She died there only a few months after departing Eltham on October 29, 1963 at age 83 years. Lizzie died June 28, 1972 at age 93 years."Mary Shillinglaw"marg ball collection, 1883-1918, 1898, mary ann shillinglaw (1880-1963), yeoman & co photographer prahran -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stewart & Co, Elizabeth and Mary Shillinglaw, c.1908
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ann Shillinglaw born August 15, 1879 at Bundoora, Victoria was the fith child of Phillip Shillinglaw and Sarah Ann (nee Kidd). She commenced school at Eltham State School No. 209 (Register No. 391) in 1883 at age 3 years, her final year being 1892. She was engaged to a local Eltham lad who enslisted in the First World War and presented her with a gold ring with Lizzie inscribed on it. He never returned from war and Lizzie never married. Lizzie was quite involved with the local Methodist church where father Phillip was a Lay Preacher. She also had a dress making business in Smitrh Street, Collingwood. At the time of her father's death in 1914 she was living at 18 Stanley Street, Richmond. She returned to Wattle Brae in Eltham where she and her unmarried sisters, Mary and Ada and brother Ernest Samuel continued to live. Mary Shillinglaw born November 5, 1880 at Bundoora, Victoria was the sixth child of Phillip Shillinglaw and Sarah Ann (nee Kidd). She commenced school at Eltham State School No. 209 (Register No. 423) in 1885 at age 4 years. Mary did not marry and spent most of her life at Wattle Brae (Shillinglaw Cottage). In his Will, Phillip Shillinglaw provided that any of his unwed sisters would be able to live at Wattle Brae, rent free. When Eltham Shire Council aquired the property in 1963 to build new Shire Offices, both Mary and her sister Lizzie (also unmarried) were still living at the cottage. Council paid for the women to relocate. Mary moved to Elizabeth House, a nursing home in Ivanhoe but found it very hard to adapt to her new surroundings and living condtions. She died there only a few months after departing Eltham on October 29, 1963 at age 83 years. Lizzie died June 28, 1972 at age 93 years."Mary Shillinglaw"marg ball collection, 1908, elizabeth (lizzie) ann shillinglaw (1879-1972), mary ann shillinglaw (1880-1963), stewart & co photographers bourke st melbourne -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Elizabeth Shillinglaw in middle, possibly sister Mary on right, c.1925
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ann Shillinglaw born August 15, 1879 at Bundoora, Victoria was the fith child of Phillip Shillinglaw and Sarah Ann (nee Kidd). She commenced school at Eltham State School No. 209 (Register No. 391) in 1883 at age 3 years, her final year being 1892. She was engaged to a local Eltham lad who enslisted in the First World War and presented her with a gold ring with Lizzie inscribed on it. He never returned from war and Lizzie never married. Lizzie was quite involved with the local Methodist church where father Phillip was a Lay Preacher. She also had a dress making business in Smitrh Street, Collingwood. At the time of her father's death in 1914 she was living at 18 Stanley Street, Richmond. She returned to Wattle Brae in Eltham where she and her unmarried sisters, Mary and Ada and brother Ernest Samuel continued to live. Mary Shillinglaw born November 5, 1880 at Bundoora, Victoria was the sixth child of Phillip Shillinglaw and Sarah Ann (nee Kidd). She commenced school at Eltham State School No. 209 (Register No. 423) in 1885 at age 4 years. Mary did not marry and spent most of her life at Wattle Brae (Shillinglaw Cottage). In his Will, Phillip Shillinglaw provided that any of his unwed sisters would be able to live at Wattle Brae, rent free. When Eltham Shire Council aquired the property in 1963 to build new Shire Offices, both Mary and her sister Lizzie (also unmarried) were still living at the cottage. Council paid for the women to relocate. Mary moved to Elizabeth House, a nursing home in Ivanhoe but found it very hard to adapt to her new surroundings and living consdtions. She died there only a few months after departing Eltham on October 29, 1963 at age 83 years. Lizzie died June 28, 1972 at age 93 years. Post Card printed on back with photographer's details: W. Mason & Co., 144 Bridge Road, Richmond. W. Mason & Co. operated from this adress from 1903-c.1932 POSTCARD 1905-1940s Like the carte-de-visite, postcards enjoyed a collecting craze by large numbers of people, and were often kept in albums through which the interested visitor could browse. Postcards were posted or exchanged in huge numbers. Postal authorities in Australia only allowed the private printing of postcards from 1898. At this time the back of the card was reserved for the address and postage stamp, and the front was used for the message and a picture. In 1902 British authorities allowed a "divided back", so that the left side could be used for the message, the right side for the address and stamp, and the whole of the front was devoted to the picture. France followed suit in 1904, Germany and Australia in 1905, and the United States in 1907. - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, postcard, 1925, elizabeth (lizzie) ann shillinglaw (1879-1972), elizabeth docherty (nee shillinglaw 1861-1942)*, mary ann shillinglaw (1880-1963), reading -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Book, Gulliver's travels: into several regions of the world, 1880
This book Gulliver's Travels was awarded to Margaret Jane McGowan as second prize for spelling. Margaret was one of the first enrolments to Clarendon Ladies' College at the age of 12. Margaret's father, Samuel, and mother, were personal friends of the Reverend Robert and Mrs. Kennedy. Margaret attended school in the same class as the Kennedy's eldest son Tom who was 11 at the time. Margaret's sister Edith was the 2nd enrolment to the college. Margaret resided at 15 Royal Terrace Webster Street, Ballarat. Her parents were employed as Carrier and forwarding agents. Margaret's married name became Steele. Archives also hold a second book prize awarded to Margaret (000127).Socially significant due to connection with first prize-giving ceremony for Clarendon Ladies' College.Red fabric cover with ornate black and gold embossed markings and borders; gold lettering on front cover and spine; embossed border on back cover; two coloured plates; 361p. Book plate inside front cover: CLARENDON LADIES' COLLEGE/BALLARAT/Second PRIZE/ Spelling/AWARDED TO/J McGowan/R KENNEDY PRINCIPAL/18TH December, 1879 Hand-written inscription on flyleaf: This book was a Prize/at the first Prize-giving/of the College/The College having been/ established/in 1878.margaret-j-mcgowan, elizabeth-kennedy, robert-kennedy, tom-kennedy, clarendon-ladies-college, spelling, book-prize -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Book, The Poetical works of Thomas Hood, [n.d.]
This book The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood was awarded to Margaret Jane McGowan as second prize for Latin and Class work. Margaret was one of the first enrolments to Clarendon Ladies' College at the age of 12. Margaret's father, Samuel, and mother, were personal friends of the Reverand Robert and Mrs. Kennedy. Margaret attended school in the same class as the Kennedy's eldest son Tom who was 11 at the time. Margaret's sister Edith was the 2nd enrolment to the college. Margaret resided at 15 Royal Terrace Webster Street, Ballarat. Her parents were employed as Carrier and forwarding agents. Margaret's married name became Steele. Archives also hold a second book prize awarded to Margaret (000126). Socially significant due to connection with first prize-giving ceremony for Clarendon Ladies' College. Blue and gold decorative cloth cover, corners and edges rubbed, page edges gilt, gold lettering on front cover and spine; embossed border on back cover; two black and white plates; 414 p. Book plate inside front cover: CLARENDON LADIES' COLLEGE/BALLARAT/Second PRIZE/ Latin and Class work/AWARDED TO/J McGowan/R KENNEDY PRINCIPAL/18TH December, 1879 Hand-written inscription on flyleaf: This book was a Prize/at the first Prize-giving/of the College/The College having been/ established/in 1878. margaret-j-mcgowan, elizabeth-kennedy, robert-kennedy, tom-kennedy, clarendon-ladies-college, latin-and-class-work, book-prize -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Albert Telfer White (1918) collection
Significant items relating to Albert Telfer White who entered Ballarat College April 1912 and left December 1918. Albert was born 29 June 1897 at his home 'Ashford Vale" farm, Cuthbert's Road, Cardigan. Albert, a second generation Australian, was the fourth son and sixth of eleven children born to dairy farmer John White and his wife Elizabeth, nee Douglas. Albert attended Bunker's Hill State School prior to enrolling at Ballarat College. After College he obtained employment with the engineering firm Ronaldson and Tippett in Ballarat. Following his eighteenth birthday Albert enlisted in the AIF in Ballarat with the rank of Private, No 2012. He embarked for the Middle East with 23rd Battalion on 26 August 1915 and was 'taken on strength at the Gallipoli Peninsular 25 October 1915". On 10 January 1916 Albert was posted to Alexandria, Egypt and during this time he was able to meet with his aunt Rose Douglas, an Australian Army Nursing Sister. This was a great comfort to his family. Albert was sent to France 19 March 1916 and transferred to the 22nd Battalion. He was mentioned in dispatches for 'good and gallant conduct' 5 August (1917?). Albert was hospitalised 30 March 1918, rejoined 22nd Battalion 3 June 1918, wounded in action 3 October 1918 but died of wounds at Rouen 10 October 1918. news of his death was received by his family n Australia just prior to the armistice. Albert Telfer White's sacrifice is commemorated at Ballarat College, Avenue of Honour Ballarat (Tree 1214), Ballarat Shire Honour Avenue Learmonth (Tree 163) and the Australian War Memorial Canberra. (These notes provided by family November 2016)Collections of items including: Bayonet, Carl Eickhorn, Solingen, (29.A.159 engraved on handle) Trench shovel The ANZAC book 1916 (flyleaf inscribed: No 2012 / Pte A T White / H Quarters / 22nd Battalion / 6th Inf Brigade / France) Gallipoli medal with documentation First World War Mothers’ and Widows’ Badge Next of Kin Memorial Plaque (Death Penny) and accompanying letter from King George V Imperial War Graves Commission documentation and photograph Australia Graves Services In Memory card and photograph Documentation relating to Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour, Learmonth Memorial Wall, Ballarat and Learmonth Avenues of Honours Documentation from the Australian Army Records office Documentation relating to Military Medal, 1914/15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal (whereabouts unknown, November 2016) Portraiture of Albert Telfer White as a child, as a young adult (civilian dress), in full kit (A I E F formal), and at camp 1915 Portraiture of sisters Cis, Addie, Bessie, Evelyn (with personal inscriptions) Four postcards (one with letter from Albert ‘at sea’ to his mother - undated) Death notice (unreferenced newspaper clipping) Biographical and family relationship details Photocopy of The White Family 1906 showing (standing) Adeline, Leslie, Harold (father), Muriel (mother), William; (seated) Albert, John (Grandfather), Elizabeth, Allan, Elizabeth (Grandmother), Evelyn (baby) and Benjamin The ANZAC book 1916 (flyleaf inscribed: No 2012 / Pte A T White / H Quarters / 22nd Battalion / 6th Inf Brigade / France) Gallipoli medal: engraved on reverse: A T WHITE Embossed lettering on death penny: ALBERT TELFER WHITE Handwritten on reverse of portraits: Lovingly yours / Cis / 21/11/17; your / loving sister / Addie; your loving / sister / Evelyn; Yours lovingly / Bessie Handwritten on back of postcard of ship H M A T 'Anchisis' 14.3.16: Dear Mother, I am sending you a card / of the boat we are on. Our deck is right / on the back. I have marked it with an X. / We are not allowed to put the date on or / where we are. I am sitting on the deck now / holding the card in my hand so it is hard / to write. We are together yet haven't been / separated Bill, Matt and myself. Haven't / had anything to do. I will write a couple / of letters now. Albert Handwritten on back of postcard photograph of Albert at camp: 30th September 1915 / Dear Mother / There is a studio at the / camp so Matt and I got our Photos / taken yesterday morning, & got them/ this morning. I am sending / Ciss one of Matt.albert-telfer-white, ballarat college, world-war-one, avenue-of-honour -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph, Picnic at Orchard House, Cup Day 1909, 1909
The photograph depicts a large group (around 100) of merchant seamen, apprentices and officers at Malvern property, Orchard House, belonging to Mr George Higgins, in November 1019. Mr Higgins was a civil engineer, MCE, engineer in chief for the Victorian Railway, he also managed the contractors for the Princes Bridge.His sister Ina Higgins was first woman to graduate in Horticulture at Burnley and may have known another graduate there, Frederica Godfrey who established the Mission garden circa 1917-18. This image adds to the record of significant supporters and hosts across Melbourne that the Mission could call on to entertain seafarers in the early 20th C.Small monchrome photograph, fading to upper righthand quarter1909, cup day, malvern, george higgins, orchard house, beatrice elizabeth higgins (nee shuter), mrs shuter, charles shuter, ina higgins, picnics, social events, entertainments, sailors, goldsmith album -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Booklet - Memoirs, Aileen Elizabeth Brown, Garnered Sheaves: Memoirs of The Mission to Seamen, Victoria 1853-1934, 1935
Aileen was the daughter of Reverend Richard Vallencey Danne and Mary Danne , nee Johnston, herself daughter of Reverend Kerr Johnston. She was married to Alfred Augustus Brown. In 1935 she wrote the memoirs presented during the annual meeting of the Mission on the 10th of April by her brother, Reverend Noel Johnston Danne. It was sold for fundraising purposes for the Mission. In the article from the Herald published on Wednesday 10 April 1935, page 14 : "An interesting presentation took place during the afternoon when the Rev. N. J. Danne, on behalf of his sister, Mrs A. E. Browne, will present the Mission with a copy of the Memoirs of the Victoria Mission to Seamen from the year 1853, when their grandfather was the first chaplain of the Mission. Further copies of the memoirs were sold to assist the funds of the mission."Medium sized booklet. 16 pages memoirs with blue cover written by Aileen Elizabeth Brown in 1935 tells the beginnings of the mission and Kerr Johnston (1812-1887), seamen's mission chaplain. Foreword written by Aileen Elizabeth Brown. On page 2 are the photographs of the Reverend Kerr Johnston and his wife.reverend noel johnston danne, 1890-1969, aileen elizabeth brown, nee danne, 1879-1956, reverend richard vallencey danne, 1846-1904, mary alice isabelle danne nee johnston, 1851-1926, fundraising, mission to seafarers, seamen's mission, mission to seamen, port melbourne, 1935, memoirs, history, reminiscence -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
One of a collection of over 400 photographs in an album commenced in 1960 and presented to the Phillip Island & Westernport Historical Society by the Shire of Phillip IslandPhotograph of Miss Euphemia Ethel Elizabeth Spencer Middleton Henderson standing with right hand resting on chair back. Sister to Mrs J. D. McHaffie.local history, photography, photographs, miss euphemia henderson, black & white photograph, mchaffies, early settlers, john jenner, bryant west -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Photograph - Digital Image, Betty Black, 1902c
... Studio photograph of Elizabeth (Betty) Black, sister... Plenty Lower Plenty melbourne Studio photograph of Elizabeth ...Studio photograph of Elizabeth (Betty) Black, sister of Lindsay Black. The Black family were early landowners in Watsonia, from Grimshaw Street to Lambourn Road. The Model Studio operated from 330 Smith Street Collingwood from 1902-1904.Digital copy of black and white studio photograph.betty black, black family, elizabeth black, watsonia -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Alonzo Box in Army Uniform c1915, Unrecorded, c1915
Alonzo Box was the nephew of William and Elizabeth Box who resided in the Cottage 1865 - 1913. He was the 9th child of John Box 1841 - 1913 and Martha Sheldrake Box who lived in Oakleigh, Alonzo enlisted in the Army and landed at Gallipoli 25/41915. After the evacuation to Egypt he served in France and Flanders and returned to Melbourne February 1918. Alonzo was a pavier / pitcher who was employed to lay the bluestone drains for the roads and sewerage channels in Moorabbin Shire - a skilled and well paid occupation. Alonzo Box was the 9th child of John Box ,who emigrated to Australia in 1854 with his parents, George and Mary Box , and siblings who included William Box. Alonzo enlisted in the 1st AIF and landed at Gallipoli 25/4/1915. After the evacuation to Egypt he served in France and Flanders before returning to Melbourne in February 1918. He married Mary Closter in June 1918. His elder sister Rebecca, who was a missionary in China, sent a bolt of hand embroidered Chinese silk to Mary for her Wedding Dress. This unique dress is on display at Box Cottage Museum and is recorded on the Australian Dress Register 2015.A large photograph in a wooden frame of Alonzo Box 1881-1958 in 1st AIF Army Uniform c 1915box william, box elizabeth, box alonzo, box mary, closter mary, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh, ormond, mckinnon, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, paviers, roads, sewers, world war 1914-1918, anzac, gallipoli, uniforms australian army, box john, sheldrake martha -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Souvenir - Cloth Badges, n.d
... Elizabeth II's younger sister. Parks Victoria now manages the cave... the site after future Queen Elizabeth II's younger sister. Parks ...The Margaret Rose Caves is a magnificent limestone cave that was found by local property owners in the 1930s who requested permission from Buckingham Palace to name the site after future Queen Elizabeth II's younger sister. Parks Victoria now manages the cave area.Cloth badge, Princess Margaret Rose Caves Vic, black background; white stalagmite framed by red ribbon with black lettering; yellow embroidered border on badge; white backing.souvenir, princess margaret rose caves -
Emerald Museum & Nobelius Heritage Park
Photograph, Nightingale/Thompson Collection, 1899
Photograph of Albert Paul THOMPSON and Elizabeth FLEMING, married 5/4/1899 in Windsor VictoriaThompson CollectionSepia photograph on cream board of couple in wedding attire. Makers Marks: Photo Eden Studios, Paris Panel Superior Finish, Melbourne and Sydney. Inscription on back: Uncle All and Aunt Lis Mum's brother and sister in law.thompson collection, nightingale, -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, The Argus and Australasian Coronation Souvenir 24 May 1937, 24 May 1937
The Argus was a morning daily newspaper in Melbourne that was established in 1846 and closed in 1957 and was considered to be the general Australian newspaper of record for this period. Widely known as a conservative newspaper for most of its history. George VI became King after his brother, King Edward VIII, abdicated in 1936. The coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth as King and Queen of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth and as Emperor and Empress of India took place at Westminster Abbey, London, on 12 May 1937. King George ascended the throne upon the abdication of his brother, King Edward VIII, on 10 December 1936, three days before his 41st birthday. Edward's coronation had been planned for 12 May 1937 and it was decided to continue with his brother and sister-in-law's coronation on the same date. This newspaper provides a detailed pictorial representation of the coronation of King George V1 in London on 12 May, 1937. The commonwealth countries, including Australia joined in the celebration. Saving an item dedicated to the royal family is typical of the general feeling of respect and admiration felt by the rural communities towards the British Royal Family.A special edition souvenir newspaper which is a forty page pictorial commemorating the Coronation of King George VI. It is titled "THE ARGUS and AUSTRALIAN CORONATION SOUVENIR". On the front cover is a coloured painting /print of a horse parade/procession with banners printed by "ROWED". In the bottom right corner is the cost - 1/-. It contains a complete record of the ceremonies as well as large portrait photos of the royal family designed for framing. argus-newspaper george-v1 coronation -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Jean Tillet, Baker Family History, 18/6/2010 (exact)
Comprehensive Baker Family History / John,Ann of 48 pages.John Weaver Baker arrived in Williamstown aboard the "Marion" on 25th January 1848.He was transported from Parkhurst Prison on the Isle of Wight as an "Exile",having been convicted of having in his possesion a silk handkerchief and sentenced to 10 years.On arrival he "left ship at own request",finding his own way to Melbourne and a new life.Proof of birth has at this time not been located,it is possible he may have been an orphan.He met Ann Neligan,an Irish orphan,who along with her sister,Eliza,made the journey from the poor house in Mallow on board ship.They were Married in Melbourne 9th July 1850. They had three daughters Caroline Ann 2nd May 1851,Elizabeth Conchetta 1st April 1853,died 20th August 1853,and Elizabeth born 1854.History of Journey of the Baker family from England and Ireland to Australia, then Melbourne/Ercildoune/Addington and finally to Donald.Family History Book, England / Ireland to Australia. Melbourne to Ercildoune / Addington and Addington to Donald. Author Jean Tillet/ Great Grandaughter.18/06/2010.Baker, John and Ann, Family History.ercildoune, addington, baker family -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 8 items about members of the Langdon family including a family tree: 1/Photocopies of a photograph of the wedding of Mary Langdon and Ewan Campbell on 26/11/1903. 2/Photocopy of an article, source and date unknown, describing the wedding of Mary Langdon and Ewan Campbell. 3/Photocopy of newspaper wedding notice, date and source unknown, announcing the wedding of Dorothy Langdon and J. H. C. Campbell on 11/06/1913. 4/Handwritten and drawn family tree of the Langdon family tree from Henry and Elizabeth Langdon and three generations subsequent. Author and date unknown. 5/Photograph of Order of Service for dedication of a memorial window at St Mary’s Anglican Church, Caulfield to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Langdon on 28/09/1913. 6/Colour photograph of Marie Langdon and Margaret Moxham with the statue of Isabella Webb, Half-sister of Mrs. D. Langdon. 7/Photocopy of photograph of Grace Peterkin, formerly Langdon, and two boys, Stuart and Lang. Date unknown, photographer R. Ballantyne. 8/Photocopy of extracts from ‘Langdon Court – the History of an English Manor House’ dated 1983/1984.campbell ewan, langdon mary, campbell mary, campbell j. h. c., langdon dorothy, campbell dorothy, ‘rosecraddock’, langley h. t. rev., st mary’s anglican church caulfield, langdon henry joseph, langdon elizabeth laetitia lane, caulfield city hall, webb isabella, langdon d. mrs., langdon marie, moxham margaret, peterkin grace, langdon grace, garnett ian maxwell, langdon vernon, statues, somers charles