Historical information
President's overview of the year including: 11 people have graduated with 1 more expected shortly, School meets the cost of flying people into Melbourne to train with dog rather than establish schools around Australia, how Elizabeth and Jean came from New Zealand to train as they wanted to attend a school established by a blind person, returned home but the emigrated back to Australia. Jean suffered a stroke and was cared for by her sister, and when Elizabeth needed to train with a new dog, Jean was able to stay in the Nursing Home opposite the school. Until Lady Nell was established, age restrictions were imposed so that no woman over 45 and no man over 55 could train with a dog, which Mrs Gration changed when establishing the school, with the oldest graduate at 78 and the youngest at 14 years of age. Challenges in getting people who had the dedication to become a guide dog trainer, and the movement of recent appointees. Another previous requirement was that only totally blind people could have a guide dog, which was amended by Mrs Gration so that people with minimal sight could also apply for one. Seeing eye dogs are also de-sexed, which is not always the procedure at other institutions. Some discussion of the activities at the Day Activity Centre, commencement of a two storey building at 12 Thanet Street to increase accommodation and indoor recreation activities, hostel for blind men and women, as well as the St Leeor Private Nursing Home. Discussion about puppy boarders as well as people who have stepped up into the public relations role (Trevor Mayers and Lesley Marsh) due to staff changes, and return of Greg Cooper to a part-time role.
Physical description
1 volume with text and illustrations