Administrative record - Text, "Seeing Eye" 1990 Lady Nell "Seeing Eye" Dog School & Rehabilitation Centre for the Blind, 1990

Administrative record (Series), Lady Nell Seeing Eye Dog School, 1961-2008

Historical information

President's overview of the year including: despite obstacles 10 people graduated with seeing eye dogs this year including some who had suffered health issues and required re-training or delayed training, this was a good achievement given the departure of 2 senior trainers and the lack of suitable puppies, the onslaught of unjustified media attacks has wrecked public relations work, the distinction that the Guide Dog Owners and Friends Association conducts the Seeing Eye Dog School (and not the other way around) as well as other activities which take time and money, hostel continues to provide accommodation, case against The Herald newspaper for defamation for it's very damaging article in 'The Herald and Weekly Times newspaper', litigation with Government due to biased investigation, disbanding of two auxiliaries due to age of members and adverse publicity about the school, thanks to Barbara Peach and her husband for their support during difficult times, Faye Rea for her devotion to the work in Queensland, and various other individuals. Annual Report for Guide Dog Owners and Friends Association is also included with list of committee members, net surplus, auditor's report, biographical notes of Executive Director and Facts about Lady Nell Seeing Eye Dog School and Rehabilitation Centre.

Physical description

1 volume with text and illustrations

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