Administrative record - Text, "Seeing Eye" 1987 Lady Nell "Seeing Eye" Dog School & Rehabilitation Centre for the Blind, 1987

Administrative record (Series), Lady Nell Seeing Eye Dog School, 1961-2008

Historical information

President's overview of the year including: completion of reception room which joins 16 and 18 Thanet Street, thoughts on the success of the school, attendance at International Dog Guide Conference in London, over 27 years the school has trained over 800 dogs, deaths of Jack Franks and Thelma McKenniariey, assisted actor Robert Menzies portray a blind character in the movie 'Cactus', difficulties in running the hostel and day centre with few qualified people to fill vacancies for the former and lack of volunteer drivers for the latter, decision to close Cairns shop, resignation of Kevin O'Mahoney and difficulties in replacing him, long cane training in Queensland, demand for guest speakers, thank you to work experience students, welcome to Ray Owens, presentation of Anzac Award by Lt Governor at Government House, beginning of in-house breeding program - rather that rely on donations of suitable puppies - with Roz McNaught, Alf Krummel and Dawn Robinson providing and housing these dogs.

Physical description

1 volume with text and illustrations

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